The First Order

Chapter 1150: 100% Beheaded Officer

Qian Weining's heart was not wrong, the grenade suddenly exploded in the night, not to mention Qian Weining they were startled, even Mei Ge himself was trembling with shock.

However, because the bonfire in the camp has been extinguished, this confidant is not particularly real, so I am not sure.

Qian Weining said: "What kind of fart are you here, can Mago be scared by the witchcraft he released? Hurry up and hold the horse, if the horse is scared, our follow-up plan will be complete!"

At this moment, when Mei Ge saw that no one was around them, he looked at Ren Xiaosu with a shocked face: "What is this?"

"Don't stop the spell, ask questions later," Ren Xiaosu directed.

To be honest, Ren Xiaosu hasn't thrown the grenade through the Shadow Gate for a long time. Now he has regained his stunt and remembered the days when he had just become a transcendent.

After being reminded, Mei Ge hurried to continue the chanting of Manila. In order to make everyone in the camp understand that the explosion was made by him, Xiao Mei also raised his voice specifically.

Although he didn't know what he was talking about ...

However, there were also attentive people in the camp who were puzzled: "How come Lord Mego's spell seems different every time?"

The guard next to him didn't have a good air: "It's a sorcerer's language, you know a sorcerer's language."

"But every time he reads the sound, it seems to be really different ..."

The guards were talking, the explosions roared again, and they were very frequent.

This sound seemed to return the soldiers to a small-scale war between the wizarding families a few years ago, but at that time, more than a dozen wizards released the explosion caused by witchcraft, and now Mego has done the same thing alone. Momentum.

"How could this be a little wizard," Qian Weining murmured: "Even if the little wizard masters high-level wizardry, there can be no such movement? And, the little wizard cannot release the wizardry so often. Ah, overdraft if you release a few? "

His confidant suddenly said, "Master, what kind of witchcraft do you think this is? You listen to the explosion ..."

Qian Weining suddenly looked up: "Airburst? Lightning strike? Wait, it's airburst, it's the Norman family's airburst!"

At this moment, Qian Weining seemed to have figured out many things in an instant.

Air explosion is the undisclosed secret of the Norman family, and it is also one of the opponent's favorite witchcrafts on the battlefield. It has great power.

The life enemy of the Norman family is the Tudor family, and Mego is the person the Tudor family wants to kill, so the Norman family used Mego as a bait to suppress the reputation of the Tudor family, so they cultivated Mei The edge wizard like Ge?

Yes, it must be like this, otherwise how to explain the origin of Mege's air explosion?

Qian Weining regretted for a while. He thought he was using Mego, but he did not expect that he was involved in the grudges of the Norman family and Tudor family because of a small Mego.

In just a minute of effort, Qian Weining, who was full of thieves, made up for a political battle between top wizard families ...

Of course, this is indeed the direction that Ren Xiaosu hopes to appear in Qian Weining's guess.

When the fact that Mego mastered the air explosion technique was passed, the Norman family's support for Mego will become a speculation of many people, but Ren Xiaosu did not plan so much. Stop it.

Ren Xiaosu does not have p5092 and Qingzhen's talents for calculating enemies. Although he is cautious, he really needs to look at talents to achieve the level of strategic planning.

Therefore, in many cases, everything is done with a hammer on the head and a hammer on the west, and the enemy is killed without knowing how.

The process is not important, only when the enemy is dead.

However, an unexpected thing suddenly interrupted everyone's thoughts.

Enemies that were dormant came sneaking out of the wall, and all those bombed by grenades were running around. No one knew who the explosion would be next to next moment.

When a young man was running, he suddenly felt that someone had stuffed something in his hand. He subconsciously took a look in front of him: "What kind of stuff is black?"


It was in this chaos that everyone heard someone crying out in the darkness outside: "Adult, are you okay, lord, what's wrong with you, lord ?!"

Qian Weining: "???

Mego: "???

Ren Xiaosu sighed with emotion. Sure enough, he came again.

100% beheaded military officer technique!

Now Ren Xiaosu has really determined that there are only two possibilities for this situation. One is that he does have this passive fortune, and the other possibility is that Yan Liuyuan is always blessing him with blessings!

The sound of horseshoes outside was confused, and there was no sense of rhythm before.

In this kind of battle without faith, once the commander dies, basically the entire unit will soon fall into disorder.

Qian Weining asked over there, "Master, are you going to rush out to harvest? Their chief is dead."

"Stabilize," Qian Weining commanded by pulling the horse's reins: "What if the enemy is cheating, we're hiding inside this wall, and Lord Mego is here, don't worry about them being able to rush in. My orders are passed on, everyone is at ease! "

The enemies outside seemed to start to retreat, and the sound of the galloping horseshoe gradually disappeared into the distance after a short pause.

Qian Weining shouted: "Yao Bo, you take someone to take a look, be careful!"

The guard named Yao Bo carried a spear and took someone out of the gap between the carriages. After a while, Yao Bo shouted far away: "Adult, they are gone, here is the body!"

"Wait for me to confirm!" Qian Weining quickly drilled out to the battlefield. When he saw the corpses of the enemy, he subconsciously took a breath of air, miserable, these enemies are really miserable!

"Is air bombing so terrifying? I just heard it before, but now I see it with my own eyes, there is actually a chill from the heart," Qian Weining said with emotion.

"Isn't the air explosion technique exclusive to the Norman family," he asked softly.

"Hush," Qian Weining glared at him: "Don't mention this again, this is not something we can speculate. However, the Norman family wants to pit the Tudor family, which is actually a good thing for us!"

"Well," he agreed.

At this time, Qian Weining shouted to the camp: "The crisis is lifted, the enemy really retreated!"

Hearing this, a burst of cheers erupted from the camp, and Ren Xiaosu took the lead in shouting: "Mego! Mego! Mego!"

As a result, the entire camp began to roar Mego's name.

A businessman excitedly came over and said to Mego: "Master Mego, you are so powerful, I want to know how you did it?"

Mego smiled on the face and said something inwardly. I also wanted to know how I did it ...


The fourth chapter is over today.

In addition, the first serial scrap of 14,000 words was issued on the public account "Talking Elbow", which is the scrapped opening chapter I mentioned before. Everyone is interested to see it. It does not matter if you are not interested. Now the updated text does not matter, purely test the new features over there.

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