The First Order

Chapter 1124: Daxing Northwest Branch

Vaduz, as an important town of the Berkeley family, is indeed very different from the Yorkshire towns. At least the roads of the entire town are already stone roads, not dirt roads.

When the caravan is traveling on the road, the horseshoe nailed with iron palms will step on the stone road, and it will make a very clear sound.

In the evening, the golden light reflected from the west, and Ren Xiaosu could also see the top of the cathedral in the middle of the distant town, with white pigeons spinning in the sky.

Next to the church, there is a more solemn palace-like building.

The building is all red, and there is a gilt eye of true sight superimposed on the roof of the top of the highest tower in the palace community, as if there is an eye watching the people in the entire city.

Ren Xiaosu asked: "Where is it?"

"That's the palace of the great wizard of the Berkeley family, that is, the wizard tower," Mego explained. "But he shouldn't be here now. The other person's place of residence is Berkeley."

Ren Xiaosu lamented: "Look at this wizard tower, then look at your wizard tower. How can you tell me at first that your wizard tower is magnificent ..."

Mei Ge said with a red face, "Mine is already very good. You haven't seen the wizard towers of other little wizards. Some people have just reached the ground and can't even build the wizard tower."

"If it hadn't been for your little girl with a sweet plum, let the servants send you money, I'm afraid you can't build it," Ren Xiaosu muttered: "The Tudor family's momentum should be more than the Berkeley family. However, is it good for her little girlfriend to marry? "

Upon hearing this, Mei Ge was immediately anxious: "What do you know, where there are true feelings in the Tudor family, there are hundreds of their lovers. Marrying this kind of wealth is just a better material life, but how? May be happy. "

Ren Xiaosu sighed and shook his head: "Some people want to get in or not, what kind of family is your little girlfriend?"

"Her family is only moderate in Ghent. Originally, her family did not match the Tudor family, but there was a big wizard who said that she was very talented and suitable for being a wizard," Mega said with a sigh. Clearly, the Tudor family can give her, and I ca n’t, so I did n’t even write to her after I returned. "

"Why not write?" Ren Xiaosu asked.

"I'm afraid I'll delay her," Mego said. "And I really don't have the strength to compete with the Tudor family."

"Well, it's a good thing to learn to let go and learn to complete," Ren Xiaosu said with a smile: "But you don't have to be discouraged. With me here, you can't be worse than the Tudor family."

"Bragging again ..."

At this moment, Ren Xiaosu was suddenly thinking about a question, would he abduct Mego?

It ’s not that he does n’t want to bring Mego to the northwest, but a new problem arises: he ca n’t abduct all the people of the wizarding country, then no matter how many wizards he destroys here, then this country must always exist. .

It may be that the person who has the authority in the future is not a wizard, and then the people begin to relive the technology before the cataclysm.

Nowadays, the wizards are deliberately suppressing the rise of technological level, but by that time, the technology development speed of the wizarding country will also be the same as that of the Central Plains. Everyone starts to look for the civilizations of the past, and then brings them back to the world one by one.

At that time, how should Fortress 178 get along with this wizarding country, will there be war again?

Therefore, should I take away all the people who are suitable for Daxing Northwest, or should I turn this place into "Daxing Northwest Branch"?

To be honest, Ren Xiaosu is actually more inclined to the latter!

Then the question arises, who is suitable to be the person in charge of the Daxing Northwest Branch, is it an ambitious person, or is it a silly white?

The answer is of course silly.

As long as the person in charge of this branch is obedient, Ren Xiaosu does not really care about the ability of the person in charge, nor what it can develop into here.

However, in this way, the amount of work to be done by yourself is a bit large, at least it must be agreed with all the wizarding families.

Earlier, Mei Ge said how many wizard families come from the wizarding country? It seems to be more than forty ...

At this time, Mei Ge was vomiting that his pro-family loved bragging too much, but he never thought that the other party was actually thinking about how to turn the entire wizarding country into the Daxing Northwest Branch.

Ren Xiaosu thought at this time that this thing might not be able to be accomplished by himself, but if it borrowed his power, it was not entirely impossible.

He turned his gaze to the carriage where the little witch An An was behind them, but they just saw An An and Chen Cheng flashing out of the carriage and got into a small alley beside the road.

"Let's go to the post first, I will meet you at night," Ren Xiaosu jumped from the carriage after he said, chasing the little witch and disappeared.

On the horse farm, only Mego was left in a daze, completely unsure of what madness this friend himself had.

In the evening, the city of Vaduz was quite lively. The crowd was bustling on the street. When Ren Xiaosu was chasing the little witch's back, he was suddenly hit by a crowd of people, causing him to suddenly lose track of the target.

Ren Xiaosu did not get too entangled with the person who hit him, but continued to walk in the general direction and walked deep into the street. After chasing for half an hour, the little witch had disappeared for a long time, but Ren Xiaosu already knew where he should go. Too.

He turned a stone road and slowly heard the sound of ding ding.

He looked up and saw that a blacksmith's shop was busy on this relatively sparse pedestrian street.

The short apprentice was sweating and pushing the bellows, and a strong blacksmith was hitting the iron tire on the cutting board with a hammer.

Ren Xiaosu came to the blacksmith shop and said with a smile: "Your person stole the wrong thing."

The bearded blacksmith with a big face said coldly: "I think you have found the wrong place."

While speaking, the blacksmith brandished a huge hammer in his hand, as if fearing that others would not know how powerful he was.

"Is Chen Cheng inside," Ren Xiaosu said with a smile: "Trouble let them come out, I asked them to ask something."

But the blacksmith seemed to understand nothing. He looked at Ren Xiaosu coldly: "Boy, if you are looking for trouble, you are really in the wrong place."

"Really?" Ren Xiaosu shot quickly, fingertips lightly tapped at the blacksmith's throat, and the blacksmith instantly blushed and lay down on the ground with a cough.

The little apprentice immediately pulled out a red-burning sword tire from the stove, and Ren Xiaosu looked at him and smiled, "Relax, he is fine."

The apprentice whispered, "What the **** are you doing?"

"The person who just hit me on the street stole the wrong thing," Ren Xiaosu laughed. "I guess you, the people of the wizarding country, must not know what a location tracker is."

The little witches An An and Chen Cheng looked black and black from the blacksmith shop: "What are you doing?"

After seeing these two people, Ren Xiaosu was even happier. In this tracking, the technology equipment was undoubtedly crushed.


Goodnight everybody

Thanks to the c1 classmate who became the new league of this book, the boss atmosphere!

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