The First Order

Chapter 1119: See also the bounty

The arrow thrown high shot into the sky, no matter how much confidence Qian Weining had accumulated before, he should understand that this arrow was actually missed and could not hit any bandits.

However, after such an arrow disappeared into the night, the bandits on the opposite hillside still wailed.

Qian Weining first asked the guard next to him, "Are you the bandit you hit?"

The guard next to him said, "Chairman Qian, we have all been suppressed and can't raise our heads, nobody shoots arrows."

Qian Weining looked strange, what's going on?

But it was too late to wait for him to think about it. Another bandit from the bottom of the mountain was approaching slowly. Qian Weining saw the moving figure quickly shouted: "Don't be distracted, block the enemy quickly!"

When Ren Xiaosu saw Qian Weining froze on the side, he already had a bad idea in his heart.

As soon as Qian Weining opened the bow, Ren Xiaosu manipulated the old Xu secretly calculated bandits. It was like a pipeline operation. He didn't notice that Qian Weining's arrow was shot at the wrong angle.


But it does not matter, Ren Xiaosu knows how to remedy.

At this time, as if everything had returned to normal, Qian Weining was still an enemy with one arrow, and the number of bandits was declining madly.

In just half an hour, more than a hundred bandits had only a dozen remaining, and they were still unable to get close to the caravan's carriage wall.

The leader of the bandits hated it. He wanted to kill the guards of the caravan to avenge his brothers, but he also knew he was gone.


With the order, more than ten surviving bandits turned and ran into the mountain.

An **** wanted to pursue, but Qian Weining stopped: "Don't pursue, collect the longbows and arrows of these bandits first, and then check them with me in a team!"

With that said, Qian Weining leaped out of the gap in the carriage wall and went straight to the hillside where the bandits were, regardless of whether there was an ambush outside.

The escorts looked at each other and followed, but everyone was not sure. Why is the always steady President Qian so irritable?

When the crowd climbed the hillside, everyone saw the bandits with a feather arrow inserted into their eyebrows, and the guards exclaimed: "Chairman Qian's arrow is really a god!"

"That's right, the arrow hit the eyebrow, how did this practice come out?"

Everyone says that there are elements of flattery, but most of the cases are sincere. Looking at the entire royal army of the wizarding country, few people can practice the arrow technique to this degree.

However, Qian Weining didn't pay attention to the guards' butts, but searched for suspicious bodies.

At the next moment, he suddenly saw a corpse that was not quite right. The arrows in others were inserted into the eyebrows, and the arrow in this one ... was inserted on the cover of the heavenly spirit.

It was as if an arrow had fallen from high altitude and fell straight on the bandit's head.

An **** exclaimed: "Chairman Qian is really a god. I just thought that the missed arrow just missed the shot. I didn't expect that Chairman Qian's arrow was enchanting. It seemed to be empty. In fact, mystery is hidden."

Qian Weining said nothing to Qian Weining, listening to everyone's praise, and he was a little confused about the situation himself.

However, he always felt that this arrow might be a bit excessive ...

While the guards were flattering, the dozen bandits fled all the way all the way to the mountains. The embarrassed bandits never noticed that there was a black figure trailing behind them quietly.

Suddenly, the leader of the bandit stopped slowly. He pulled the saber out of his waist and then looked closely at him: "Who ?!"

A figure in a bounty hunter costume emerged from the end of the mountain road, and he held an orange real eye tightly in his hand: "You are really disappointing."

In the night, there was a purple eye on the orange real eye, one light and one dark, shimmering like a breath, the bandits all looked at the bounty hunter with dismay, and immediately tightened the muscles all over his body.

"You didn't say that the opponent had a sharpshooter in the team," the bandit leader shouted angrily: "All my dozens of brothers are folded into his hands. I have never seen anyone with such precise arrows, you Who is the person who let us kill ?! Is there such a great master protection? "

The bounty hunter sighed: "I am stupid but say the opponent is powerful, there is no so-called marksman in the team."

"How is it possible that my brothers are all faked with their eyebrows nailed?" Said the bandit leader.

"Forget it, I don't need to waste time with you," the bounty hunter asked. "As for the gold coins, since the task is not completed, the gold coins cannot let you take them away."

The bandit leader sneered: "Then my brother is dead in vain? I won't tell you where the gold coins are. And you'd better weigh them clearly. I know what you look like. If you want to assassinate a wizard today, if it is revealed When you go out, you know the consequences. "

Behind the bounty hunters is the wizard family, but they are also chess pieces that the wizard family can discard at will. In the clear rules of the wizard organization, whoever assassinated the wizard, everyone must gather and attack.

This is a rule that everyone must obey. You can bypass this rule, but you cannot directly destroy it.

Therefore, even for the killing of a little wizard like Mego, the people behind the scene must find a scapegoat in advance.

The bounty hunter smiled leisurely: "Threaten me? No wonder you will fall into this remote mountain and be a shady bandit."

After that, the true sight in the hands of the bounty hunter brightened, and there were still chanting spells in his mouth.

The bandits wanted to escape when they saw the opportunity, but before they ran away, a blue ice line burst from the bottom of the bounty hunter's feet. The ice line was breathing cold, and the shape meandering on the ground was like a glacier The cracks on the surface are generally irregular.

The ice line was extremely fast, and when it caught up with the bandits, the bandits' footsteps stalled.

The cold spread along the soles of the feet. The white frost covered the whole body of the bandits at a speed that was visible to the naked eye. The bandits turned into ice sculptures running back to the bounty hunters, and their skins all turned into ice blue.

It is early summer now, and more than ten ice sculptures suddenly appear in this hot air, which looks terrifying and abnormal.

The bounty hunter did not stop his hand, but recite the spell of wind binding again, turning the invisible weather into an invisible rope, and twisted all these ice sculptures into pieces.

However, when the bounty hunter cast a wind **** on the last bandit, he found that his wind **** did not crush the opponent.

The bounty hunter froze for a moment: "What's going on? How could it not be broken?"

They froze for three seconds and froze for three seconds. Old Xu in a white mask turned to pick up a branch and crouched on the ground to write: "Or ... try again?"


There is a chapter later, Jian Go to bed early, watch tomorrow ...

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