The First Order

Chapter 869: I'm better than him

Regarding the news that the experimental body is still alive in this world, Tinder did not conceal it, but directly and honestly informed the news to Ji Yi, and then Ji Yi passed the news to Hope Media for publication.

Tinder believes that they need to let everyone know that the culprit that caused the destruction of barrier 74 is still alive today, and everyone must be more vigilant, because this time the experimental body appeared, there are more powerful barbarians.

In fact, this news was mainly shared with the Wang family. After all, those who are now fighting the enemy in the north are Tinder and Wang family.

Prior to this, Wang did not inform Tinder in advance of the coming war, and this time Tinder showed an extraordinary degree of intelligence sharing. Jiang Xu even praised this unethical behavior in a new section and rebuked Wang Keep secrets.

However, now that there is no p5092 counterpart, Ren Xiaosu cannot see how to write in the newspaper.

To be honest, Ren Xiaosu also felt that Tinder had made the right decision this time. Just as he wanted to remind Tinder, Tinder had an obligation to remind others before Dayi.

After all, compared to the barbarian, the experimental body is a species that is bent on killing all humans and turning all humans into gray-skinned monkeys.

Trinity Institute, Qinghe students and Tinder's material troops went north together. Tinder managed to collect the damaged materials from the advancing base, leaving only a quarter of the previous ones.

This makes all Tinder soldiers look sad, because they know that it means: frontline soldiers are likely to be full!

After the Tinder, they must gather all available resources as soon as possible, and then transport them to the front. Otherwise, they may collapse before the barbarian tentative attack ends.

Tinder soldiers are indeed strong-willed, but how can people fight even if they can't eat enough food.

At this time, Ren Xiaosu was sitting in the troop of the troop truck with the people of the Trinity Society. As the vehicle passed the bumpy mountain road, he drove all the way to the north.

More than a dozen people were treated preferentially in a car. At first, everyone thought it was the result of healing and saving people. Tinder was a separate vehicle arranged for them by gratitude. However, it was later found that other doctors and nurses in the health center were crowded. Understand is their particularity.

Then members of the Trinity Society recalled that when p3 left Renjin Base, they specifically told Ren Xiaosu: The p5 chief is looking forward to seeing you again at the front.

So everyone suddenly realized that the co-authorship was a special treatment for Ren Xiaosu, and everyone just lost it.

Those Qinghe students were not so lucky. A large number of trucks in the forward base were destroyed. When they went north, they had to wait for the tinder to load the goods and then sit on the supplies.

The cold wind blew through the students' unlovable cheeks, then waved away.

Previously, Ji Yi also wanted to find the p3 who moved forward to the base to solve this matter. Ji Yi said very seriously: "These students also made special trips to send supplies. We sent so many supplies and medicines. Why is this treatment in the end? ? "

As a result, p3 answered calmly: "On behalf of Tinder, I thank all of you for donating materials, but I don't think this can be the reason that affects our combat plan. Mr. Ji, you can see that the vehicle is not enough."

p3 went on to say: "And I think it is very correct for you to put your hope on my tinder. If the tinder is extinguished, then who can stop the barbarians for Los Angeles? Is it Kong? The Kong is already dead."

"So if the tinder is gone, then the entire Central Plains will have to face the expeditionary army that has been driven straight by. Long Kong has already seen a refugee wave. They want to flee further south. But if the tinder is gone, they will have nowhere to run."

Indeed, as p3 said, many of Kong's residents and exiles started to flee south.

Some people are afraid of war, others are unable to eat.

The Tinder Army took away all the materials that could be collected in barriers 31 and 32, and the residents of those barriers could not buy food at this time. They could only go out of the barriers to find a way out.

It's only been less than half a month, and the bark in barriers 31 and 32 has been cleaned!

Ji Yi thought for a while and said, "But everyone is also a kind north. You can't treat a group of students like this."

P3 shook his head: "I know it's kind, but emotions are useless in war, and Tinder just looks at the results."

This is probably the reason why many people hate Tinder. It is clear that students are here to send supplies, but now they have been sinned, but Tinder does not think that they have done anything wrong.

Therefore, no matter how hard Ji Yi tries, he still hasn't changed the status quo of the students.

In the Trinity Society's car, the relationship between the two of them began to heat up quickly because Liang Ce had escaped from behind Meng Nan.

As soon as they got on the bus, the two whispered together, and everyone else was tired.

This incident allows everyone to understand what it means to get the moon near the water tower, what is the true meaning of adversity, and what does not mean that the near fire cannot be hydrolyzed.

I don't care if Meng Nandu likes another person, and I can't hold my heart in the midst of adversity.

While chatting, Meng Nan saw that there was no new breakthrough in the relationship between the two sides. Instead, she took the initiative and she took out a bottle of hand cream and poured it on her hand. As a result, she said, "Too much, Liang Ce. Reach out, I'll rub some hand cream on you too, you see, your hands are sloppy. "

Then, Meng Nan held Liang Ce's hand and began to apply hand cream to him. This was the first time Liang Ce held hands with Meng Nan. When she was emotional, she was simply confessed: "Meng Nan, I have always wanted to Let me tell you, I have liked you for a long time. Since I was internship together, I have been watching your figure silently, can you be my girlfriend? "

Meng Nan held back a bit: "But I'm not pretty, look at the girls in Qinghe, how beautiful."

Liang Cebiao loyally said, "You can rest assured, I like the unpretty!"

Meng Nan:"???"

Ren Xiaosu: "..."

Yang Xiaorong: "..."

Wang Jing: "..."

The people in the whole car were stupid. Why didn't they realize that Liang Ce would answer like this!

People Meng Nan is just holding on to it. If you boast a few more words and say something nice, won't this happen?

With a sigh, I saw that Meng Nan pulled his hand back directly, and then said coldly: "I didn't have any criteria for choosing a mate before, but until I met you, I told myself in my heart that you can't do this! "

Ren Xiaosu whispered while sitting next to Yang Xiaorong: "I'm better than him ..."

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