The First Order

Chapter 1152: Personal sanction

When it was quiet at night, while everyone was asleep, Mego suddenly asked, "How did you do it?"

At this moment, the frightened horses had been pacified by Qian Weining and others, and the entire camp was quiet, so Mei Ge and Ren Xiaosu had to lower their voices.

Ren Xiaosu glanced at Mego, but did not answer Mego's question: "What is your dream?"

"Dream?" Mei Ge tranced, at this moment he seemed to think that Ren Xiaosu was his life mentor ...

"Yes, dream," Ren Xiaosu repeated.

"I don't have any dreams," Mego whispered: "My biggest wish as a child was to hope that my father would stop betting on stones and chasing his wizard dreams."

"Did you ever talk to your father?" Ren Xiaosu asked.

"I talked, but he said that as long as there is no wizard in the family, the wealth of the whole family is nothing but someone else's money bag, and others can take it away," Mega said in a low voice. "Of course I understand this In truth, power is the castle that defends money, otherwise money will only dissipate like quicksand. "

"Actually buying real-sighted eyes is nothing but a scam set up by the wizarding organization," Ren Xiaosu said with emotion: "And it is specifically designed to target the middle class like you."

"Well, I understand," Mega said: "You asked me what dreams I had, but I had no dreams or ambitions at all, but I became a sorcerer and thought that this was my father's opportunity in exchange for my life, so I decided what to do. You have to mix yourself up. "

Ren Xiaosu secretly said that without dreams and ambitions, Daxing Northwest Branch needed such talents.

"Right, Ren Xiaosu, do you have any dreams?" Mei Ge asked in turn.

"Me?" Ren Xiaosu recalled with a smile and said, "Neither did I. I used to want to live with my younger brother. Now I want to live with a group of people. I said that my dreams can't be talked about. I'm more like a drifter in this era. Little people, it ’s just that the times require me to appear, and I will appear. "

Summing up Ren Xiaosu's life in the past 19 years is indeed like the duckweed that is drifting with the waves. The places he went to were not forced to go, but were forced to go.

To Li, to Yang, to Central Plains, to Holy Mountain, to Zuoyun Mountain, to Zhou, he has no choice. Only Northwest is the decision he made seriously.

But what can he do? Even people with distinguished backgrounds such as Qinghuang, Luo Lan, and Yang Xiaojin have to struggle in this era. It has been a blessing for three lifetimes for him to be a refugee boy.

In this era, everyone has their own sadness. The only thing you can do is to go upstream when you are drowning, until you struggle to get out of the water and breathe the fresh air.

But the most desperate thing is that when you think you are safe, the next wave may already be coming.

Mego asked again: "What is your purpose in coming to the wizarding country?"

Ren Xiaosu thought about it and replied: "It doesn't matter if I tell you. At first, I wanted to destroy the wizarding kingdom, but then when I met you, I changed my mind. Now my plan is to support you to manage the wizarding kingdom!"

Mego felt that he must be crazy. He heard such an understatement but extremely violent words from a population ...

Mego lowered his voice and shouted: "Am I crazy or are you crazy, destroying the wizarding kingdom? Support me to manage it? You know nothing about the power of those wizarding families!"

This time, Ren Xiaosu finally spoke his mind in a fair and solemn manner. He smiled and said, "You don't know anything about the power of the Northwest. Calculate the time. Since my people knew that I was being held hostage, there have been Almost a month, they should be on the road. "

Mei Ge froze for a moment: "Who?"

"Those who wish to join me in turning the wizarding country upside down."

After Mei Ge was stunned for a long time, he suddenly found that the content of the chat had a big circle. He still didn't know how Ren Xiaosu killed those people ...


At night, two hundred other soldiers who attacked the caravan left unharmed. They rode on the war horse to the north and circumvented all the roads. They seemed to have the ability of the unknown prophet. They were able to escape the establishment of the Winston family. Checkpoint.

This group of people has been lurking in the Winston family territory for many years, and it is natural to know how the Winston family will deal with the change.

Be the first knight to stop marching in the mountains: "Dismount."

After that, more than two hundred knights all jumped off the horse, and then drew his dagger from his waist to pierce the horse's neck.

The sound of the horses falling down was loud, and then they were going down the mountain. The horses could not get up. These horses were better left here than left to the Winston family.

You know, this year's horse is very valuable.

But the most important thing is that if they do n’t kill these war horses, they will take the Winston family to the place where everyone was hiding until the Winston family finds them.

Of course horses don't know anything, they just go home.

Before dawn, the group of knights vigorously crossed the dwarf mountains, walked for almost tens of kilometers, and finally found a small village at dawn.

The people in the village did not panic when they saw them. A middle-aged man who looked like a farmer led them to the village without a word.

A knight headed greeted the villagers: "Preparing clothes and carriage, we detoured from the territory of the Voss family."

After that, the whole village was busy.

No one could have imagined that this small village hidden in the mountains in Winston's territory was actually an evacuation transit station that the Tudor family had already arranged.

It is just over one hundred kilometers from the Voss family territory, and as long as they are fast enough, they can arrive within a day.

When the time comes, the Voss family will naturally help them block the chase of the Winstons.

Facing the Tudor family, the Voss family is as humble as the Winstons are facing the Berkeley family.

The headed knight came to a secluded hut and closed the door. He said to the young man inside, "I want to pass on information."

After that, the young man only hesitated, then drew his dagger, cut his wrist, and allowed the blood to form a weird blood formation on the ground.

After the ice sculptures condensed, the knight said on one knee: "Dear Lord Kyle Jefferson William William Chris Tudor, the mission failed. Namego mastered the Norman family's air detonation. Trap! "

The ice sculpture said, "Got it, you are dormant in the territory of Voss. I will bring someone to punish myself."

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