The First Order

Chapter 1056: Young Master Enters the City

The fact that Wang launched a war against Zhou suddenly shocked the entire barrier alliance.

The first field division of the Wang group army crossed Luocheng with lightning speed and reached the northern defense line of Zhou. Although Zhou had been prepared for a long time, Zhou ’s defense was now lax, and even the military discipline was lax so that the war began. In the first week.

The Zhou Group headed by Zhou Qingyang began to leave the barrier 73 and moved Zhou's political center to the south.

This shrinking attitude also made the generals of Zhou's heart chill. Many people said that the generations of Zhou Shiji and Zhou Shoushi were the last glory of Zhou's.

No one paid attention to this hustle and bustle. At the northwest barrier 144, there was an off-road vehicle at this time, driving alone to the more lonely fortress 178 in the distance.

Today, Northwest China is lively and prosperous after opening up business.

The entire northwestern area originally belonged to more than ten barriers of the Zong clan, like a huge matrix, built and developed around the barrier 144 around the clock.

Only the 178 stronghold stands in the more remote northwest, but the mottled but majestic.

Nowadays, business people do not like to go to the 178 fortress because there are more soldiers in the Northwest Army, so the profit of doing business in the 178 fortress has been far inferior to other barriers.

Moreover, other fortresses in the northwest are only one or two hundred kilometers apart, but if they want to go to the 178 fort, they can only start from the nearest barrier 141 and then pass through the no-man's area of ​​nearly 400 kilometers.

There is no place to cheer on the road, there is no place to eat, everything is desolate.

Due to the lack of traffic, sandstorms caused by soil erosion nearby will often cover the highway with a layer of yellow sand.

Ren Xiaosu drove the off-road vehicle all the way across the highway, and the huge yellow sand was lifted by the wheels, like the off-road vehicle dragging the long tail, like a meteor across the wilderness.

He departed from barrier 144 in the morning, and when he arrived at 178 fortress, it was already evening.

The former Xiaosu had also been here, but when he saw the towering fortress again, he still felt shocked in his heart.

This is a fortress that is completely different from other barriers. Everything was built for war. There are dense shooting stacks above the city walls, and there are honeycomb holes in the gaps.

From the outside, this fortress is extremely depressing, and when you enter it, you can see the complex structure inside the fortress wall.

Different roads lead to all parts of the fortress wall, with wide tracks for transporting artillery, and "horse tracks" for soldiers to pass through.

Ren Xiaosu can even imagine how lively that wall would be when the fortress came again one day.

Xu Xianchu had been waiting outside the 178 fortress gate early. When he saw Ren Xiaosu, it was convenient for Ren Xiaosu to hug after getting off the bus: "Long time no see, let's go, the commander is waiting for you."

Ren Xiaosu smiled and said: "Long time no see, old Xu."

Xu Xianchu suddenly felt that Ren Xiaosu called this old Xu's exceptional skill and kindness as if they had never been separated.

This made Xu Xianchu feel that Ren Xiaosu absolutely took him as a friend!

The two walked all the way to the fortress. Ren Xiaosu planned to drive, but Xu Xianchu stopped it with a smile: "The commander specifically explained that from now on, you need to walk."

Ren Xiaosu was surprised: "Doesn't it mean that you only need to hike when you walk through the checkpoints, why do you start now? Is there such a rule?"

"Oh, it's not a rule," Xu Xianchu said with a smile: "It's the commander who wants the people in the fortress to see what their young commanders look like, so they don't know afterwards."

Ren Xiaosu froze for a moment. At this time, he found that people on both sides of the road began to come constantly, not for anything else, just to see his young handsome.

Everyone was smiling with goodwill, and the residents on the roadside were full of onlookers.

Xu Xianchu explained with a smile: "Fortress 178 takes pride in guarding its homeland. If someone in the family can be elected to the Northwest Army, it would be a shining thing for the lintel, and it would have to invite neighbors to eat. Everyone loves us, so It ’s normal to wonder what your young handsome looks like. "

Ren Xiaosu smiled dumbly: "It's a bit exaggerated."

Xu Xianchu glanced at the young girls gathered nearby, and then said with a smile: "If you don't know that you and the girl have a strong relationship, there will be a lot of matchmakers stopping you on the road. It is also emotional. The barrier came out, you are a refugee, I am a desolate private army officer, nowadays, you are already a young handsome in the northwest of China! "

At this time, an old man on the roadside smiled and said: "Comrade Xiao Xu doesn't have to be arrogant, you are the king of the pot in our northwest! They all say that your black pot is superb and can cover the sky!"

Xu Xianchu reserved: "The old man has won the prize, and he has won the prize!"

Ren Xiaosu: "..."

He didn't even know that Xu Xianchu actually had the title of Guo Wang ...

And what the **** is this black pot that can cover the sky, how big is Xu Xianchu's black pot? !

"That ..." Ren Xiaosu casually asked: "How old is your black pot?"

Xu Xianchu said with a smile: "It's not as exaggerated to cover the sky and the sun, it looks like a few tens of meters in diameter."

"That's big enough!" Ren Xiaosu said with emotion.

At this time, there were several veterans standing by the roadside in military uniforms. They were all gray-haired, and their bodies were ricketing down, but the military medals worn on their chests were shining brightly.

The entry of the young master into the city seems to be a ceremony. From today onwards, the authority of the Northwest will alternate little by little, until Zhang Jinglin finally put all the power in his hands safely and steadily in the hands of Ren Xiaosu. .

A veteran watched Ren Xiaosu walk through the long street and whispered: "I heard that this young commander is particularly capable of playing, but I don't know if he will be like the old commander and commander Zhang, and be compassionate to the recruits below."

Another veteran laughed and scolded: "Does this kind of thing still need you old worries to worry about? You are old!"

These veterans are very old. When Zhang Jinglin became the commander, they had already retired. When Zhang Jinglin entered the city as a marshal that year, they also stood on the street like this, looking far away.

The old commander they said was not Zhang Jinglin, but Zhang Jinglin's predecessor.

Someone beside him smiled at this time: "In the previous battle with Zong Clan, the Jian Dao even made a lot of warfare under his leadership, but none of them died. So he will guard here like the commanders of the fortresses in the past, rest assured."

Several veterans turned around and found out that Zhang Jinglin didn't know when they were standing beside them. Ren Xiaosu also found Zhang Jinglin's figure and smiled and said hello: "Mr. Zhang."

Zhang Jinglin came out from the crowd: "Ready? This decision is made, but you are not allowed to look back."


There are two chapters in the evening. It may be very late. Now it ’s time to go live and eat elbows ...

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