The First Order

Chapter 1059: Too rude!

More than 200,000 heroes are sleeping under the bronze bell in the square. I'm afraid no one had thought that this would happen before.

Those barrier residents who came to commemorate the heroes can't think of it. In fact, they can hear the words of their own mourning.

However, Ren Xiaosu is not concerned about these things now. He only feels that if his heroic temple can carry so many heroes, then the entire barrier alliance may be able to walk sideways.

Even if the Wangs, who have launched a full-scale war and recalled veterans, now seem to have only more than 200,000 troops, right?

It's just that, as Luo Lan said, the contract of the Heroic Spirit Temple is of equal status. If you call the other party, there is no way for the other party to accept your call.

"What's the matter with Zhang Jinglin's kid? Why did he choose such an unreasonable kid as the next commander?" In the noisy voice, a hero suddenly said.

Ren Xiaosu was not happy when he heard this, "Who is not serious? How do you talk to your elders?"

When the heroes heard Ren Xiaosu say this on the spot, they would vomit: "Everyone who tells a false story has believed it, can your kid be shameless?"

This group of heroes are called Zhang Jinglin every day. They are all called "boys" and "boys", and suddenly a big living person is forced to pretend to be their elders.

"Your kid is the one with a lot of crooked eyes!"

"Yes, this kid has a bad stomach, and he tricked us into saying age first!"

Ren Xiaosu blacked his face: "You are serious? I have heard everything you discussed before. You tell me, where are you serious? Just said that there is a pretty **** the street standing out for me! All the people buried in the soil , And go out to see the little girl all day long, old and serious! Say, have you ever seen someone take a bath ?! "

The heroes were furious: "It was only after she passed by here that we saw it. Do you think we are so nasty? How can we do such a thing! And we can't leave this square at all!"

"Who knows," Ren Xiaosu pouted.

Ren Xiaosu did not want to continue arguing with these heroes, but said patiently: "Who can you protect here? If there are really enemies coming, you can only look at the fun. In case that the Rush wizard is much stronger, this 178 fortress It ’s all flattened out. No one will commemorate you by then, you have to disappear? Do you know? "

The heroes slowly fell silent, and Ren Xiaosu continued: "Look, everyone was desperate to fight with the group of wizards outside the northwest. Now if you enter my temple of heroes, I will take you directly to push them down. Think about it. Not very relieved? "

It ’s just that the heroes do n’t buy it: “We ’ve already finished the battle we have fought, and you rarely come to talk to us. When you enter your temple of heroes, you become a person under your control. Do n’t say you are just an alternative commander. Not even if other old commanders came! "

Ren Xiaosu found that he could not convince these heroes at all, so he gave up.

Seeing that more than 200,000 heroes could not be used for their own sake, Ren Xiaosu still had a bit of pain.

But this kind of thing can't be forced, Ren Xiaosu said: "OK, then everyone rest, I'm gone!"

"Wait," said the thick voice before, "You come back that kid."

Ren Xiaosu turned around and wondered: "What else ?!"

"That ... you give us specifics about what happened in the Northwest recently," said the thick voice.

These heroes held for a long time under the bronze bell. Although more than 200,000 people could chat to relieve their boredom, but for nearly two hundred years, they were too tired to talk to each other.

And they cannot leave under the bronze bell. Some people who commemorate them will say something about what happened in the Northwest, but the problem is that they will not be particularly detailed.

Sometimes when great things happen in the northwest, for example, when their ancestors are disgusted, some people will come with the newspapers of the day and tell them to see how strong the Northwest Army of 178 Fortress is now.

At that time, more than two hundred thousand heroes would huddle together to read the newspaper, but before they finished reading, the people who commemorated them burned the newspaper ...

In the concept of mourners, burn the newspaper and the newspaper will come to them, so it is also kind to burn the newspaper.

But the spirits were so angry that they couldn't see it when the newspaper burned.

Especially the feeling that the newspaper was burned just after seeing half of it was maddening.

At this time, everyone will have a month-long quarrel, guessing what is written in the second half of the newspaper.

In order to prevent this kind of thing from happening, everyone even divides the work. A group of people look at the first half of the first edition and another group looks at the second half of the first edition. Version……

Only in this way can everyone put together the contents of a newspaper.

Although the process sounds fun, sometimes people make mistakes in putting together the newspaper content. When they make mistakes, they blame each other.

If they have the ability to buy newspapers by themselves, they will never be so tired of themselves!

And the problem is that the newspapers are not burned every day, and it can only be seen once in a week or two.

Therefore, the spirits are extremely eager for what happens outside.

"That boy, tell us what happened in the Northwest recently," said the thick voice again.

Ren Xiaosu snorted slightly, the corner of his mouth slightly raised.

He turned around and sat next to the bronze bell: "Four or five hours before dawn, I will give you a good talk."

When the heroes looked at this posture, they suddenly got their spirits. You have to know that they haven't communicated with "outsiders" for a long time. Now that there is someone who can talk to them, it means that they suddenly have a channel to communicate with the outside world. !

Ren Xiaosu said: "The change in the northwest has to start with the Zong clan. On that day, Wang Shengzhi, the person of the Wang consortium, personally came to the northwest to visit Mr. Zhang Jinglin Zhang and wanted to reopen the business road. The bandits cut off the road and isolate the 178 fortress from contact with the outside world. At this time, it has been 16 years since the last Northwest War. Mr. Zhang worried that the foreign enemy in the northwest has grown. The 178 fortress will no longer be able to stop them if they do not seek progress. After swaying my heart, I decided to eradicate Zong's northwest cancer ... "

"We all know this, what happened later?" Asked the thick voice.

Ren Xiaosu thought for a while and said, "Let's talk about the chaos in the Central Plains. When I arrived in the Central Plains, the barbarians in the north suddenly invaded the Central Plains. Barrier 176 was like tofu under their iron ride."

The heroes said eloquently, "Yes, yes, that's the thing. There was a kid before to burn the newspaper. It was too fast. We burned it before we saw it, so I don't understand this. Details of the matter. "

"Details?" Ren Xiaosu smiled: "Please listen to the breakdown next time, OK, it's getting late. I'm going back to bed."

After talking, Ren Xiaosu went straight away.

Behind them came the roars of the heroes: "This is so lacking in virtue, I said why I suddenly told our stories so kindly, the co-author intentionally aroused our curiosity, and then came to disgust us!"

"Tete is so lacking in morals, why is there such a lack of morality in the commander of the Northwest Army ?!"


One day off today, only one chapter ...

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