The First Order

Chapter 1115: Tentative

Qian Weining led the caravan's guards to collect all the longbows and arrows brought by the bandits: "Bring them all back, the leather armor is also pulled down for them, and you can use it when you go back and wipe."

He took the bandit's long bow in his hand and pulled the bow twice. As soon as he got started, he found out that the bandit's bow was actually better than the one distributed by their chamber of commerce!

This made Qian Weining feel more and more wrong, who can use this good bow?

something wrong!

However, Qian Weining didn't say anything. Instead, he let the caravan guards put on these good bows and said to one of the guards on the way back: "Chen Lin, you go back and ask other businessmen, they also brought some guards to see Distribute to anyone who is good at using bows and arrows. "

The guard froze for a moment: "Chairman Qian, I am afraid that we will be criticized. We use bows and arrows privately. This is a prohibited weapon."

"One more bow will give you more power," Qian Weining whispered. "I'm afraid it won't be too peaceful along the way. Are you going to die or be disciplined? Rest assured, I will tell Chairman Li when I go back. He will settle it. "

Ren Xiaosu heard these words and said that Qian Weining was a personal talent. He glanced at the weapons of the bandits and wanted to understand many things. No wonder the Yorkshire Chamber of Commerce chose him as vice president.

So, do you want to abduct to the northwest of Daxing? Ren Xiaosu is thinking seriously.

However, this kind of talent is not urgently needed in the Northwest. After all, the battle modes of the two sides are very different. If Qian Weining is abducted to Daxing Northwest, it may take a long time to adapt to the Northwest war.

Moreover, in a short period of time, Qian Weining's ability is more suitable to be a company commander, and has not much impact on the overall situation in the northwest.

Observe again, Ren Xiaosu temporarily let go of this thought.

When the crowd returned to the camp, many people nervously stood up from the campfire to pay attention, Qian Weining said with a smile: "The bandits are dead, don't worry, in addition, our caravan has used bow and arrow friends Please come here. "

An **** looked at Ren Xiaosu: "Professor, do you need to take a longbow?"

"No," Ren Xiaosu said with a smile: "The rich president will protect us with this arrow. What longbow do I use, it is a waste of arrows."

After he finished, he went back to the campfire.

What surprised Ren Xiaosu was that the young man named Chen Cheng also followed, Mei Ge raised his head and asked Ren Xiaosu: "This is?"

Chen Cheng smiled and said: "I am a friend that Brother Xiaosu just met."

Ren Xiaosu shook his head: "I don't know."

Mego: "..."

Chen Cheng: "..."

At this time, it was actually the two sheepmen who gave Chen Cheng a sympathetic look, and said to him who you are not a good friend with.

Chen Cheng was not discouraged. He sat beside the campfire familiarly: "Dear Master Mego, where are you going?"

Mei Ge responded with a smile: "Go north to root ..."

Before he finished speaking, Ren Xiaosu stepped on his instep, and Mei Ge suddenly took a breath. "Hi! Let's go to Rees!"

Rees County, on their way to Ghent City.

Ren Xiaosu glanced at Mei Ge, and said that Mei Ge is really a silly sweet. How can he talk to a stranger and tell the truth, he has now determined that Chen Cheng has a problem, how can he tell the other person the truth?

He was n’t afraid that Chen Cheng would know how to deal with his group of people when he knew where he was. Instead, Xiao Su, the predecessor, had negotiated with Mei Ge and could not talk nonsense on the road, if they really wanted to get back from the Tudor family Mei Ge's lover, you have to be careful everywhere, so Ren Xiaosu will help him develop this habit now.

Chen Cheng looked at this scene for a long while, and he was the first time he had grown up to see his relatives and treated the wizard like this.

And the most important thing is that this Mego does not seem to be so angry!

Ren Xiaosu turned to smile at Chen Cheng: "Where are you going?"

Chen Cheng replied: "I go to Ghent City."

Mega said with a smile: "What a coincidence."

Ren Xiaosu: "... Are you biao?"

He decided to digress and asked Chen Cheng multiple times: "Are you going to Ghent alone?"

"Oh no," Chen Cheng smiled. "My aunt and I greeted you in the car today. Have you forgotten."

The most ruthless thing about this lie is that it is true and false. He said this to hide Anan ’s whereabouts, so that Ren Xiaosu will not continue to be curious about anyone in the car.

"Why are you going to Ghent City?" Ren Xiaosu asked.

"Aunt said that our family has relatives there, so I went to the past," said Chen Chengyi, who looked forward to it: "It is said that Ghent city is particularly prosperous, and even the city walls are made of Shaanna stone, which is extremely delicate. The lights in Ghent will not go out at night, and there will be many opportunities for young people to go there. "

At this time, Ren Xiaosu saw that he could not ask anything, so he took a ham from the campfire and handed it to Chen Cheng: "It ’s not too early, Master Mego needs to rest. Take this ham back to your sister, I Seeing that she hasn't got off the train in a day. "

After talking, Chen Cheng was stunned, and his back suddenly burst into cold sweat.

"Let's laugh with the pro, how can I have a sister?" Chen Cheng smiled suddenly.

Ren Xiaosu quickly said with apology: "Look at my memory, it's an aunt, I'm sorry to say wrong!"

Chen Cheng took the ham and thanked him and left. He jumped into his carriage and immediately pulled a curtain to open the gap between the curtains. He secretly looked outside and found that Ren Xiaosu did not look into their carriage.

"Is it really a mistake?" Chen Cheng wondered.

"What's wrong?" The little witch An An asked.

"I always feel that he has discovered us, and even knows our identity, but I can't be sure," Chen Cheng said of the chat he had just talked about.

The little witch An An said: "It may also be a mistake, you see he will not even use bows and arrows, maybe it is just natural power."

"No," the woman denied. "It's just how natural power can find you sneaking past in the middle of the night? Just be careful recently, he probably found something."

"Then why he didn't catch us," An An whispered: "They have only four people on the bright side, but in fact several businessmen's guards are secretly protecting them. Besieging us, why doesn't he speak? "

"I don't know exactly what his purpose is," the woman was also puzzled. They can't even figure out whether Ren Xiaosu is an enemy or a friend.

"Wait," An An said with a start. "Maybe all these roots are in the words he said before, knight, Ren He!"

The woman asked, "What did you say before he said these two words?"

An An recalled and said, "Only the faith and the sun and the moon are immortal."


This is the third chapter, there is a chapter in the evening, but it will be very late, I suggest you read it tomorrow morning

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