The First Order

Chapter 1051: The third weapon, unlock!

The steam train thundered away from the northwest, and drove from the mountains to the Central Plains again.

Da Houyou cared in the car and said: "Young Master, you have a rest. You didn't take a good rest when you were camping yesterday. This is really not anxious for Daxing Northwest."

Ren Xiaosu shook his head and said: "I'm not sleepy yet, so you go to bed first, after six hours you wake up and take over for me."

"Okay, the handsome man, you're tired and told me," Da Huoyou was indeed sleepy. Since they went to the northwest of Daxing, Zhongyuan, abducted people, they have not rested well for more than twenty hours Extraordinary people are more energetic, but after all, Big Fool's is older.

Ren Xiaosu is actually a little sleepy, but he ca n’t wait to see what the third weapon in his palace is!

When Da Houyou entered the car and went to bed, Ren Xiaosu immediately said to the palace in his mind: "Thanks for the 15,000 coins now, has it reached the condition to unlock the third weapon, right?"

"Yes, does it cost 10,000 thank-you coins to unlock?" The palace asked in a voice.


Ren Xiaosu waited silently, but this time the weapon was unlocked but he disappeared.

Inside the palace, it was displayed like a circular library shelf. A delicate small lattice lit up, but it was empty inside.

He was puzzled: "What about things?"

The palace did not answer him.

Suddenly, the palace began to vibrate, and Ren Xiaosu felt his right hand stretched out in a sense, a hot but harmless energy was gathering in his hands.

Above the sky above the steam train, a huge vortex started to condense.

The steam train is moving at a high speed, so the huge vortex above the head is also moving fast with the steam train.

Fortunately, this is a wilderness of five people, otherwise someone will be shocked by the vision of this world.

A purple eye suddenly appeared in the gray vortex.

Ren Xiaosu stared at his right hand outstretched, and the big flicker in the next car was also alarmed. He hurriedly pushed open the door and ran to the front of the car: "Young Master, I feel a little wrong, young Master! An eye appeared on the head It ’s not that I ’ve leaked too many heavenly gifts.

"Leaked the heavenly machine?" Ren Xiaosu said with a smirk: "What kind of heavenly machine have you leaked? It's obviously a lot of deception!"

However, at this moment, the huge energy in the hands of Ren Xiaosu suddenly began to condense, and actually a black stone was formed.

The black stone was only one punch in size, and it was a bit warm in the hand, but the most weird thing was that the vortex above the sky had begun to fade away, and the purple eyes on the vortex appeared above this black stone. .

Ren Xiaosu asked in his mind, "What is this?"

But the palace replied: "No permission to inform."

At this time, Da Huyou looked at Ren Xiaosu in surprise for a long time, and finally his eyes fell on Ren Xiaosu's hand: "Young Master, the vision on that day has something to do with you?"

Ren Xiaosu didn't hide, he nodded. He didn't say the origin of the black stone, so Da Huyou didn't ask any more.

Ren Xiaosu silently looked at the palace. This time, the palace did not prompt the progress of the next weapon unlocking. That is to say, this is the last weapon the palace can give him!

The question is coming, I will soon earn tens of thousands of thank-you coins. What can these thank-you coins do besides exchange for pop poker and plant seeds?

But I saw that a new merchandise grid lit up at the vending machine in the palace, and there were small gray-white stones inside. Each stone was exactly the same shape, and it also had the shape of an eye. Lines.

Product Name: Skilled Stone.

Ren Xiaosu was stunned for a long while, what did it all matter, what nerves suddenly appeared in the palace, and what he could not understand.

Just don't know why, he suddenly felt that this sellable proficient stone and the third weapon in his hand might become very important.

Since he owned the palace, although the palace does not look serious, it has not done anything superfluous!

Ren Xiaosu exchanged a thank-you coin for a skillful stone, which was very soft like a lime block in his hand, and the skill stone was crushed with a little effort, but the problem was that there was no What reaction.

The palace suddenly uttered in his mind: "Without corresponding ability can increase the proficiency, the skilled stone is invalid."

Ren Xiaosu muttered in his heart: "What the **** is this, don't you have so many extraordinary abilities, why can't you have the corresponding abilities, then why do you use this skilled stone ?! Bah, profiteers!"

Palace: "No permission to inform."

However, at this moment, Da Huyou suddenly said aside: "Young Master, the black stone in your hand, I look a little familiar."

Ren Xiaosu froze for a moment and looked at Da Huyou: "Do you know?"

"I'm not too sure," Da Houyou whispered, "You also know that our 178 fortress has fought against enemies outside the northwest. Although all the battles ended in our victory, but the 178 fortress also paid a very painful price. A war was 17 years ago. At that time, I was still a company commander. When I drove the enemy back, my company ’s comrades left 20%. The sign of this eye is a bit like what I saw at the time. . "

"You mean, this kind of thing appeared in that war?" Ren Xiaosu wondered.

"Yes, when we cleaned the battlefield later, we saw a few pieces that were pieced together. This is the shape of the eyes," Da Houyou recalled: "It's just that the pieces of stone look tattered and not handsome. Your hands are so delicate, and the lines of your eyes are blurry. At that time, the commander also ordered us to look for them. As a result, I only found the broken ones. I did n’t see a complete one. I do n’t know what it does. "

"Is it all broken," Ren Xiaosu whispered, "What are the enemies outside the northwest, and why did they come?"

"The enemies outside the northwest are also humans, but they are slightly different from our races," Da Huyou said. "It is said that in the early days of the catastrophe, that is, about two hundred years ago, they began to plunder the population on our site, in large numbers. Their compatriots were robbed to places outside the Northwest, and the number is estimated to be hundreds of thousands, or even millions. The 178 stronghold was also built specifically for them. At that time, our Central Plains human civilization has not yet revived, and they seem to There was a mysterious inheritance before the catastrophe, so the martyrs faced them extremely hard and suffered a lot of casualties. "

Ren Xiaosu was thinking, millions of people were looted early in the catastrophe? At that time, the number of the entire barrier alliance was probably only a few million, not the tens of millions now.


There is a chapter at night

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