The First Order

Chapter 888: What is the third division doing?

After the battle was over, Ren Xiaosu sent the infantry brigade to area a22.

"The soldiers need to take a break now," said p5092.

"It's okay, area a22 is safe. Go and rest there," Ren Xiaosu said. "A21 is no longer safe here."

Then, Ren Xiaosu closed the communication.

Then after the infantry brigade left, Ren Xiaosu appeared happily in the battlefield and began to pick up the axe happily.

In fact, the a21 area is very safe. He let the infantry brigade leave, just to make it easier for him to pick up the axe. After all, the infantry brigade is here, and he ca n’t pick it up, right?

However, Ren Xiaosu also had other purposes after picking up the axe, because he suddenly discovered that the barbarians encountered today were all wearing helmets and face armor.

Others didn't think much about it, thinking that this might be the standard equipment of the barbarian after entering the total war. After all, the most vulnerable part of the barbarian is his head and eyes. There is nothing wrong with protecting it.

However, Ren Xiaosu murmured in his heart, he always felt a bit wrong. Since he has this standard equipment, why didn't he bring it before?

After picking up the axe, he tore off a barbarian's helmet directly, but he froze, and saw that the barbarian's hair was gray, and the skin covered by his beard was covered with wrinkles.

Although the northern ethnic group is different from the Central Plains, it is easy to distinguish between young people and old people.

The barbarian was clearly an old barbarian!

What happened to the Expeditionary Corps? Is it because the front is too long, so there are not enough soldiers, and the veterans must be on the battlefield?

Not too much.

Ren Xiaosu took off more than a dozen barbaric helmets at a stretch, most of them were middle-aged, and a few were elderly, which made him very puzzled.

No wonder the third division was not struggling just now. The co-author was fighting a group of "veterans."

It is said that boxing is afraid of being young and strong. When people reach a certain age, they will inevitably experience a decline in physical function, and barbarians are no exception.

Maybe strength is still there, but physical strength is certainly not as good as when he was young.

Ren Xiaosu didn't know if this discovery was good news, he had to talk to p5092 about this later.

At this time, the palace suddenly said: "I found that there are tasks that have not been completed for a long time, and the task deadline is only three hours. Please ask the host to complete as soon as possible, otherwise the basic learning map in the host's hands will be deducted."

Ren Xiaosu stunned for a moment, then he remembered that the last time he took the scout into the forest, the palace also issued a mission!

Moreover, at that time he never finished it!

This was the first time that he had not completed the task, and he did not expect that the palace would even punish him.

It seems that I have to find a way to complete the task.


The twelve hours' report of the twelve main forces of the Tinder entered the forest, so that everyone who saw the report of the tsunami was stunned.

In the previous three hours, the third division seemed to be completely invisible in the battlefield. There were no kills and no casualties.

Several other senior generals saw the battle report and thought that p5092 was coming in for paddling. However, the third division only came with an infantry brigade, and it seemed that the attitude was obvious enough.

However, in the fourth hour, the third division's combat situation was reported there, and the number of kills suddenly jumped to more than 900, but the most weird situation was that there was no casualty in the third division!

Various troops also fought with the barbarians. Those barbarians had thick skins and thick shields, and several temporary positions were breached, causing great damage.

Even more shocking is that they even met the master of the barbarian in this forest. The other was wearing heavy armor, wearing a helmet and face armor, but carrying a heavy machine gun hard, and overturned three with bare hands. Armored vehicle with two tanks!

The moment when I saw this power with my own eyes was extremely shocking.

In the eyes of ordinary people, armored vehicles and tanks are the symbol of strength and destruction, and even the booming sound of the heavy tracks as they travel on the ground seems to be as thick as people's hearts.

However, there are even masters who can overturn the tank with their bare hands. This level can even crush t5!

You know, although they were not heavy tanks this time, they also weighed 40 tons, plus five people sitting inside, weapons and equipment, and ammunition, that was about 41 tons.

Overturning, of course, is not lifting, but lifting one side to overthrow, so that you do not have to fully bear the weight of 41 tons, but this is scary enough!

When someone saw that scene, they even felt that if there was no missile bombardment, it would be difficult for any hot weapon to do any harm to the barbarian? !!

This time, in the face of the barbarian's Tinder Force, it cost hundreds of people, and even the special forces led by T5 temporarily killed the opponent.

Moreover, the means of killing the opponent was still killed by a t5 during the battle when the opponent's helmet and face armor were hit, and then a soldier with excellent marksmanship hit the opponent's eye.

In contrast, the third division killed nearly a thousand barbarians without any damage, which made all other senior generals murmur. What is this third division doing?

A senior general said to the combat staff next to him: "I know that you have a good relationship with a combat staff in the third division. You have graduated from the same military academy before. When you next communicate the situation, find an opportunity to ask What are they doing. "

"Understand," said the combat staff.

By the fifth hour, the third division had no changes in statistics, no increase in the number of enemies, and no casualties.

The combat staff of the seventh division connected the communication equipment of the third division. After the classmate he knew answered the phone, he opened his door and asked, "What are you doing with the third division?"

The third division's combat staff on the opposite side of the phone hesitated and said, "We're not doing anything."

"What didn't do anything," the seventh division's combat staff stunned. "The army is either marching or fighting. Something has to be done."

"Nothing is nothing."

"Wait, how can I hear someone singing a duckling over you?" The seventh division's combat staff stunned, he put the microphone close to his ear, and even covered the other ear, trying to hear clearly.

As a result, the other party hung up the phone before he could hear it.

The p5 general of the seventh division looked at the combat staff and asked, "What is the third division doing?"

The combat staff hesitated and replied, "I feel like they are singing a nursery rhyme ...?"

The senior general opposite him was silent for a long while and asked, "Do you think I'm a bit silly?"

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