The First Order

Chapter 1157: Descendants of Russell

The palace opened with the door of the key has been rejoiced again, and the singing has also fluttered. Some people invited Chen Jingshu to dance, and Ren Xiaosu interrupted the chat with her.

Chen Cheng was also invited by a girl from the Winston family, but An An refused all the invitations and was still with Ren Xiaosu.

Mego was surrounded by a group of people to inquire about the fighting process, and some people even asked what it was like to kill. The young men in the Winston family did not seem to have experienced a serious fight.

Ren Xiaosu shook his head secretly, he felt that these people are difficult to help him.

Moreover, he did not like to associate with such aristocrats in his heart.

In contrast, here is very similar to the Middle-earth consortium, and Ren Xiaosu prefers the atmosphere of the Northwest.

An An saw his expression on the side and suddenly asked, "Do you look down on them?"

"It's not a matter of looking down on it, it's purely a matter of difference, it's nothing. I think it's a wrong decision for you to mix with them," Ren Xiaosu said.

An An said: "Auntie is just trying to test your attitude. I am here to tell you and wait for a while to follow the arrangements of these young boys, and then you will understand why we should stir them up, we I never thought about what they could do. "

Ren Xiaosu was taken aback for a moment, but it surprised him a bit. Do bounty hunters have other purposes?

At this time, Mei Ge suddenly waved to Ren Xiaosu: "Ren Xiaosu!"

Ren Xiaosu walked over and Forbes Winston smiled and asked him, "This is this?"

Mei Ge said: "Oh, let me introduce you, this is my personal follower."

Originally, Mei Ge wanted to force Ren Xiaosu to chat together, after all, everyone came together, why did he accept all this alone ...

As a result, Forbes Winston heard that Ren Xiaosu was a pro, and then politely smiled and said: "There is exquisite food prepared for the relatives and servants in the side hall. Mr. Ren Xiaosu can go there to eat and then wait for the Wizard of Mego . "

Ren Xiaosu raised his eyebrows. He didn't expect that the wizard family's class concept was quite strict. When he heard that he was a personal follower, he even lost his polite interest.

This kind of dude has even kept saying that reforms will be carried out. After they are in power, the aristocracy will still be the aristocracy, and there will be no change in the world.

Ren Xiaosu felt that this kind of person should be surrounded by Russell.

In a reform, not everyone is carrying sincere beliefs and responsibilities. This is the norm of the world.

Mego was a little angry when he heard that he wanted to directly pull Ren Xiaosu away, but Ren Xiaosu took a step back and said with a smile: "Then I will go to eat something next, Master Mego, I am waiting for you in the side hall."

After that, a servant took Ren Xiaosu to the side hall.

Mei Ge was very angry, but when he saw Ren Xiaosu blinked at himself before leaving, he changed his smile again, and continued to pervert the widows of the Winston family.

When Ren Xiaosu came to the side hall, what surprised him was that it was also very lively. The servants and relatives of the wizards gathered here. Although everyone did not drink, they were dancing and chatting one by one ...

Compared with the main hall next door, people here seem to be more relaxed, and no one is holding a gesture.

However, Ren Xiaosu did not join it, but stood quietly against the wall, waiting for the banquet to end. He closed his eyes, trying to listen to the movements of the main hall as much as possible, so that no one would suddenly shoot Mego.

A middle-aged man walked slowly to Ren Xiaosu and stood next to him. Ren Xiaosu opened his eyes and looked at each other, but he didn't mean to deal with each other.

"What is your relationship with Ren He," the middle-aged man asked with a smile.

Ren Xiaosu suddenly stared at the middle-aged man in front of him: "I also want to know the answer to the question you asked."

At this time, Ren Xiaosu realized that in fact, Chen Cheng brought himself tonight, not to introduce himself to the young wizards of the Winston family, but to bring himself to see this middle-aged man!

The reason why the bounty hunters are willing to mix with these young people of the Winston family is to add a protective color to themselves.

Ren Xiaosu has to admit that this group of people is indeed brave enough, no wonder they can still live alive under the siege of the wizarding organization.

The middle-aged man said, "Introduce yourself, Zhang Haoyun, a little person."

"Things that Chen Jingshu can't talk to me, let you talk to me to show that you are not a small person in the bounty hunter organization," Ren Xiaosu calmly said: "Say, what do you want to talk tonight."

"Don't worry about it," Zhang Haoyun said with a smile: "I didn't plan to use what you did, I just wanted to know how much information you know about Ren He."

"You shouted at me, in order to show sincerity, should you first talk about what you know," Ren Xiaosu said with a smile.

"Ren He, the founder of the Templar Assassin organization, was originally created to fight against cia and extremist organizations. Later, he reached a settlement with cia, and the organization went underground to start contacting the leader of the wizarding organization, Russell," said Zhang Haoyun "Middle-Turkish people have a son and are also the founders of the Middle-Turkish Knights Organization and the founder of Qinghe Group."

Zhang Haoyun looked at Ren Xiaosu seriously and said: "He is the origin of the faith of our entire organization. He has enough sincerity to tell you so much."

Ren Xiaosu was surprised, he thought that the organization on the side of the wizarding country would also be called a knight, but he didn't expect to change the name.

And cia or something, he heard it for the first time.

However, the two organizations, the Templar and the Cavaliers, seem to have different functions. The Cavaliers are to challenge the dreams and beliefs of the extreme, but the Templar was really born for killing.

It seems that because Ren Xiaosu first asked the name "Ren He", the two parties now have such a basis of mutual trust.

Because Chen Jingshu didn't know much about Ren He, they called Zhang Haoyun to communicate with Ren Xiaosu.

Ren Xiaosu looked at Zhang Haoyun and said: "Actually I don't have much news to share with you. I know very little about Ren He."

Zhang Haoyun frowned: "What message can you bring me?"

Ren Xiaosu thought for a while and said, "What I can tell you is that the Qinghe Group of Middle-earth is still there, and the Cavaliers Organization is still there. I and them are friends."

"Why did you suddenly come to the wizarding country alone?" Zhang Haoyun asked.

Ren Xiaosu said in a moment of silence: "Probably it was fate that made me clarify my life experience. Please answer me a question. What happened to Ren He's son, why did he take away the black true eyes to save people?"

Zhang Haoyun replied: "This question can only be answered by Russell's descendants."

Suddenly, the palace said in Ren Xiaosu's mind: "Find the clues of Russell's descendants, the task completion progress: 3/4."

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