The First Order

Chapter 823: Ren Xiaosu's class

In villa No. 31, Wang Run hung up and looked at Wang Jing and others. Wang Jing asked, "Who are you?"

After Wang Run brought people into the villa, he didn't explain anything to the team of Trinity Society, but only showed his credentials in the Wang's intelligence agency, and immediately controlled the villa, forbid Wang Jing and others to go out, and prevent unknown The character is near the villa.

As Ren Xiaosu said, there are indeed people with bad intentions who want to come to the villa area to rob, but Wang Run they killed two and left their bodies at the door, and no one dared to approach the villa again.

At this point, Wang Run had received an order to retreat, and he looked at Wang Jing and others with a restless word, but said nothing.

Wang Run turned his head and made two tactical gestures to his men. Everyone began to quickly gather the equipment, and then disappeared into the night outside the villa.

Although Wang Run received Ren Xiaosu's order to protect Wang Jing and others, Ren Xiaosu spoke where Wang Shengzhi would work. Since the boss let him retreat, he retreated.

Wang Run left Trinity Institute with two automatic rifles and four magazines. In his opinion, this weapon is enough to deal with chaos.

Listening to the chaos in the barriers, Wang Jing slowly sat on the sofa and said, "I'm afraid the medical communication is about to end."

Someone suddenly asked: "Master, have you seen Ren Xiaosu and Yang Xiaorong, why haven't you seen them from beginning to end?"

However, Wang Jing did not answer this question, he already had the answer in his heart.

Earlier he thought that Ren Xiaosu and Yang Xiaoyun were here to perform only a very simple task. After all, the couple looked so young.

But now it seems that the tasks performed by Ren Xiaosu and Yang Xiaorong are not simple at all.


Outside the No. 31 barrier prison, Ren Xiaosu and Yang Xiaoquan and others hid in the shadow of the roadside to observe. The prison was already brightly lit, and a huge searchlight illuminated the vicinity as daylight.

Wang Yun looked at Ren Xiaosu with a look of anticipation: "Master, what shall we do?"

As a result, Ren Xiaosu did n’t wait for him to speak. Ji Ziang spoke first: "I was rescued by you and I haven't demonstrated my valuable ability. Let me deal with this prison."

"You?" Da Huo hesitated for a moment: "I know you are an extraordinary person in the soil system, but the extraordinary ability does not seem to be your best area?"

Da Huyou's subtext is that your extraordinary abilities should be ordinary, otherwise, Kong could not catch you.

Ji Ziang smiled bitterly and said, "I was underestimated. What I was responsible for was to rescue an important person in the secret prison. It turned out to be overturning in the ditch of the warden's hand. It turned out later that it was here There are no such important people. "

With that said, Ji Ziang got up and walked to the 31st barrier prison. I saw him pointing a finger apart, and the solid prison building was directly deserted by a quarter.

The masonry is no longer solid, the foundation is no longer solid, everything is soft.

Ji Ziang said to Wang Yun: "Air cannon!"

Wang Yun didn't hesitate, his eyes suddenly turned into silver gray, an air cannon was launched from his combined palms, and he blasted the prison in front of him.

It was just a moment's effort. The originally fortified prison fortress was like a piece of cake that was cut away, and the broken one was like a model that deliberately cut the internal perspective!

The prisoners throughout the prison were agitated. Some prisoners began to flee wildly, while others began to attack the prison guards who had oppressed themselves!

The defensive prison suddenly collapsed, and I am afraid that the Kong people have never thought that their prison would become a pile of ruins in this way!

Da Huyou looked at this scene and was startled: "I found treasure!"

Originally Huyou came to the secret prison and did not pay much attention to Ji Ziang's extraordinary ability. It is really easy to arrest Ji Ziang in the intelligence records this time, it is difficult to make people feel how powerful he is.

But now think about it, it is not that Ji Ziang is not powerful, but that the warden's ability is too weird, which makes people defenseless.

Ji Ziang and Wang Yun have rushed to the prison, Ren Xiaosu, Yang Xiaorong and Da Huyou are behind.

At this time Ren Xiaosu suddenly asked: "I think you should be able to save both of them. The warden's ability, though weird, does not have much effect on your pure power system. Although the passage has explosives However, the person holding the detonator may not be able to detonate so accurately, and should not trap you? And you are not an unreliable person, how can you not know that explosives are buried in the passage of this secret prison? "

Da Huyou laughed and said, "What does the young master want to ask?"

"Why do you have to wait for me to rescue?" Ren Xiaosu was puzzled.

Da Huyou looks like a mix of rivers and lakes, but things are not rough. Take the sacred mountain trip, Da Huyou can accurately identify the route in the fog, which shows that he is very prepared.

Therefore, Ren Xiaosu felt that Da Huyou could not accidentally fall into a secret prison, and ignored the transformation of the secret prison.

Dahuo laughed and said, "What's the point of saving them? I'm the one in charge of the field. I don't need these two to bear my affection."

Ren Xiaosu thoughtfully: "So you let them bear my love?"

"Yes," Da Huyou nodded, "Although almost half of the 178 fortress has begun to support you, there are still some old people who don't recognize it. After all, you are too young. After all, you have not received systematic military training. No military command has been studied systematically. Of course, they are not against it, just need you to prove yourself with more things. You can continue to fight alone in the past, but you will need to return to the 178 stronghold in the future. My class is over. "

Ren Xiaosu didn't speak, Da Huyou continued to laugh: "I will send these two people back to the northwest. With Wang Yun's more than two hundred elite men, the future will be your most solid power."

"This is what you and Wang Fengyuan mean?" Ren Xiaosu wondered: "You two are not good at intelligence work, thinking about so much."

"No, no," Da Huyou shook her head. "This is not what we should do in the dragon, you misunderstood, we have no such thing in Northwest China."

Ren Xiaosu wondered, "So what do you do?"

Da Huyou seriously said, "This is what Commander Zhang meant."

The next Xiao Su stunned, he did not expect Zhang Jinglin to make plans for him to take over the 178 fortress smoothly.

You should know that Zhang Jinglin is not very old. It is no problem to be a commander for fifteen or twenty years. The other party started to find a reliable team for himself so early?

Is the other party so determined that he is qualified for that position?


Thanks to Dingdang belly, I have a cat in hand. Two classmates became the new alliance of this book.

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