The First Order

Chapter 1132: Took the history of the wizard

Ren Xiaosu did not know that he was still laughing and laughing on the side, and the two sheepmen had already sentenced him to death in his heart ...

In the eyes of the sheepman Li Gongcheng and Liu Ting, the wizard dream will be their lifelong pursuit. If you can't become a wizard in this life and you can't see the magnificent and wonderful world, what's the point of living!

Ren Xiaosu did not know how much impact his five slaps had on the Berkeley family and even the entire wizarding organization.

Just as Chen Cheng and An An realized how important anti-stress chanting was, Berkeley, a family ready to wage war, was of course aware of the key points.

Sorcerers are used to politeness, so they have many bad things, but they are not stupid!

Now that there has been a "witchcraft" that can interrupt the wizard's spells remotely, all wizards must be vigilant immediately.

At this time, in the Vaduz Cathedral, the wizard had gradually sobered up, and Ren Xiaosu had a decent start, so he now has no great impact except for the loss of two teeth.

And the teeth are all wisdom teeth, and the speech will not leak.

It must be said that the wizard has been suffering from toothache for many years because of wisdom teeth, but now it is a blessing due to misfortune, although he does not think so.

The wizard was sitting at the end of the long table in the conference room of the church. The conference room was filled with oil paintings of the Berkeley family's previous owners, and the heroic owner seemed to be looking at everyone in this conference room.

The wizard said, "This is a shame for my Berkeley family. Although the current public opinion is beneficial to us, the general hatred has also raised feelings of hatred for the Tudor family and the Norman family, but everyone here must understand This slap is definitely not a miracle. It must be the people of the Norman and Tudor families who perceive something and want to destroy the foundation of our faith in the six southern counties in advance! "

The little wizards on both sides of the long table bowed their heads and said nothing, they knew it was not time for them to speak.

The five slaps triggered so many associations that were definitely not Ren Xiaosu's original intention, but this is not to blame for Ren Xiaosu, it is really a coincidence.

Seeing that the Berkeley family is about to start a war, the spirit of the Berkeley family is in a state of high tension at this juncture. A little bit of turmoil will make various analyses.

What's more, Ren Xiaosu's shot at this week's ceremony is not as simple as the wind and the grass, it is just making waves!

The wizard continued: "Jock, you ordered someone to pass this matter to Berkeley quickly, and the owner must immediately know what happened here."

"Yes, Lord Lucas." The wizard named Jock nodded in agreement.

The full name of the wizard is called Lucas Berkeley.

The great wizard looked at another wizard: "Let the head of the Burning Knights come to see me. Before the homeowner's decision arrives, we have to lift the entire Vaduz County up and down, and we must pull out the magic wizard, Learn everything about this witchcraft. "

The little wizard responded: "Okay, Lord Lucas."

The wizard asked, "Is the castle closed?"

"It has been blocked," the little wizard replied: "But Lord Lucas, a caravan left Vaduz this morning, and they held the family's golden lion badge on their hands."

Lucas thought for a while and said: "Don't talk about it. I know the situation of this caravan. They have a more important task."

"Understood, Lord Lucas," the little wizard was relieved. He was really a little afraid of the murderer in this caravan.

The wizard of Lucas said to the other two wizards: "Everything that happened today, you two must deal with public opinion, including the public opinion inside the knights, you must understand that faith is the sword in our hands. If the regiment has no faith, then we are not enough to win the war! "

"Yes, lord," the little wizard responded.

At this point, when it comes to the most important topic, Lucas said: "In this matter, we can not only see the bad side, but also think about the good. The enemy ’s killer has been exposed, and it is clearly used in the battlefield. It was unexpected, but it was used before the war. This kind of witchcraft that can interrupt the casting at a long distance requires us to be vigilant. Jock, you must also report this to the owner. We must specify all the wizards before the war. Training to ensure that the spell is not interrupted. "


Not only was the Berkeley family vigilant about the incident, at almost the same time, all the other family spies in Vaduz Castle passed the matter on as pigeons. For security reasons, some people even released five pigeons at once. Just to deliver the same message: a new witchcraft "face-smashing" has emerged. This witchcraft can interrupt the spell chanting remotely, making it unpredictable. Be careful!

Among them, the Norman family and the Tudor family are more efficient in transmitting information, and they master the witchcraft of transmitting information.

After the Norman family released the witchcraft, they talked through the mirror, just like the video chat before the cataclysm.

There is a wizard in this family who is responsible for docking spies. They will open mirrors to collect information every night, and the spy only needs to wait for the mirror to open in front of the mirror.

The Tudor family is not bad, they also have a wizard who is responsible for intelligence, but the outside world only knows that the Tudor family's spies send messages with alchemy and copper coins, but they don't know the principles of witchcraft.

It is foreseeable that not only the wizards of the Berkeley family will start special training, but almost all families who receive the news will start this training.

After all, it's too suffocating to be interrupted to cast spells, and no one wants to repeat the mistakes of the great wizard.

As for how to train ... Everyone hasn't figured it out yet.

Someone is joking in private: otherwise, you should slap each other to read the spell first, until the fan does not stop ...

Of course, this kind of remark must not be brought to the table, otherwise it will be treated as a fool.

But one thing must be said is that as the wizards began to concentrate and devil-like training, Ren Xiaosu almost used his own hands to raise the fighting awareness and combat literacy of the entire wizarding organization with five slaps.

The Burning Knights of the Berkeley family began to gather. A large amount of military supplies gathered from the six southern counties to Vaduz. Food, civilians, and all logistics supplies were in the preparation stage.

Soon, the Berkeley family also came to Vaduz County. They will use this as the starting point and the four counties controlled by the Winster family as the base of advancement to begin the true Northern Expedition.

The full-scale civil war of the wizarding country began, but no one could imagine that the beginning of this war was just because someone was idle and doing nothing, gently twirling history at the door of the cathedral ... five times.


There are two chapters at night

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