The First Order

Chapter 1034: Lian

Normal people see such a big box, how can they not continue to ask?

Not to mention others, the material of this box is not ordinary. If normal people see it, they will feel that it contains extremely valuable things.

But these herbalists seem to be very honest, they didn't ask anything.

A bonfire was burning on the open ground, and the medicine collectors separately picked up firewood, but it was not easy to find dry wood in this dense forest. Basically, they found pine trees and split the branches, using pine oil to help burn.

There was a crackling noise in the campfire, and a man smiled and said to Li Shentan and Xiaoliren: "I'll find some condiments and we will bake something later."

Li Shentan responded with a smile: "Is there any ready-made sauce in this mountain?"

"Your barriers don't see much in the mountains at first sight," the man smiled heartily. "There is nothing in this mountain. Pepper and octagonal peppers. I really want to find anything. I can find everything. And some fruit pulp is spread on the food. Shang, especially sweet and delicious, I'll find it for you. "

"Okay, thank you brother," Li Shentan said.

A herbalist asked casually while taking advantage of the gap: "Right, what are you doing here?"

"We heard that the typhoon in the south looks particularly spectacular. Occasionally, we can see the sea water being sucked into the sky by tornadoes. It is said that this kind of scene is called dragon-sucking water," Li Shentan laughed.

The medicine collectors by the campfire were stunned for a moment. Everyone looked at each other, and said that it was the first time they heard that someone was going to watch the typhoon.

At this time, Li Shentan replied: "Right, when you saw us just now, you entered the territory unintentionally. Why, is there anyone living here?"

The herbalist smiled and said, "We also heard from other old herbalists who called this place more than two hundred miles round and called Xiuzhuzhou, which has many water systems, but there are also many melasma areas, and occasionally there are swamps. The pharmacists do n’t come often. We also bought 11 herbs because of the sudden price over there at the barrier. We did n’t find it anywhere else. We only came here in Xiuzhuzhou. "

Li Shentan found that in the more than two hundred years after the catastrophe, herbalists should have become a very mature industry, and it still seems to be inherited.

However, the herbalists continue to say: "Previously, some herbalists said that there are actually people living in Xiuzhuzhou, and the other party has some mysterious means to live in this mountain. According to them, these people can inhale It's ashamed and nothing, but it can also control the poisonous insects, snakes and ants to practice Gu. "

"How did this old herbalist know?" Li Shentan wondered.

A medicine collector next to me said, "This is the most appropriate thing for me. After all, this story came from my grandfather. He said that there was a person in the barrier who needed a blind medicinal material to cure a disease and had to enter the Xiu strain. The state can only look for it. But at that time, everyone did not dare to enter here, so the nobles offered two gold bars for a price reward, and only two herbalists were willing to enter the mountain. "

"The medicine picker had been in Xiuzhuzhou for half a year. Everyone thought he was dead, but he came back alive without thinking, and he came back alone."

"According to him, the herbalist who went with him to the mountain died of measles halfway, and he was rescued by a group of people named Lian and cultivated in that tribe of Lian for half a year. . "

"The Nalian tribe is a bit strange, it's actually female-oriented, and it's quite magical. Our Central Plains have heard of extraordinary people in recent years, but my grandfather's generation said, Everyone can practice Gu and can practice corpses! And there are copper corpses, silver corpses, and iron corpses in this practice. "

Li Shentan raised his eyebrows: "It's so terrifying, how can the drug-gatherer still come back alive, it should be trained to be a dead body."

"You don't know about this," the herbalist laughed. "The seniors who came back said that although the Lian tribe sounded scary, the girls inside were beautiful and beautiful, and they practiced the corpse just to prevent foreign enemies. , Does not hurt people. So the senior once told us that if one day really entered Xiuzhuzhou, there is no need to panic when meeting Lian people, just tell them that they did not intend to offend, and the other party will not hurt people. And if If it's fortunate, the other party might still be warm and entertained. It is said that they are very hospitable. "

The herbalists are frowning, and this hospitable hospitality may be a mystery.

"It turned out to be so," Li Shentan always felt that there was something mysterious in this statement. How did Xiu Zhuzhou, where the Lian people live, sound like a paradise.

But if the other party said that it was true, then Xiu Zhuzhou was quite interesting. Li Shentan wanted to take a look.

If it was not for the large number of customers who had taken medicines here, he would like to yell at the woods for the presence of a girl from the Lian tribe.

However, Li Shentan has doubts about this. He feels that someone who can practice corpses and guts should be quite cruel ...

The predecessor of the herbalist should not have told the truth.

Since the body needs to be practiced, where does the body come from? Could someone give the senior herbalist a benefit, deliberately let him describe the Lian tribe very well, making everyone want to go to this paradise, and then the Lian tribe can trick the corpse back to practice?

Li Shentan suddenly felt that he was so witty, this explanation seemed very reasonable, right? !

A herbalist said with emotion: "Now that the Central Plains is in chaos, many people have heard this story and want to seek refuge in the pure land of Xiuzhuzhou. We are not only here to gather medicine, but also want to try our luck."

Li Shentan froze for a moment: "War? A war?"

The herbalists laughed: "How long have you been lost in the mountains, how can you not even know this? The fire in the north and the Kong's have been almost completely annexed by the Wangs. According to everyone's estimates, I am afraid that it will be completely annexed this month. Thing. Then Zhou was made a fuss again by the young commander in the northwest. Now Zhou is in a state of chaos, and seeing that Wang has packed up the fire and Kong, it is time to clean up Zhou. "

Li Shentan whispered to Si Liren: "Broken, I missed such a wonderful thing!"

During the speech, Li Shentan's expression appeared annoyed. In his opinion, how could Ren Xiaosu make trouble with the Zhou family, how could he miss it!

If we make a noise together again, it means that we have not missed it. This logic is very smooth!

Li Shentan said: "Why do n’t we stop watching the typhoon, go to the northwest to find Ren Xiaosu, and then we go to the Zhou family again ..."

Xiaoliren looked at Li Tantan silently: "... Are you serious."

Whispering, the herbalist who went out looking for condiments came back. The other party held a few brightly colored fruits in his hand, then spread them on the roasted meat and handed them to Li Shentan and Si Liren: " Try it, it smells good. "

Li Shentan did not pick up the barbecue, but smiled and did not know where to take a silver coin. The woman on the silver coin looked very gentle and beautiful.

He said to the herbalists: "Thank you for your hospitality, it ’s better to change my magic and thank you."

With that, he flipped the silver coin up with his thumb, and when the silver coin turned, it made a very clear sound.

Li Shentan looked at the herbalists and said with a smile: "Now I ask, you answer, what will happen if you eat this fruit?"

"He will vomit, and he will suddenly die with foam," the herbalist answered dumbly.

"Why give me this?" Li Shentan asked.

"Because you two must have possessions, there must be a baby in the box," the herbalist replied: "You should be transcendents, but this fruit will certainly die even if the transcendents eat them."

Li Shentan understood that the other party guessed the identity of the transcendental person of himself and Si Liren, but the other party was so brave that he relied on his proficiency in pharmacology.

He felt a little pity that he had just said not to hypnotize these people, but he was still hypnotized.

However, Li Shentan felt that these were not good people, so it was not a violation of his agreement with Ren Xiaosu! perfect!

But at this moment, Li Shentan suddenly looked at the dark woods behind him, and a human face hung upside down under the canopy in the distance, looking terrible.

Li Shentan was just a blink of an eye, and the convenience disappeared again.

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