The First Order

Chapter 1144: Torture

Mei Ge would like to remind the sheep people that they will pay a little attention in front of Ren Xiaosu in order to avoid any abuse.

However, he told Ren Xiaosu that it must be kept secret, so he could not directly remind him.

Moreover, what Ren Xiaosu said is very reasonable: the guard Mox arranged for you by the Lee family of Yorkshire, and all his subordinates, are directly under the command of Qian Weining. All the bandit attacks have proved This.

Therefore, even the guards of the Li family are part of the plan. What about Li Gongli and Liu Ting?

You know that when the Vaduz Cathedral was renovated 60 years ago, only the statue of the wizard of his own family was left, indicating that the Berkeley family has been rebellious since that generation.

In the past few years, the people of the six southern counties only recognized the "God" of the Berkeley family, and had long forgotten other families such as Norman and Tudor.

What does it take for the other party to put in two eyeliners next to your little wizard two years in advance with a plan planned for decades? You see, the fact that you were chased and killed on the way back, Li Chenggong and Liu Ting all spoke out as soon as they returned home.

Mego thought of it, and suppressed the impulse to remind the two sheepmen, but said to them casually: "You two are servants, he is a personal follower, he still speaks a little politely, don't ridicule all day long."

The two sheepmen suddenly stopped speaking, but they were still a little dissatisfied, especially Liu Ting.

Mego said seriously: "This is for you, you know?"

"I just saw him hanging all day long, and I want to remind you," Liu Ting whispered: "And Master Mego, look at him as a kind of follower, other people's followers are all knights. The regiment, or the serious gladiator of 800, is Ren Xiaosu? He hides behind the carriage every time the bandit comes over. "

Ren Xiaosu glanced at Liu Ting: "Yes, next time I will rush out, but you have to join me, the servants and their followers can't fight too much, right?"

Liu Ting narrowed his neck: "In fact, it's good to hide behind."

At this time, Qian Weining's guard dragged two bandit-dressed men from the outside of the carriage.

Ren Xiaosu glanced. The two men were dragged in from the east, with arrows on one thigh and the other with an arrow in the abdomen. It appeared to be an enemy who was injured and unable to escape in the chaos.

The **** said to Qian Weining: "Sir, you have found two live mouths on the battlefield, please interrogate."

"Good job," Qian Weining's eyes lit up: "Drag them out to me, and you can get the short knife from my carriage."

Tonight, Qian Weining was too confused, so he needed torture to get confessions to get some answers.

After a while, the screams of the captives rang out outside the carriage wall, although Qian Weining and others had dragged the two men a few hundred meters away, but when the night was quiet, they screamed exceptionally abruptly.

At this time, the two captives were hanged on two trees by caravan guards, while Qian Weining was holding a short knife and swiped across one of them.

"Who sent you?" Qian Weining said coldly.

The man was also guilty. He actually spit on Qian Weining's face with a sneer. Fortunately, Qian Weining was in good health and hid.

Qian Weining Tieqing said with a face: "Yes, it's pretty stiff, wait until I peel your skin to see if you can still be so stiff."

The torture in the wizarding country is even bloodier than the Middle-earth method. This interrogation lasted until dawn, and the two prisoners were weak and bruised.

Qian Weining sneered and walked to one of them, whispering, "Who sent you?"

At this time, the captive was in a state of surviving, and his mind was not particularly sober. He just looked at Qian Weining and said nothing.

But to his surprise, Qian Weining put his ear over, blocked the sight of another captive with his head, and nodded to make a look like he was listening.

After a while, Qian Weining told the guards: "Okay, take him to rest."

Qian Weining smiled and walked in front of the other captive with a low voice: "Your companion has said that you are from the Tudor Knights."

The captive hanging from the tree widened his eyes suddenly, seeming to be in disbelief as he looked at the direction of his companion, but he could not see that the guard had covered his companion's mouth with his hand.

Qian Weining said with a smile: "I have arranged for him to rest. I guarantee you with the honor of the Knights I am in, as long as you speak, you can enjoy the same treatment as him. Don't think about it, I just compare it Soft, I want to give you a chance, and the two people speak more credibly. "

The captive remained silent for ten minutes before saying helplessly: "Yes, we are from the Tudor Knights."

Qian Weining groaned in his heart. He said that the Tudor Knights only cheated the other party. When the other party admitted, his mood could not help but start to sink.

Do the Tudor families already know this caravan plan? Then continue to lead the team north, is it the same as sending to death?

However, what the other party said is not necessarily true, he still needs to continue to test.

Qian Weining thought for a while and said, "What is the purpose of your coming here? I don't know if we have so many people. How come there are such a few people? Is it because your boss wants to send you to death?"

When the captive man heard this, he seemed to think of something very angry, and he spoke a little louder: "How can we know that you have so many people, and you can see that the elite are elite knights?"

Qian Weining always felt a little strange when he heard this, he wondered: "Wait, don't you know that we are Knights?"

"Of course I don't know," the man said, gritting his teeth. "You guys are burning knights, otherwise it is impossible to appear in the southern six counties on a large scale, but I can't understand it. Mego is just a marginal wizard. , It takes so many of you to protect ?! "

"Hiccup?" Qian Weining froze: "You are here to kill Mego?"

The captive man also froze: "Who do you think we are going to kill?"

"Oh," Qian Weining waved to the guard behind him: "Drag and kill."

There is no need to judge, Qian Weining is certain that the other party has told the truth.

The captive man roared: "You promised me with the honor of the Knights!"

"I promise you the same treatment as your companions," Qian Weining sneered: "He is dead, you can go with him now."

Before the fight tonight, Ren Xiaosu probably knew what kind of person Qian Weining was, and the player who was able to take advantage of the tears technique could also buy the hearts of the people. It can be said that he was full of eyes.


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