The First Order

Chapter 1040: Chi Gu

What is Chi Gu, "Li Shentan asked to calm himself.

If the red grub is a guilty gut that the other party needs to use on themselves, then this proves that the other party is a bad person.

If the other party is a bad person, then you can let go to hypnotize yourself!

These women thought that they had already caught their hands, but the question was whether the hypnotism of the demon whisperer could be understood by ordinary people? In just one sentence, he can hypnotize everyone here!

Ripple looked at Li Shentan and said, "We will live together in the future. We might as well tell you that Chi Gu is the secret that my family does not pass. The Chi Gu is as small as a needle, and it may not be found even if it is flying around on weekdays. After practicing Gu, you can control it to **** its own blood, and then let it parasitize in the target body. At this time, the target will fall in love with the Gu control person from the heart.

Li Shentan froze for a moment. Perhaps the most complicated thing in the world is emotion. How could someone use a small bug to manipulate others' emotions?

Moreover, this thing does not seem to be a bad thing, the other party uses this grub in order to get his own feelings, it seems that the other party is not directly defined as a bad person ...

What is the definition of bad guy in the eyes of Li Shentan? Probably doing something that hurts others.

But now, Ripple is doing this, I am afraid it should be a very happy thing in the eyes of many men,

What should I do, although he still can't use hypnosis, but he really doesn't want to be punished.

He turned his gaze to Xiaoliren, only to find that Xiaoliren was looking excitedly at the cinnabar box in Ripple's hand. It seemed he couldn't wait to see that he was being guilty!

Ripple said to Li Shentan: "You do n’t have to worry about it harming your health. Once it drinks my blood to parasitize your body, it will not only make you healthier and stronger, but also make you have a body training. Ability, when you and I are on equal footing, we will be in charge of this Zhaizi in Xiuzhou. "

Li Shentan looked weird. This was like ripples saying to him: Look, this Xiuzhuzhou is the mountain I laid for you.

Chi Gu is very special among the Lian tribe. It will maintain the feelings of the two people and will never betrayed. Under normal circumstances, the patriarch's note is no different from ordinary men. In Zhaizi, there is no social status, but the Chi Gu patriarch is used A note will become a respected existence.

The logic of this is probably that a man who does not use Chi Gu is still unreliable and untrustworthy, but a man who uses Chi Gu is a good man and can have a higher status as a woman.

Speaking of which, this is also one of the characteristic customs of the Lian people.

But in this way, Li Shentan is even more unable to use hypnosis, because the other party not only sends people, but also sends Zhaizi, how can you find such a good thing in this world? If you want to use hypnosis against such a person, isn't it the opposite of a good person? The opposite of good people is bad people!

However, he really does not want to be punished!

Li Shentan slowly calmed down and said to Ripples: "I don't believe it! I don't believe you, Chi Gu is so magical!"

Ripples was angry: "Why don't you believe it!"

"Who dares to say that he can control his emotions in this world?"

"Chi Gu will do it!"

"I do not believe!"

Ripplingly wanted to hit someone: "Then I will show you."

As he said, Ripple directly drew his dagger from his waist and pointed at Li Altar: "You reach out to me, I let Chi Gu drink your blood, and then parasitize it on me, let you see this Chi Gu in the end Does it work! See if my feelings for you are true! "

Li Shentan reached out his hand: "Okay!"

As a result, Ripple smiled strangely: "Are you really thinking that I'm so stupid, press me to press him."

Li Shentan was helpless: "Slow down, we have something to say."

Changed to any other place, Li Altar will not be so powerless, he will be killed directly when he meets the bad guys, there is no such trouble.

But it is this strange Xiuzhou Zhuzhou Lian clan, which seems to be extraordinarily cruel, but in fact it is doing such things as giving away people and sending villages ...

It's unreasonable to make trouble!

Li Shentan calmed down and said, "This is the case. I have a way to treat your clan. Will we talk about the matter between the two of us later? Let me cure them first. Could you? Do n’t ignore the lives of your own people! "

Ripple froze for a moment: "You have a way to treat them? Don't lie to me, if you have no choice but to follow me quickly, a wedding banquet will be held for them tonight."

Altar of Li is about to collapse. When did you fall into the legendary ranks of the Central Plains, the demon whisperer, and the child stopper, when did you fall to the point of gratifying others? !

How did you enter this Xiuzhou city? Nothing is normal? !

"I said it can be cured, so I will definitely be able to cure it," Li Shentan said. "You can let these silver corpses and copper corpses loose. I can't do it. It only takes a moment for you to understand."

Ripple thought for a while, she directly recruited her golden corpse to wait beside Li Shentan to prevent him from playing tricks, and then let everyone loosen Li Shentan.

Li Shentan looked at the golden corpse, and saw that the other party was actually a kind-hearted old man, except that the skin was golden, and there were no exceptions.

He took a satellite phone from his backpack and dialed the nonsense number directly hands-free: "Grandpa!"

Hu Jiexian was a little surprised: "It's rare that you call me, what happened?"

Li Shentan took a deep breath and said, "I was in Xiuzhou Zhuzhou in the south. I was **** for marriage and said that I would have a son early ..."

Nonsense: "This is good."

Li Shentan was immediately disturbed, even if Xiaoliren didn't help himself, even Grandpa followed him.

And at this moment, the ripples on the side suddenly said crisply: "Grandpa is good."

Li Shentan looked at Ripples in shock, and shouted to Grandpa anyway?

But **** didn't mind, but laughed on the phone: "Hello, hello, I have something to do in Central Plains recently. When these things are done, I will see you and help you bring your children ..."

"Let's talk about the business first," Li Shentan forcibly interrupted. "That's it. Over twenty people in this village have headaches and brain fever. Grandma, can you send me some medicine, antibiotics or something? Treat them Inflammation? "

Hu said after thinking for a while, "This is no problem. Wang's recent control of drugs is very strict, but I should be able to get a batch here."

"No," Ripple shook her head and said, "Grandpa, you can come, but you can't let other outsiders come to Xiuzhuzhou casually, and you can't let them know the location of Zhaizi."

Li Shentan looked helplessly at Ripples: "Is the position of this village more important than twenty lives?"

Ripple's lips didn't speak, and it seemed a bit embarrassing.

The Lian people have been living in Xiu Zhuzhou for more than two hundred years. It is like a paradise here, and they really don't want to be disturbed by outsiders.

Even if someone gets lost and walks in, how can more people know this position?

Li Shentan sighed: "Grandpa, is there any way to make antibiotics?"

Nonsense thought across the phone and suddenly said: "You must not be able to make penicillin, erythromycin, tetracycline and the like ... but there is an antibiotic that can really be made, allicin! This stuff is basically used for breeding in the Central Plains. Field, but if other medicines cannot be delivered, it is indeed your best choice now. "


Goodnight everybody

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