The First Order

Chapter 811: Decapitation

In the middle of the night, the barriers did not recover quietly. Ren Xiaosu looked out of the villa through the gap in the curtains. This time, after he determined that Pei Wenjin had gone, he really took away all the stalking piles.

But before his heart was completely put down, the room knocked on the door.

Ren Xiaosu walked to open the door, but saw Yang Xiaohibin standing at the door. Now he was overjoyed. The other party in the middle of the night came to take the initiative to find himself. Is it to talk about the ideal of life all night long?

As soon as he was about to say something, Yang Xiaoyun covered his mouth with one hand.

I saw Yang Xiaogen took out a piece of paper in the other hand and shook it in front of Ren Xiaosu's eyes. Ren Xiaosu saw the words "Eavesdropper" written on the paper. As soon as he took a divine effort, the other party released his hand and turned back. The bedroom next door.

Ren Xiaosu looked inside and outside the room. To be honest, he had not experienced professional training in this area, so he did not have professional anti-reconnaissance capabilities such as Yang Xiaoquan and Zhou Yingxue.

After searching for a long time, he couldn't see where the eavesdropper was installed.

However, Ren Xiaosu was a little bit sorry, this Kong's intelligence agency was really sullen enough, and it was more damage than one.

Zhong Zhen had intentionally left a trap in the perspective of the surveillance of the hidden piles before. This time, Pei Wenjin was even more powerful. He went to the villa for a raid on the grounds of an obstacle and made a decent look.

In the end, it was only for the subordinates to come in to install the eavesdropper. This is probably Pei Wenjin's purpose.

Just now, Pei Wenjin's people also searched the cars outside, and those cars must have been installed with eavesdroppers.

This really doesn't make people talk. Ren Xiaosu is a bit helpless. They can't remove the eavesdropper or the other party will find it.

After all, how could a group of doctors find an eavesdropper?

After dawn, others began to prepare the topic of medical communication, while Ren Xiaosu and Yang Xiaoquan took the opportunity to stroll around the villa yard. The two found a place where there was no tap, Ren Xiaosu said boldly: I made it, and I already connected with Da Huyou, but it is still difficult to rescue Wang Yun. "

"Where is the difficulty?" Yang Xiaogen asked.

Ren Xiaosu gave a brief overview of the situation. In fact, he thought it was not difficult to find the detonator in the hands of the current intelligence chief. The most difficult thing was how to save more than 200 prisoners in another prison.

Yang Xiaoquan asked, "How do you plan to solve the problem of the initiator? It looks like you have an idea?"

Ren Xiaosu said: "Look, it's boring to find the detonator. If we catch the other party, we have to force the other party to say where the detonator is. It's too much trouble. We just kill the intelligence officer. It will take a while to take over the detonator, enough for us to go to jail. "

As for the steel gates and other things, these things are not worth mentioning in front of the black knife. So far, he has only chopped up the hard, only Chen Liu'er's gold hoop.

After listening to Ren Xiaosu's method, Yang Xiaogun was silent at first, but then thought carefully about what seemed to be the case ...

She asked, "What about the more than two hundred people in that other prison?"

"I think so," Ren Xiaosu said, "Look, forcibly breaking a prison to save more than two hundred people, and the goal on the street is too big, otherwise we can think of a way to remove the barriers, Then the whole barrier is messed up, and our goal is small! "

Yang Xiaogen looked at Ren Xiaosu silently. She said that Wang Shengzhi asked Ren Xiaosu to assassinate Kong Erdong. I am afraid that Ren Xiaosu could give him even greater surprises ...

Wang Shengzhi just wanted to kill Kong Erdong, but Ren Xiaosu was thinking about how to remove the barriers to cover the action!

But Yang Xiaohibi had to admit that Ren Xiaosu did have some truth ...

Just how should they dismantle, and where do they start?


At the same time, in the mountains to the north of Kong's family, extremely elite troops were climbing mountains.

The Ningjin Mountains were not stationed by Kong ’s troops at this time, only because the mountains were so steep and there were three cliffs in the mountains. The terrain in the mountains was more terrible than expected. Not to mention that the mechanized troops were impassable, even the infantry troops were No, unless it is a team of fighters above t4 level.

Earlier, Kong set a checkpoint here, because the Tinder Combat Force's physical fitness is strong, and it is likely to pass through here.

Later the Kongs withdrew the checkpoint. It was not that they did not value the tinder, but that they found it too bad to intercept the tinders in the mountains. The tinder fighters were like monkeys, and their troops were clumsy in the mountains. It is not yet possible to take advantage of thermal weapons.

So Kong retired from the mountains and set up fortifications on the plains outside the mountains. As soon as the Tinder Forces came out of the mountains and wanted to attack the 32nd barrier in the north, they would immediately face a horrible metal storm.

However, now there are hundreds of Tinder troops across the mountains. All of them carry heavy bags in the mountains, but they are as flat as possible. Kong ’s hypothesis has come true, and Tinder really hides such a whole cause. T4 sequence consisting of special forces.

What's more, their target was not the 32nd barrier. This unit suddenly turned in the Daliu Ridge in the Ningjin Mountains. It actually went around a large circle and stubbornly bypassed the defense lines outside the mountains.

Then head straight to the 31st barrier south of the 32nd barrier.

The task of these people is by no means siege, but decapitation.

Just like Qing Ye's evaluation of the Nano Warrior, do not use strong individuals on the front battlefield, that is the most stupid choice, because that will weaken the value of the individual.

The Tinder troops traveled extremely fast, and they could march 180 kilometers a day, even without any means of transport.

It should be known that the ordinary infantry service marches in the wild under heavy load, but it is only about 40 kilometers per day. Even if the speed is increased, it is basically only 70 kilometers per day.

For a war, such marching speed can already be regarded as a raid.

Corresponding to this beheading force, the main force behind Tinder is also eager to move. As long as the South declares that the beheading is successful, the comprehensive war between Kong and Tinder will immediately erupt!

At this moment, a man in a black robe was standing on a mountain peak, silently watching the tinder beheading troops getting farther and farther. He said with a husky smile: "How can human beings stop the war, you are right? ? "

Just on the cliff behind him, there were still a few gray subjects with gray skin hanging on the mountain wall, responding to Wang's ridicule with a roar.

These subjects are different from those seen by the Central Plains. They come from the Arctic Prison farther north. The king in the north allowed the black robe wizard to turn thousands of prisoners in the prison into their own army, as if they were gods towards humans. The world has sprinkled the seeds of the plague.

However, the experimental body has always been difficult to transform, and there are only dozens of new experimental bodies in thousands of prisoners.


There is only one chapter today, let me have another good day ...

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