The First Order

Chapter 1137: I wish you happiness

"The Norman family and the Tudor family have been holding the black true-sighted eyes for too long," Chen Jingshu saw Ren Xiaosu a little puzzled and explained with a smile: "So the resources of the entire wizarding country have to be allocated by them. It takes a long time. It will naturally cause dissatisfaction from other families. "

Ren Xiaosu said strangely: "Holding the eyes of black true vision is nothing more than a more powerful spellcasting. How is it related to resource allocation?

Chen Jingshu shook her head: "You don't have black eyes with real vision, so you don't understand the mystery at all. Its secrets, only those who have held it will understand, otherwise you think why the Norman family and Tudor family can occupy capital?"

Ren Xiaosu glanced at Chen Jingshu: "It seems that your bounty hunter organization has black eyes."

Sorry, you do n’t have one, but I really have one!

"Although we haven't held the black true-sighted eye, but we know that it has other uses besides being a weapon," Chen Jingshu said back. "Although we are not sure what purpose you came from Middle-earth, but I I think it is better for us to cooperate on an equal basis. We can provide you with a lot of information, and all you need to do is cooperate with some of our actions. "

"Yes," Ren Xiaosu smiled and replied: "Everyone uses each other."

Perhaps the bounty hunters thought that they used Ren Xiaosu more for this transaction, but in fact, the initiative was always in Ren Xiaosu's own hands.

Ren Xiaosu drove the horse away. Before leaving, he said to Chen Jingshu: "I'm going to take Mei Ge tonight. No matter what Qian Weining's plan is, I'm not interested in visiting the muddy water with him, so we will part ways tonight. And see you in Ghent City! "

"Qian Weining won't let you go, he needs a wizard to sit in the caravan," Chen Jingshu calmly analyzed.

"Oh," Ren Xiaosu nodded with a smile: "Then I can't help him."

These words made Chen Jingshu stunned. Looking at the caravan of nearly a thousand people, most of them were Qian Weining's people. Even if the young boy's physical strength is strong, can't he break through from these hundreds of people?

After Ren Xiaosu left, a guard who had followed him quietly ran to Qian Weining: "Sir, the pro is just riding on horseback, there is no other action."

"Wandering?" Qian Weining frowned: "Is it really just an ordinary person? What did he do?"

"The main thing is to chat and joke with a woman," the guard whispered: "That woman's appearance is pretty good, I think he has a different mind."

Qian Weining sneered: "Whenever I think about this kind of thing, I'm not afraid, so you go back, remember, stare at Mego."

The guard nodded: "Good adult, do you need to adjust your rotation at night? Do you need to adjust? This bandit is rampant, I feel it's better to send more people."

"No," Qian Weining glanced at the guard.

The guard said: "Also, with your archery, no bandits can survive."

Qian Weining paused and said, "You are right."


In the evening, the two sheepmen beside the bonfire were still studying the wizard language hard, hoping that they would become real wizards when they arrived in Ghent and bought real sight.

Ren Xiaosu was bored waiting for the night to come, he looked at the sheep man: "What witchcraft is the spell you are learning now?"

"Sinking into the ground," Li Chenggong replied, and continued to practice pronunciation after he finished. It seemed that he did not take interest in Ren Xiaosu.

Mego, who is meditating at this time, probably improves the proficiency of witchcraft in the meditation world.

To say that Mego is indeed diligent, not to mention what happened on the pipeline, but meditation has not stopped for a day, at least six hours a day.

In Mego's words, since there is no higher-level true-sighted eye, you must work harder. The so-called diligent make up, as long as diligent, sooner or later he can become a great wizard.

Then Ren Xiaosu asked him at that time, in the history of the wizarding country, did anyone hold the white real eye to become a great wizard.

Mego's answer is no ...

After asking this question, Mei Ge was depressed for a long time, but fortunately he quickly adjusted his emotions and vowed that he must become the first big wizard with white eyes.

Ren Xiaosu originally thought that he should give the orange real eye to Mego himself. As a result, upon hearing this oath, Ren Xiaosu temporarily dismissed the idea of ​​gifting.

After all, everyone swears, can't you let the other party say right?

However, Ren Xiaosu is thinking that although Mei Ge is silly and sweet, this tenacious and hard-working spirit of never giving up is indeed in line with the protagonist's template!

At this time, Ren Xiaosu began to think about it. Although he developed a Middle-earth spell, he can only determine the role of the spell. "Hey" and "Congratulations on making a fortune". Although he cast a lot of spells on a wizard, he chased Zhong Renxiao There is no way to determine which is effective and which is not.

Hi, there is a three-meter-deep earth pit suddenly appearing at the feet of the enemy, and Gong Xi Fa Cai is a ground sinking technique that can use sand to trap people underground.

Speaking of which, Ren Xiaosu should also find the witchcraft that suits him best. After all, he still has 90,000 skilled stones waiting to be used.

Now with the Black Eye in hand, although he can perform witchcraft without thousands of practice, whether it is hi or congratulations on making a fortune is still too small.

If you go back to the northwest in the future, everyone asks: Young and handsome, what kind of witchcraft did you go there?

As a result, he just made a small pit out of a mantra. Is n’t that shameful?

According to Mego, with the practice of witchcraft, the power of witchcraft will become greater and greater, but a wizard will almost specialize in one or two witchcraft in his life.

Ren Xiaosu must find the witchcraft he wants most as soon as possible, and then use the skillful stone to increase the power of this witchcraft!

Ren Xiaosu glanced at the two sheep men and wanted to try witchcraft on the two, but he always felt that it was not good to catch these two men, so he quietly took out his real eyes and then looked at them. Then turned to Qian Weining: "Wish you happiness."

Qian Weining was sitting next to the campfire and whispered to himself: "Tonight you will lead Mox to guard the first half of the night, and I will take others to guard the middle of the night. Be careful. If you have any situation, please wake me up at any time. . "

The heart replies: "Okay lord, by the way, you haven't taken a good rest during this time, or you will rest for the night tonight. I will take the man to the middle of the night, and Mox will take the man to the middle of the night."

Qian Weining shook his head: "No, I am quite energetic, you can have this heart, I am very moved."

With that said, Qian Weining's tears blew down at once!

The guard froze on the spot: "Are you so moved?"


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