The First Order

Chapter 1121: Decide your destiny

Before Mei Ge took out the gold coin in his sleeve, Ren Xiaosu had never seen the wizarding country currency because he didn't need it.

In some myths, the word represented by coins is: destiny.

It's not how special a coin is, but that people are used to using coins to determine their own destiny.

For example, tossing a coin decides you are going to the left or right, for example, tossing a coin to decide whether you want to eat supper, for example, tossing a coin to decide whether you want to be a good person or a bad person.

The tossed coin will make a pleasant sound when it spins in the air, and then when it falls again, some destiny is doomed.

Ren Xiaosu took the gold coin and smiled, but the person he was looking for was all on the coin.

What happened? Isn't it?

He flicked the coin high with his thumb. The golden coin shone brightly against the bonfire, and the heads of Tudor and Norman alternated in this glorious light.

When it reached the highest point, the speed began to slow down, and then flipped down, and the coin representing fate returned to Ren Xiaosu.

Mei Ge curiously said: "What are you doing?"

"Use coins to determine fate," Ren Xiaosu replied with a smile.

"Don't believe this," Mego said casually. "How can one decide his own destiny with coins?"

Ren Xiaosu spread his palms, the head of Tudor's head just turned up, he said with a smile: "I don't want to toss a coin depends on my destiny."

Mego hesitated and asked, "Is that ...?"

Ren Xiaosu put the gold coin back to Mego: "Use it to decide the fate of others."

When the campfire was swaying, Mei Ge suddenly felt that Ren Xiaosu's temperament and tone at this moment carried an overbearing attitude he had never seen before.

In fact, the currencies Ren Xiaosu has seen are all those who have passed away. For example, the Qing currency is the great-grandfather of Qinghua, and the Northwest currency is the fourth-generation commander of the Northwest Army.

Therefore, the behavior of the wizarding country as a portrait of a living person as a coin head portrait made Ren Xiaosu a bit surprised.

But it doesn't matter, he just turned these two people into the dead.

From the fundamental goal of the westward wizarding country, Ren Xiaosu is to implement his Daxing Northwest 3.0 plan.

So what is the Daxing Northwest 3.0 plan? Of course, on the one hand, it enhances the core competitiveness of the Northwest, and on the other hand, it solves the hidden dangers of the wizarding country once and for all.

Ren Xiaosu once had a deep discussion with p5092, p5092 said that there will be a war between the northwest and Wang clan sooner or later.

Although Wang has now unified the Central Plains and completed a series of seemingly impossible feats, the name Wang Shengzhi will inevitably go down in history.

But Wang Shengzhi's ideals will not stop there.

Therefore, if Ren Xiaosu wants the Northwest to win more chances in future wars, then they must first solve the possibility of being enemies.

It seems that the wizarding country has no plans to invade the northwest in the near future, but there is no absolute thing in this world, if the emperor of the Wang clan came to the wizarding country.

Judging by Wang's past methods, this is a very likely thing.

There is even another possibility: Wang's messenger may already be in the wizarding kingdom.

Then, this time Ren Xiaosu came to the wizarding country, he would do his best to destroy the wizarding ability of the wizarding country.

That night, the calmest p5092 once said to Ren Xiaosu: "Ren Xiaosu, when you return to the northwest, you will no longer be the drifter boy who can only follow the drift. Commander Zhang has begun to hand over the fate of the northwest to you. The people are also looking forward to you. Maybe the days when you only need to consider what you have for breakfast and lunch every day are very happy and easy. Maybe it is also very pleasant to go to the market with Little Girl, but that fate has already It ’s not yours anymore. You are the next leader destined to the Northwest. You should first figure out your responsibilities. "

P5092, who always stayed calm, said: "I said that these are not to teach you what you are as a subordinate, but I am very clear that every one of your blood vessels and every drop of blood is ready. Don't refuse, accept It. "

So, Ren Xiaosu went to the Fortress 178 alone the next day, accepting the expectations and responsibilities of everyone in the Northwest.

He came to the wizarding country, basically to come to the killing ring. Those wizards are not innocent, because they also bear the blood debt of more than 200,000 heroes in 178 fortress.

Of course, if there are people here who can thrive in the northwest, Ren Xiaosu will not miss it.

Thinking of this, Ren Xiaosu smiled at Mei Ge: "Do you know what Daxing Northwest means?"

Mei Ge froze for a moment: "Daxing Northwest? Never heard of it."

"It's okay, you will know."


At night, someone suddenly lifted the curtain in the carriage where the little witch An An was standing. A figure who changed the night clothes flashed out of the car and sneaked in the direction of the evacuation of the bandits.

When she arrived on the battlefield, she could only see a pile of glacial slugs and flesh that were slowly melting.

An An looked around the battlefield. She glanced at the mysterious magic circle next to the body of the bounty hunter.

Then she went around again and found that there were no other abnormalities in the entire battlefield, so she turned back and dived back into the carriage.

The woman had been waiting for An An. When she saw An An coming back, she asked, "Did you find anything?"

"Those bandits should have been instructed by others, and the messengers are the bounty hunters of the big family. This person killed all the remaining bandits."

An An continued: "It's just that the mantis catches the cicada cardinal, and the bounty hunter was also killed, and there are still traces of blood following the call. This is quite strange. The bounty hunters are all on the brink of the wizarding family. Character, how can there be the secret technique of blood following the summon? The secret technique must be a blood relative of the heir to be 'surgery'. "

The woman thought for a while and said, "Bounty hunters are generally fringe figures of the wizarding family, but this is not absolute. Some bounty hunters are actually not outsiders, but illegitimate children. You also know that some big wizards have many heirs. It is normal to have hundreds of illegitimate children. In the rules of the wizard organization, illegitimate children cannot be inherited by the wizard, then the only way is to abandon the blood relationship and become a bounty hunter in the family. Of course, such illegitimate children generally suffer. The great wizard loves it, otherwise he will not teach him witchcraft specifically. "

"There is still such a thing, that some great wizard is afraid to be distressed," An An said, gloating in misfortune: "And, I suspect this is a bounty hunter sent by the Tudor family, because the temperature on the spot is low, there are still a lot of The ballast. "

"Does the Tudor family," the woman meditated: "Who do you think they came from?"

"Mei Ge," An An said firmly. "Ren Xiaosu asked me the same night that I chased me down, whether I was sent by the Tudor family!"

"That's the same enemy we have," the woman smiled. "Maybe the other party can bring us some other surprises."


There are three chapters at night

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