The First Order

Chapter 862: Destroyed materials

Earlier, when Da Huyou and Wang Yun were rescued from the secret prison together, he said one thing. The reason why he asked Ren Xiaosu to rescue him was to make Wang Yun and Ji Ziang become Ren Xiaosu's team in the northwest.

Later, the matter in the class always appeared occasionally in Ren Xiaosu's heart. He didn't want to fight for anything, but after so many things, he also realized that if he wanted to guard something, he would have to say goodbye someday. Singles day.

As Ren Xiaosu said before, a real victory will not change for a certain hero, it will require tens of thousands of people to work together.

And what does Ren Xiaosu lack most now? Is there a lack of individual combat effectiveness?

What Ren Xiaosu lacks now is the ability to direct operations. He also has a skill learning map, but the basic map can only be copied to advanced skills at most.

It's like Wang Jing's cardiac surgery skills are masters, but he re-engraved the learning map with basic skills is only advanced.

Perhaps the advanced skills are better than many people, but the problem is that those opponents in this era are all tactical masters, their eyes are dirty, and senior players will kill a lot of teammates.

If you put it in the past, Ren Xiaosu would think, then wait for the perfect skill map to copy the master level or even the perfect level.

But now, Ren Xiaosu thinks that a person's energy is limited after all. Since he doesn't have this ability, then find someone who has this ability!

Today, he has seen people with the highest level of command and combat capability. There are probably only a few of them, one is Qingye, one is Zhang Jinglin, and one is p5092.

Qing Ye must be able to dig, Mr. Zhang was thinking about retirement, and Ren Xiaosu naturally locked his target on p5092.

In the past two days, the frontline battle report also came back. The main force of the third division of p5092, Dajie, is well known in the forward base. Ren Xiaosu looked at the report and found that this p5092 was played in Dashishan, forward base, or the front line They are all very beautiful, and the calculations on the battlefield seem to be all in his heart.

This person's talent on the battlefield is enough for Ren Xiaosu to look up.

For a time, the four words of Daxing Northwest hovered in Ren Xiaosu's mind, lingering ...

But the only thing Ren Xiaosu was worried about was that this p5092 was too good at sacrificing others for bait, which was not in line with the northwestern tone.

Although the Northwester was not afraid of death, he died as a bait for nothing. Ren Xiaosu couldn't bear it. This is probably why he was difficult to become a commander.

Even a benevolent elder like Zhang Jinglin, didn't he choose to sacrifice a sharp knife?

At that time, Zhang Jinglin had laid his hands on the Gobi Corridor in the north, but in order to prevent the spy from learning the news, Zhang Jinglin told Ren Xiaosu nothing.

Ren Xiaosu didn't blame Zhang Jinglin, because making the calmest decision in the chaos and letting the troops reach the final victory is what a commander should do.

The last thing that should happen in this world is to kidnap a commander with morality, because there is no morality at all in war.

Ordinary soldiers of Tinder are running to the arsenal, trying to race with the barbarian.

And a small number of barbarians in the front base used to create chaos have been killed by Ren Xiaosu and Yang Xiaohibi. Ren Xiaosu looked in the other direction and saw Meng Nan suddenly fall to the ground.

Liang Ce decisively backed Meng Nan and continued to escape in the direction specified by Ren Xiaosu.

Ren Xiaosu murmured: "This product is finally getting rid of it. The relationship between them should heat up fast now."

Yang Xiaoquan lay on the roof of the health clinic and looked at the sight while saying, "I don't know when someone will know."

"Ha ha ha ha ha, who is someone ..."

At this point, the special forces of Tinder had rushed out of the arms warehouse. Although there was no T5 leadership, more than a hundred fast-strike troops composed of T4 fighters were enough to make those barbarians with huge axe and close-handed melee scared.

Ren Xiaosu observed that the number of barbarians was about 400, and the moment they confronted the special forces, they began to be suppressed backwards.

Seeing that they were unable to successfully capture the arsenal, the barbarians turned and ran to the mountains. They also knew that they were in an ambush and were preparing to return to the wilderness. They would wait until they came out to contain the tinder.

But they still underestimated the p5092's determination to clear the rear. Since the Tinder senior officer had put out the bait, he did not plan to let them go.

When the barbarian was going to break back, he didn't know where to kill another special force from the wilderness. There were more than four hundred special forces, one third of which was in Dashishan, and it was left here. Two-thirds.

Now the barbarian had completely cut off his retreat and had no way to escape.

Ren Xiaosu put away the black spy and said, "The big picture has been set. Now the barbarians can't find any big storms. Let's go and join the Trinity Society."

"Well, let's go," Yang Xiaoyun also got up.

However, before they left, 800 meters away from the arsenal, there was a sky-high fire, and the huge pillar of fire looked like an apocalyptic scene, and a lot of dust and haze filled.

"Wait, there is the team's position over there," Ren Xiaosu said. "Did you see the barbarian over there?"

"There are no barbarians over there, I'm sure," Yang Xiaoquan said. "All barbarians came in from one road, and no one approached there, I'm pretty sure. Someone bombed the entire heavy convoy area with a tnt bomb. It's a big deal. "

"But who will do this?" Ren Xiaosu looked at the area: "Is there anyone other than the barbarian staring here?"

Almost at the same time, all the Tinder soldiers and barbarians couldn't help looking at the place where the explosion happened. Everyone felt a fiery wave of air hitting it, and the air wave swept the smoke and dust, and the entire forward base was like fog. It looks like it is just a moment of effort, and the visible distance is only about 10 meters.

An officer in the special forces yelled, "Don't be distracted, killing the barbarians is the first task! Let go of the arsenal and let the soldiers on the base take guns to rescue them!"

It is not that they do not want to rescue the supplies, but it is even more important to kill the barbarians in front of them. If they let the barbarians run away under such a perfect battle plan, it is not a problem with the commander, but it is a problem with their performers. .

Moreover, since the supplies have exploded, it is difficult to recover anything in the past. All they can do now is to kill the barbarian in front of them.

Unconsciously, someone suddenly discovered that the sound of the sniper rifle in the forward base had stopped and the sniper was missing.

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