The First Order

Chapter 806: Wang Jing's thoughts

Regardless of Liang Ce, Meng Nan, and Wang Jing, they lived in the Confucius barriers before, so they did not feel empathy for the external war.

In their world, war seems to be the words of a newspaper, far from themselves.

Now, they first experience deserters in the wilderness, and then these people can almost see the tragic war from this deserter. What makes the elite soldiers reluctant to enter the battlefield again? Even frightened to flee all the way south.

Since then, everyone has understood that the world is about to change.

Wang Jing has always been lamenting that a troubled world is coming.

Then, they went through the spy screening of intelligence agencies. The intelligence-launched fighters of the firearms looked extremely sturdy, and the soldiers' muzzles pointed at them.

All of this is commonplace for Ren Xiaosu and Yang Xiaoyun, but it is still too cruel for these doctors who live in barriers all year round.

Ren Xiaosu just clearly saw that a doctor was shaking his voice when answering a question, for fear of being wrongly answered and being pulled out and shot.

When the convoy entered the barrier, Wang Jing sighed in the car: "I'm not sure if I'll take you to Kong Kong, right?"

Liang Ce said: "It's not your fault, why blame yourself for the fault of others."

Wang Jing looked at Liang Ce with a smile and said, "You guys are doing very well. Before, I just thought you were excellent in academics. This time, after experiencing strong winds and waves, you can see that you have the courage in nature."

I have to say that Liang Ce did well. After meeting the deserter, Liang Ce did not cry and shouted to go home, and even soon returned to normal. When he just answered the question, Liang Ce was calm and calm.

In Wang Jing's opinion, this is a good seed that can become the chief physician in the future.

Liang Ce was a little embarrassed by Wang Jing. He modestly said, "Where is it, I think Ren Xiaosu's performance is much better than mine."

Wang Jing nodded: "Well, he is better than you, but you don't have to compare with him, just do yourself."

This sounds like: Ren Xiaosu is a genius, and mortals do not need to compare with genius, so as not to increase troubles.

Liang Ce couldn't laugh or cry. He looked back at the off-road vehicle where Ren Xiaosu was. He said that you would be comforted by Mr. Wang.

Wang Jing smiled at Liang Ce with a smile and continued, "He is a stranger. I was still an intern at your age like you, so if you work hard in the future, you can reach my current position, and He ... I don't know where he ends. "

Liang Ce laughed: "I'm very content to be a doctor like you."

What Wang Jing didn't say at this moment was that he wasn't even sure if Ren Xiaosu would become a doctor in the future.

Although Wang Jing is old, he is not confused.

On the night when the deserter appeared, Ren Xiaosu had to leave his pistol. He remembered it clearly. In order to prevent Ren Xiaosu, a "newbie", from firing, he also specially checked it and the gun was absolutely closed.

But when Ren Xiaosu fired, he opened it.

A person who has never touched a gun is not sure how to get insurance?

Moreover, now he calmly thinks back to the scene where Zhong Zhen just screened out the spies. Ren Xiaosu and Yang Xiaorong are the calmest. Ren Xiaosu's calmness can also be said to be talented, but Yang Xiaohibin should not.

There were only two girls in the team, one Yang Xiaorong and one Meng Nan.

At this time, Meng Nan said nothing in the co-pilot seat, and Wang Jing and Liang Ce both saw that just after facing the screening of intelligence agencies, Meng Nan was still worried.

Therefore, in contrast, Yang Xiaoquan's performance made Wang Jing understand that I'm afraid that Ren Xiaosu and Yang Xiaoquan's entry into the Trinity Academy team is not so simple.

But Wang Jing is still thinking that these two people look so young, should n’t the task of coming to Kong be a particularly dangerous thing? If he taught carefully along the way, maybe he could pull Ren Xiaosu and Yang Xiaoyun back to the doctor's way?

The convoy stopped for more than thirty minutes in barrier 31. Yang Shiruo stepped down from the vehicle and said, "Father Wang, this is the accommodation we arranged for you. It is a little rude. Please forgive me. "

Ren Xiaosu looked towards the apartment, which was clearly a townhouse, and the land occupied was probably more than 1,000 square meters.

Wang Jing said with emotion: "It's your Kong's hospital that makes money."

Yang Shiruo smiled slightly awkwardly: "You're kidding. Our exchange meeting will be held tomorrow afternoon for 7 consecutive days. You will have a good rest today and see you tomorrow."

"Okay, thank you for your hospitality," Wang Jing nodded.

After saying goodbye to both sides, Liang Ce and others felt the heat coming into the villa as soon as they entered the house. Some people were surprised: "There is still a heated room."

"Well, let's rest early," Wang Jing said, "Tomorrow afternoon there is a meeting to be held. This is what we are going to do for Kong Kong."

Ren Xiaosu and Yang Xiaoyun carried their suitcases upstairs. The open townhouse had 17 rooms, enough for so many people.

Liang Ce looked at the back of the two people upstairs, envious in his heart ...

While going upstairs, Ren Xiaosu whispered to Yang Xiaorong while others were still visiting, "I will go out when it is late at night, and only two people will be able to track me down. I ca n’t find me. If something happens here, you Take care. "

Yang Xiaorong nodded: "Use black bullets when necessary?"

"Yes," Ren Xiaosu said, "I'm really in danger!"

Yang Xiaoguang gave him a surprised look: "Today is quite generous, rest assured, I will not use it unless I encounter a difficult and extraordinary person."

Ren Xiaosu was of course generous at this moment. When he left the Wangs before, his thank-you tokens had already reached more than 3,000. He was consulted again this morning in Kong's market town. Thank-you tokens are about to break the 4,000 mark!

If Yang Xiaorong's strength is used to calculate the data, this is the lives of 40 extraordinary people, and no one can escape it.

Of course, the actual combat will certainly not be satisfactory, and there will always be accidents.

In the middle of the night, Ren Xiaosu drew a gap in the curtains. When he again determined the tracking position outside the villa, he found the other party's blind spot in the villa and turned it out from the kitchen window on the first floor of the villa.

In the villa, Ren Xiaosu can hear the snoring sounds through the doors. I'm afraid no one would think that Ren Xiaosu's extraordinary person who has long been known in this extraordinary world would be hidden in the villa.

At night, Ren Xiaosu took the hood and headed north, where Da Huyou agreed with him.

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