The First Order

Chapter 825: Make a splash

Ren Xiaosu explained to Da Huyou: "When you leave the barrier, you must be careful to avoid the battle zone between Tinder and Kong. Now Tinder has just destroyed the wall of the barrier in the north, but I do n’t think their purpose can only be this one, so Be careful, don't run into them. "

"Well, I'll pay attention," Da Huyou said.

At this time, Wang Yun's men had driven out the prison bus, and also grabbed the communication equipment from the prison guards, so that the five vehicles could ensure close communication while driving.

But Wang Yun was a little puzzled: "Master, do you mean that you don't go with us?"

Ren Xiaosu explained: "There is also a medical team from Wang's in this barrier. They are very respectable. I can't watch them die in barrier 31."

"For Wang's people, is it worth it?" Wang Yun wondered a little.

Ren Xiaosu said earnestly: "Some of these people have been busy all their lives in order to save the lives and help the wounded. I can't watch them suffer misery. I don't know what Wang's people are. I only know that they are worthy of respect."

Dahuo talked and stopped, but never said anything to persuade.

And Ji Ziang patted Da Huyou's shoulder and smiled on the car: "No matter how many times you flout me, but only now I feel that it is right to go to the Northwest, let's go. Let's see you, Northwest! "

Ren Xiaosu finally explained to Da Huyou: "It is best to go south after the bus goes out of barrier 31. Not only will the Tinder company come to the north, but now there are new enemies in the north. I suspect that the enemy ’s terrible degree is beyond Imagine. "

"Well, I'll pay attention," Da Huyou said as he got into the car.

Ren Xiaosu looked at the five buses, and he turned around and Yang Xiaorong got on the off-road vehicle, ready to rescue Wang Jing and others.

I don't know if Wang Run has protected Wang Jing according to his account. According to the truth, Wang Jing is Wang ’s highly respected medical leader. Wang Run should protect it seriously?


At the same time, the Tinder Company in the north has broken through Kong's blockade, and has been rushing south along with refugees.

I have to say that Tinder's strategy is very wise. They first broke the walls of the barriers and panicked all the residents. As a result, a large number of fugitive refugees became their cover.

This led to Kong's scruples when shooting and blocking. It was too late for Kong to make up his mind to shoot with civilians after the tinder broke through two lines of defense in a row.

When the fighting completely turned into street fighting, the Kong guards who had lost their complete line of protection were no longer able to pose any threat to this elite beheading unit of Tinder.

For a while, these people turned to zero and traveled from different streets. Someone in the communication channel asked: "Sir, what is your goal now?"

T5 said coldly: "It will take some time before the main force arrives. The reinforcements of Kong's stationed 40 kilometers away should be coming. Before dawn, we must make the 31 barrier more chaotic so that they cannot form an effective resistance force. . "

"What should I do?" One asked.

T5 pondered for ten seconds, and finally decided: "Raid the Kong Clan intelligence agencies, first remove their eyes, and the two armies confronted the intelligence first. As long as the Clan's intelligence agencies are paralyzed, Kong Clan will definitely lose. ! "

With that said, the t5 immediately turned to the location of the Kong's intelligence agency, during which they encountered two more Kong's blockades, and as a result they were penetrated by them.

At this time, Kong's found that Tinder Company, a highly mobile special force, had no opponents in street fighting.

In addition, Kong observed the movement of the tinder and found that they were running to the intelligence agencies.

After the Tinder company finally broke into the intelligence agency, t5 looked at the corpses on the road, the abandoned vehicles after the explosion, and the empty intelligence agency building ...

"What's the matter?" T5 gave a stunned look, and the Tinder troops who entered barrier 31 this time were one of them.

They are now trying to paralyze the intelligence agencies, but some people took them one step ahead and destroyed Kong's intelligence agencies!

Some of the men checked the identity of the deceased against the corpse. They were all prepared before they came. One minute later, "Report to the prince, the head of Kong's intelligence, Prince Xi, was killed."

"The new Chief of Intelligence died."

"The new Chief of Intelligence II is dead."

T5 raised his voice in the communication channel: "Please note that there may be another fighting force in this barrier and beheading the intelligence agencies with extreme precision. I am afraid that Kong ’s intelligence agencies have disappeared! "

"Who did it," someone wondered.

"I'm afraid it is Wang's elite troops. Be careful. If you run into them, avoid them. At this time, it's most important to destroy Kong!" T5 condenses, in his opinion, the strength of the opponent should also be strong, and the number of people Many, otherwise there is no way to destroy an entire intelligence agency at the center of the barrier!

This made t5 murmur in his heart, because he hadn't heard of any strong combat power of Wang's nearby.

"What now?" A t4 asked in the communication channel.

"Attack the secret prison," T5 replied after thinking: "The people inside were released enough to give Kong a headache."

But they exhausted Bara and ran for almost half an hour. When they arrived at the secret prison, they found that it had also become ruins. A chill rose in their hearts at t5. How could Wang ’s elite troops be faster than them? step?

And how many people did Wang's come to, after the destruction of the intelligence agency, there was still enough power to break the secret prison? With secret eyes, the secret prison was destroyed, and hundreds of prison guards died in prison. Is this Wang's lurking an independent regiment? !!

At this time, the broken wall was only in the north, and the rest was intact, so Wang must not have come in from outside the wall, it must have been buried in the wall long ago.

"Go, go to another prison," t5081 no longer hesitated, anyway, their task was to contain Kong ’s guards and make the other party unable to organize a defensive force. In this barrier 31, Wang was not theirs. enemy.

However, when t5 stood outside the ordinary prison, the whole person was shocked. At a certain moment, he even felt that Wang's really lurked an entire independent group in the 31st barrier ...

T5081 yelled: "Is this Kong's intelligence agency a rice bucket? So many people lurked by Wang's do not even know in the barrier?"

However, the aftermath of the destruction of the two prisons has already caused Kong's headaches, especially the group of released intelligence fighters in the secret prison. These people can make a batch of bombs when they visit the hardware store. With the 31st barrier, it has blossomed in full!

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