The First Order

Chapter 79: Every piece of snow is not innocent

Perhaps because of the daytime, Ren Xiaosu really did not encounter any dangers that could threaten them. On the road, they encountered a wild cat that ran into the face. As a result, the wild cat did not attack them, but ran away directly. .

Ren Xiaosu's team is getting closer and closer to the location of the Qing's consortium, and they are becoming more cautious.

"According to the habits of combat brigades, when scouting and blasting, they must have scouts to arrange dark whistle on the periphery," Xu Xianchu said. "So we must be careful when we are close."

"So professional, there is a dark whistle?" Ren Xiaosu said: "But it is not only a whistle, but the area around them may have been wiped out by force. You see that the wild cat was obviously scared."

Ren Xiaosu knows the animal's habits. Cats are very calm and cautious after returning to the wild in the wild. They rarely appear panicked as they have just done.

Sure enough, when they approached slowly again, they could hear intensive gunshots.

Ren Xiaosu thought that the armed forces of this consortium really felt much stronger than the private army. The private troops felt sent to death, and the consortium was simply hanging up the beasts in the mountains.

He suddenly remembered what Zhang Jinglin had said: human hot weapons are far more powerful than you think.

Ren Xiaosu has advanced gun skills, so he now understands the correctness of Zhang Jinglin’s statement.

At this time, an injured wild boar ran towards Ren Xiaosu, and Xu Xianchu whispered: "Let it open, don't shoot!"

The wild boar is much older than they have seen before, but its head and abdomen are madly bleeding, so that the wild boar is crazy.

Xu Xianchu, they have to let the wild boar collision path, not that they can not beat the wild boar, but ... since they can hear the gunshots of the consortium, it proves that the consortium can also hear them.

The most worrying thing about Ren Xiaosu was that he was discovered by the consortium in advance.

Liu Bu looked at the wild boar and said: "It's ok to stop it and bake it. We haven't eaten for almost a day!"

Ren Xiaosu feels that there is such a group of people in the world. The value of their existence is to set off others. He said to Liu Bu: "I really envy you, but I have evolved IQ but I don't need it. It looks very chic..."

Liu Bu was unable to speak for a long time, Xu Xianchu explained: "You are here to ignite an open fire, isn't you telling the Qing's consortium that you are here?"

Wang Lei looked at the wild boar that had passed by them and wondered: "We and the Qing's consortium are both human beings. Shouldn't we rush to them in the past, why should we worry about being discovered by them?"

Wang Lei, Liu Bu, and Luo Xinyu now want to let the Qing’s consortium come and save them now!

At this time, Yang Xiaoxuan said: "The mysterious land controlled by the fire company has also had many consortiums to send armed forces to investigate, but without exception, all of them have been destroyed by the fire company, so you feel that if the Qing’s consortium finds you are here too, Will they raise you deliciously and send you back to the barriers? This is also the reason why the private troops of the 113th squad are required to play the band's banner, although this is no different from sneaking the thief, and deceiving yourself."

For the consortium, the secret here is worth more than human life.

"You will feel that the existence of the consortium will save you," Xu Xianchu sighed.

Liu Bu, Luo Xinyu, and Wang Lei, who originally planned to rely on the consortium, heard this saying that they were mourning. To tell the truth, the world they touched was still the bottom of the consortium, so they did not know what the consortium thought, protected. They also don't know how cruel the world is.

In the barriers, they only need to work hard to eat and drink, no beasts, no hunger.

The consortium told them that the outside world was safe and that the beasts had been cleared out of the barriers, so they believed, and the songs and dances in the barriers rose.

"What are we doing in the past?" When Liu Bu realized that he would be ruined if he was discovered, he lost the spiritual pillar that supported him this day. His desire to seek help from the Qing Group was almost his last. The roots are a straw.

Liu Bu was sadly sitting on the ground: "Let's go, I won't leave."

Ren Xiaosu did not care about Liu Bu and continued to move forward. For Ren Xiaosu, Liu Bu’s life and death are really not important at all. To be honest, Ren Xiaosu hopes that Liu Bu can stay here.

But before they even waited for Xiao Su to go, Liu Bu listened to the subtle winds in the surrounding woods, and the more he wanted to be more afraid, he immediately climbed up from the ground: "Wait for me!"

At this time, Ren Xiaowen asked: "What if we encounter the combat troops of the Qing's consortium?"

Xu Xianchu thought for a moment: "Prioritize to retreat to the rear. Their main task now must be to mine the civilization before the disaster, not to chase us."

"You underestimated the determination of the consortium to block the news," Yang Xiaoyan shook his head and said: "Once they find out, we will definitely be endless, and there is a wireless communication system in their helmets. If they find that they can't immediately kill us, then they You will definitely call support, and you will definitely feel that you are more willing to get along with the human faceworm."

Ren Xiaosu stunned, is this Qing’s consortium so fierce? He was curious: "You seem to know the combat forces of these consortia?"

Yang Xiao took a look at him, but did not answer this question: "If you encounter it, you must immediately kill all visible targets. Don't be merciless, because the other party will not be merciless."

"The soldiers of the consortium also have children," Wang Lei hesitated. "This will be too cruel."

Yang Xiaoyu calmly said: "When an avalanche, no snowflake is innocent. Whether it is spontaneous or wrapped up, everyone in the war is a tragedy, but also creates the tragedy of others."

"Let's go," Xu Xianchu looked at the forest ahead.

The secrets in that mountain are tempting them. If the consortium is abandoning it, they may lose interest in it, but the secret is so precious that the consortium must have its precious place.

Going back is death, and it is possible to survive if you move forward.

Xu Xianchu, they carefully identified the location of the gunshots, try to avoid encountering the consortium's combat troops, and there is probably an estimate in Xiaosu's heart. Maybe an hour later they will know what is hidden in the mountain.

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