The First Order

Chapter 809: Te (tei) unlucky

Alas, the knock on the door rang outside the villa.

Everyone in the villa came to the hall and looked at Wang Jing: "Master, what's going on, isn't Kong going to take us all away?"

To be honest, everyone was a little panicked when they were accused of having a spy in the team at the gate of the city before. Now they have encountered this kind of thing again. The whole villa is surrounded by soldiers with live ammunition. It is impossible to panic.

They are doctors who cure and save people. They may be in danger on the operating table, but they have not experienced such battles.

Everyone knows that these Kong soldiers don't seem to be joking with them, something must have happened!

So, now listening to the knock on the door, everyone looks at me and you, you dare not open the door.

Wang Jing sighed: "It's a blessing or a disaster, it's a disaster that can't be avoided. Let's cooperate with them and see what they want to do. Don't get hurt by standing behind you."

Having said that, Wang Jing was going to open the door. A middle-aged doctor wanted to stop Wang Jing and said that he should open the door. He hesitated and didn't have the courage to speak.

Liang Ce gritted his teeth and prepared to come forward, but he found that someone was one step ahead of him.

Ren Xiaosu took Wang Jing's arm and said, "Master, you are so old, do n’t go to top this kind of thing, let me come. And I do n’t think there is any danger. If it is really arrested, you do n’t need to knock so politely, for sure It's long since broken in. "

Liang Ce and others all looked at Ren Xiaosu. They did not expect that at this time, it seemed that the youngest Ren Xiaosu would suddenly stand up.

Yang Xiaoguang also gave Ren Xiaosu a surprised look, but she didn't say much, but immediately entered the state of preparing for battle.

Ren Xiaosu went to open the door of the villa. The young man in the black suit outside smiled when he saw Ren Xiaosu: "Hello, I'm Pei Wenjin, the temporary person in charge of the intelligence department. I'm sorry to visit late at night."

"Dare to ask what are you doing here?" Ren Xiaosu asked calmly.

"Can I go in and talk?" Pei Wenjin laughed. "It's still a little cold outside."

"Certainly," Ren Xiaosu said, letting go.

But Pei Wenjin didn't enter the villa by himself. A 30-man combat team followed him. These people rushed into the villa. After entering the villa, he immediately occupied the various channels, and then killed and stood.

After Pei Wenjin entered the villa, he first shook hands with Wang Jing: "Jiangyang Wang ’s name, I hope this visit is not too abrupt, please sit down, we will stay in this villa for a while."

Then, Pei Wenjin invited Wang Jing to sit on the sofa together. Ren Xiaosu curiously said, "Isn't that the chief named Zhong Zhen who entertained us before, where did he go?"

Pei Wenjin regretted: "Mr. Zhong Zhen was killed in the emergency."

Ren Xiaosu immediately froze. He originally just asked for a break, but he didn't expect it to be this answer!

Now even King Kyoto couldn't help being curious: "Understanding that he has seen him before, why did he die at night and what happened?"

Pei Wenjin stared at Wang Jing's eyes tightly and said, "Don't you know what happened?"

"How do I know?" Wang Jing looked back calmly, he really didn't know!

Pei Wenjin observed Wang Jing's expression and found that he didn't ask anything and explained: "Suddenly tonight, a master sneaked under my Kong's barriers. After being discovered by our patrol, he launched a killing ring. Chief Zhong Zhen was on his way. On the road, the enemy was blasted by a burning sniper bullet and he died inside the car. "

The next Xiao Su was speechless. He just blasted a car and wanted to attract Kong's troops to the past. How could he kill Zhong Zhen directly ...

Why is Zhongzhen so unlucky?

Therefore, this Pei Wenjin was the director of the intelligence department temporarily appointed by Kong. Ren Xiaosu knew that the intelligence department controlled the inside, the intelligence department controlled the outside, and the three were purely violent agencies that provided fire support.

Pei Wenjin looked at everyone: "So there is such a big incident in the barriers, we must thoroughly investigate the reason, you have come to the 31st barrier when you first arrived. Although we feel that you are all serious doctors, we must also Check it out. "

Wang Jing nodded: "We understand this, but I guarantee that all doctors in this villa cannot be criminals in the mouth of Chief Pei."

"Okay, you understand that it's the best," Pei Wenjin stood up and said to the soldiers in the villa, "search all the rooms and look for suspicious items."

With that said, the soldiers rushed up and searched through the boxes. Ren Xiaosu probably understood what they were looking for: a sniper rifle.

However, Ren Xiaosu was curious. If a large object such as a sniper rifle is hidden in the villa, it must be particularly conspicuous. It is impossible for criminals to run out of sniper rifles and carry them back. People will always be around.

Not long after, all the soldiers upstairs gathered downstairs, and the team leader reported: "No suspicious items were found."

"Search around a kilometer in the vicinity to see if there are any suspicious objects," Pei Wenjin said slowly, and then he walked out of the villa.

Wang Jing followed behind Pei Wenjin, and Ren Xiaosu also followed.

With the eyes of the Chief Pei walking around the villa after going out, Wang Jing couldn't understand what Pei Wenjin was doing.

At this time, Ren Xiaosu saw Pei Wenjin carefully looking at the window sill outside each window. He suddenly understood that Pei Wenjin was watching if anyone had come out of the villa!

The window sill was covered with dust. As long as someone stepped on it, it would leave traces, and this is a detail that few people notice. Who would look at it idle?

Pei Wenjin looked at several windowsills, but not every one.

After thinking about the memory for a while, Yang Xiaorong found that the window sill Pei Jinjin looked at was also particular about the dead corners of the field of vision at the staring position.

If anyone finds that they want to leave the villa silently after they have tracked their position, they can only flip through these windowsills.

Seeing Pei Wenjin like this, the other party has a clear mind. Before that, Xiaorong Yang was still wondering why the two staring dark piles would leave a blind field of vision with an angle of almost 60 degrees. This is too unprofessional.

Obviously you can see the whole villa from a long distance!

As a result, Yang Xiaoquan now understands that this is a trap left by the other party.

Pei Wenjin slowly walked to the kitchen window where Ren Xiaosu was in and out. He carefully observed the floating ash above it, as if to put his face on it!

Yang Xiaogen silently glanced at Ren Xiaosu, ready to draw a gun at any time.

Just the next second, Pei Wenjin smiled and looked up and said, "It seems that you are really good doctors who abide by the law."

There was no trace on that window sill, because Ren Xiaosu had noticed this trap when he came out.

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