The First Order

Chapter 803: Ren Xiaosu

At this point, the Northwest young coach Ren Xiaosu, who was expected by Da Huyou and Wang Yun, had reached the gate of barrier 31.

However, something unexpected happened. After learning about their identity information, the garrison at the door didn't let go easily. Instead, they politely stopped everyone out of the door and said they were waiting to check the information.

This is a two-hour period, and after two hours have passed, Kong's check is still not complete.

Wang Jing smiled: "It looks like it's going to stop us here. It's okay, we'll just wait."

As a result, Ren Xiaosu looked at the long street in the market town and suddenly said enthusiastically: "Since Kong is not allowed to enter now, let's just consult in the market town and rescue the refugees outside the 31st barrier!"

Wang Jing froze for a moment. He looked at Ren Xiaosu more and more kindly.

Yang Xiaoguang looked at Ren Xiaosu silently. She knew that the goods had left Wang Yun's rescue behind him ...

As for the assassination of Condon, let alone ...

It was just that Yang Xiaoguang did not remind Ren Xiaosu any more, but instead sitting in the car silently looking at Ren Xiaosu's face, she suddenly felt that Ren Xiaosu was quite cute at this moment.

At a certain moment, Yang Xiaorong could perceive that Ren Xiaosu really gained some happiness and sense of accomplishment in the process of healing and saving people, and had nothing to do with benefits.

In fact, this kind of emotion, Ren Xiaosu himself thought it was the joy of getting a token of appreciation, and then ignored it.

However, a middle-aged doctor hesitated: "This is not very good. This is Kong's territory. If it is known by Wang, I am afraid that it will be difficult to raise funds in the barriers in the future. Shall we blame the enemy? "

Ren Xiaosu shook his head in an upright voice and said, "The consortium is geographically divided, but are there also regional differences between the patient and the healer?"

"That's good," Wang Jing applauded, "then I'll cure and save people in this market town until we run out of medicine until this Kong Kong is willing to let us into the city! I believe those colleagues in the barriers are also running for this Instead of waiting anxiously, let's brighten up the style of our Trinity Society and let Kong see what the healer is. "

At this moment, Wang Jing really sees Ren Xiaosu more and more, and this kind of aspiring young man should devote his limited life to the unlimited medical career.

Now that the order is broken, it is rare to have such a benevolent heart!

It was at this time of Wang Jing's exhilarating effort that he went back to see Ren Xiaosu, but found that the other party had put on a white coat and started to help Liang Ce and others circle the temporary consultation camp.

Wang Jing looked at this scene and looked at everyone's enthusiasm, as if he was a lot younger, and his blood was boiling!

It was only one morning's effort that the Trinity Society's free consultation here spread throughout the town and slowly passed to the factory.

Originally Ren Xiaosu was still a bit worried. This is not the place where Trinity Society often consults for free. Will the refugees be grateful?

As a result, he found that his worries were a bit redundant, and as long as they were treated in good faith, most patients would be sincerely grateful.

Of course, some strange phenomena also appeared. For example, after exiles found that the medicines were distributed for free, they lied about having a fever, a cold, a sore throat, and so on, and wanted to come and cheat some anti-inflammatory drugs to sell.

Some doctors dismantled this kind of thing, but Wang Jing waved and let the exiles leave. He said, "After all, this is different from the previous emergency department. We have been operating there for decades. Everyone is shaded by the Trinity Society, so do n’t Sorry to deceive us, but don't be discouraged or blame, and people here will respect our actions from the bottom of our hearts. "

In fact, not only are some people cheating, there are even people with injuries who dare not come to the rescue, for fear that this is a trick of the consortium.

When Wang Jing learned about this, they decided to have a small meeting to discuss how to solve it. Wang Jing looked at Liang Ce: "What about Ren Xiaosu? Let him come over to the meeting."

Wang Jing looked around and found no figure of Ren Xiaosu.

Liang Ce froze for a moment: "Ren Xiaosu has gone to the hospital for treatment, and he said that these people cannot be made into a net fish ..."

Wang Jing smiled awkwardly: "Haha, this kid's wording is really novel ... Go, let's go and see."

Having said that, Wang Jing took two doctors and walked to the market town. As a result, he heard someone crying and lingering when he didn't go far. When he approached them, they saw that Ren Xiaosu was forcibly pressing a patient to the ground. How about giving people medicine ...

Several other doctors looked at Wang Jing silently, and Wang Jing's eyes twitched. He didn't know why this boy was so enthusiastic about treating the disease and saving people.

However, at this moment, the gate of the barrier suddenly lifted up slowly, Wang Jing looked back, was seeing Kong's guard troops coming out, and he was carrying several doctors in white coats.

Wang Jing laughed: "An old friend came to meet us, let's go," and after that, he laughed loudly to the doctors in white coats: "Yang Shiruo, Su Bang, long time no see!"

The team's two middle-aged doctors smiled openly: "Three years apart, Wang Lao's style remains the same."

As a result, when the two were preparing to meet Wang Jing, they were stopped by a young man on the side. He smiled at Wang Jing: "Father Wang is good, I have heard of him for a long time. . "

Wang Jington paused, and his enthusiasm apparently faded a lot. He politely said, "Director Zhong, how are you?"

"Well," Zhong Zhen nodded. "It has been agreed that you have entered the barriers for medical communication, but there are some processes that need to be taken a step further."

"What process?" Wang Jing wondered.

"Everyone in your communication team must answer a few questions. The questions are not difficult, they are all professional questions, and they must be stumped," Zhong Zhen laughed. "After all, reality is a special period. I hope you all forgive me. "

Everyone looked at each other. No wonder this time there will be so many doctors coming out to greet them. It turned out that these doctors wanted to identify the doctors in the team.

If a spy wants to sneak in, no matter how many lessons have been made before, real doctors and fake doctors will know it at any time. After all, it is impossible for a spy to spend years learning medical knowledge.

The Trinity Society ’s visit to Kong ’s this time has tangled intelligence agencies for a long time, or Zhong Zhen came up with such a suggestion. If these people can pass the screening, then everyone can rest assured.

The above thought is also correct. There have been no problems in the more than ten sessions of the Trinity Society before. All of them are doctors, so they will go.

Zhong Zhen laughed and said, "Father Wang, what do you think?"

Wang Jing felt that there was nothing wrong with him, and said with confidence: "Comprehensively, let's start."

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