The First Order

Chapter 1128: The importance of anti-stress training

The Vaduz Cathedral is the most typical Gothic building, and the complicated structure makes it look mysterious and solemn.

Spiked arches, pilasters, flower lattices, and various elements converge to form the final appearance of the cathedral. Sixty-one spires point to the sky like a dense Tallinn, and a humanoid statue stands on each spire.

"Who are the sculptures in the spire?" Ren Xiaosu looked up.

"It is the great wizards of the Berkeley family," An An replied: "In fact, the top of the cathedrals in other regions are all outstanding wizards of the entire wizarding organization. Only the churches in the Berkeley family territory only have sculptures of their own wizards. Not only In this way, there are also 601 statues in this Vaduz Cathedral, which are also the Berkeley family's own historical wizards. "

"When was this church built?" Ren Xiaosu asked.

"It was built more than a hundred years ago, but it was not what it is after being renovated sixty years ago," An An stared at the sculpture on the spire. "That's when they removed the statue of Russell."

Ren Xiaosu glanced at An An: "What is the relationship between Russell and your organization?"

An An also glanced at Ren Xiaosu: "What does this have to do with you?"

Ren Xiaosu smiled and stopped talking. If the organization left by the knight Ren He helped Russell in the catastrophe, then the two parties should have a very close cooperative relationship.

In Meg's guess, Russell was assassinated by the nobles of the old era, which seems to be a reason for Anan and others to hate the wizarding organization.

Of course, all this is still an uncertain guess, and the truth needs Ren Xiaosu to find it himself.

However, what Ren Xiaosu can be certain is that since sixty years ago, the Berkeley family has had ambitions. They invited all the wizards of other wizarding families to the altar, just for the moment when they turned against each other.

Is civil strife, Ren Xiaosu very much looking forward to this happening.

"What will the big wizard do in front of the church at 6 o'clock?" Ren Xiaosu asked.

"It will show miracles," Chen Cheng calmly replied: "Let the people see those forces that are not human, and help them bless their faith."

"Isn't it just to release some good-looking witchcraft," Ren Xiaosu disdainfully said: "With the energy to pretend to be a ghost, it's better to think about how to make yourself stronger. No wonder you dare not regain science. This is to worry about the low-level deception. Take it off, let's go, we'll come back at 6 o'clock. "

Theocracy is the cornerstone of the wizarding kingdom. To protect this cornerstone, the wizard will not allow anything that can challenge their authority to appear.

As a Middle-Turkish man, Ren Xiaosu would feel that all of this is very deformed, but the people here take this as a matter of course after experiencing cultural faults.

When Ren Xiaosu took Chen Cheng and An'an to the post in the north of the town, Mei Ge and the sheep had already slept early.

Mei Ge, this silly white sweet, even left a note in the room assigned to Ren Xiaosu: He had to get up at 5:30 in the morning to attend the service at the Vaduz Cathedral. Do n’t sleep too late.

Ren Xiaosu muttered: "I'm still a warm man."

The sky will brighten early in the summer, and it will turn from black to gray by half past five.

Mei Ge came to knock at the door of Xiaosu's room: "Get up, take you to see the miracles."

Ren Xiaosu opened the door: "You are also a wizard, how can you still believe in miracles?"

"Just kidding," Mega said with a smile: "We little wizards generally don't want to miss this kind of liturgy at the beginning of the month, because this is the best time for us to observe the big wizard's spellcasting."

"Austria," Ren Xiaosu nodded: "It's just watching and studying."

Originally Ren Xiaosu thought that he and Mego went to observe, but the result was that almost half of the entire caravan got up early and rushed to the direction of Vaduz Cathedral.

Not only that, in the entire town of Vaduz, countless people are walking out of their homes, as if a stream of water is gathering towards Vaduz Cathedral.

People wore red robes, and everyone's faces were hidden in the hood of the red robes. The entire town of Vaduz overlooked the sky like a red ocean.

Mei Ge asked the sheepman Li Chengli to take out some broad red cloths from the bag: "We didn't bring red clothes, so I let Li Chengli buy some red cloths for emergency, quickly, and put it on my body, Cover your head. "

Ren Xiaosu looked at it for a while, and the red cloth was indeed large enough to look like a bed sheet ...

"Why put on a red coat?" Ren Xiaosu asked.

"If you don't wear a red dress, you are disrespecting the gods," Mego said. "If the family conditions permit, you still have to hold a lamp in your hand. The lamp oil is also exquisite and must be extracted from goat milk."

Ren Xiaosu looked around and really saw a few red believers holding butter lamps walking slowly.

The so-called religion is definitely not to give people a god. It must have strict rituals. The more ceremonial the more mysterious.

However, Ren Xiaosu saw this scene and thought that everyone was wearing red clothes, which is very convenient for the assassin to perform beheading. After killing, he can put on a red cloth and he can leave with the crowd.

For example, if he wants to kill this great wizard, he just needs to fire a shot within the shooting range, and then he can throw away his firearms and get into the crowd.

If the wizard can use witchcraft to block bullets, then he can also use black snipers. If black snipers don't work, he can use black bullets, which is quite cruel.

Seeing Ren Xiaosu not speaking, Mei Ge asked curiously, "What do you want?"

"Oh, nothing," Ren Xiaosu smiled harmlessly.

At this time, the red sea of ​​people had already gathered in front of the Vaduz Cathedral, and the five wizards in red robes had hung their hands on the red carpet in front of the church.

The difference between the costumes of wizards and their folks is that their red robe sleeves are also decorated with white mink fur.

At six o'clock, behind the huge clock at the top of the cathedral, a loud bell sounded.

The five wizards on the red carpet opened their arms at the same time, as if embracing the gods in the sky.

"Is the person in front the Berkeley head?" Ren Xiaosu asked in a low voice.

"No, the head of the family has not participated in this kind of thing for a long time," said Mei Ge. "Don't speak first, the ceremony is about to begin."

When the bell fell, the great wizard standing at the front of the red carpet took his red real eyes from his sleeves, and all the people held their breath.

The great wizard chanted loudly: " ..."


In the morning light, a black door of darkness suddenly opened in front of the great wizard, and behind that door was a slender but powerful hand, which fanned fiercely on the wizard's face, interrupting the singing ... …

Ren Xiaosu whispered: "Do you say that stress training is important or not?"


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