The First Order

Chapter 892: Chariot

Now p5092 is about to race against time.

If all guesses are true, then he will complete the construction of the forest defense line before the Tinder Forces defeat.

However, this is also equivalent to putting himself in a dangerous situation. When the barbarian came after the tinder troops, the third division would be behind all the defeated tinder troops.

If it is not for the Tinder to retain more power, p5092 can completely retreat to the Great Wall, where it will be more secure.

It was also because of p5092's move that Ren Xiaosu was certain that the other party's ideal of retaining the tinder for the Central Plains human beings was definitely not just talking.

There are too many people in this world who are chanting their ideals, but they are defeated in front of life.

There are too many people in this world shouting for righteousness and morality, yet they live like maggots on their backs.

Ren Xiaosu admires those who have ideals in their hearts and are willing to pay for their ideals.

Therefore, this is why he intended to help Jiang Xu, Wang Jing, and p5092.

It was only when Ren Xiaosu and Yang Xiaogun went north to investigate, even the third division soldiers who had been lying with him did not feel that they could play a big role in the tens of thousands of group battles.

Before Ren Xiaosu's departure, p5092 seriously told Ren Xiaosu: "I know you are very powerful, even better than most extraordinary people I have seen. In the history of this extraordinary world in the future, there must be a place for you. But tens of thousands In human warfare, there is very little room for individuals to play, so don't be stubborn, survival is the most important thing. "

Ren Xiaosu nodded and replied: "Rest assured, I won't be stubborn. This is not just investigating. There will be no danger."

"Well, I wish you a safe return," p5092 said, "From the most rational point of view, you are one of the most important tinders for Central Plains human beings. The priority is absolutely higher than ordinary people. I hope you can understand this truth. "

After talking about it, Ren Xiaosu went northward. On the way he left, he felt sorry for Yang Xiaorong. Everyone said that everyone is equal, but in the eyes of Tinder, the human tinder worthy of survival may have been classified.

Perhaps the transcendent, the scientist, etc., all have high priority for the protection of the other party.

This obsession is strange, as if it runs counter to the concept of human rights. However, after Ren Xiaosu has been in contact with the other party for a long time, he does not know how to refute it.

It can only be said that everyone who has an ideal on this wasteland is upholding his own principles and walking on his own path.

At this point, if you look down from the sky, you can see the remaining five main forces of Tinder marching fast in the wilderness.

The mechanized forces' e-33 armored vehicles and e-34 tanks cover the front. They are like mobile forts, pushing the front forward continuously.

The infantrymen were closely following the mechanized forces.

This is the most common cover and combat method for mechanized and infantry units. Once the enemy situation is discovered, those armored vehicles and tanks can quickly become the best shelter and fire suppression line.

The track of the tank rolled up the dirt, leaving a long mark on the road, and the ground began to become potholes.

To the north of Tinder Corps, they were runaway barbarians. The ground around them was bombed by tanks in the roar, and from time to time, matrix heavy machine guns on armored vehicles splashed stones and dirt.

The dog teeth of the two sides are staggered, and the barbarians have never been able to rely on their physical fitness to shake off the Tinder troops.

Some senior generals in Tinder see this scene and feel happy, because as long as this situation continues, it is only a matter of time to wipe out these barbarians.

Today's battle is much smoother than expected.

It is just that not all of the five generals were blinded by the victories at their fingertips. The first and fourth divisions have now begun to slow down the marching rhythm and gradually fall behind.

In order to avoid arousing the rebellious mentality of these generals, p5092 did not call them directly to order the other party not to move forward, because this had no effect.

But he could do other things, such as getting the Third Division to quickly contact acquaintances in other units and start disseminating ideas about the trap.

You know, all Tinder officers have graduated from military academies. Sometimes an officer ’s classmates can be found throughout the Tinder Army, and now there is no communication control. Even the company-level troops have their own communication equipment. What a difficult thing.

Therefore, when the argument that the front side is gradually spreading, there are still p5 generals who began to re-examine this pursuit. The most important point is that they also feel that tonight is too smooth.

However, at this time, there was already an expeditionary army in the north waiting, and there were dozens of special metal casting cages around them, which were extremely large.

In that cage, a burly brown bear like a mountain just woke up.

This is not a domesticated brown bear. After waking up in a huge cage, they begin to growl angry at the barbarian outside the cage.

The expeditionary forces also placed a pile of black ball-shaped objects behind the cage. The surface of the ball-shaped objects was extremely rough, just like the **** **** rolled out by **** shells.

Dozens of barbarians held the torches and ignited the black **** at the same time. It was just a moment of effort. The black **** burned and released a lot of white smoke and carried a pungent smell.

When the wind blew from north to south, the barbarian stood on the upwind of the black ball, and white smoke was blown into the cage.

The brown bear in the cage smelled the smell of white smoke and hit the cage with madness. The cage began to deform!

Before the cataclysm, the brown bear was one of the largest heavy animals on land, with a body length of up to 2.8 meters, a weight of up to 800 kg, and a sense of smell that was seven times that of a hound.

At that time, the brown bear was the overlord monster on land.

After the intensive bombing of the northern cities by nuclear weapons, the brown bears in the wilderness have reached a terrifying level of variation. Few people know that the land where the Expeditionary Army lived was the place that suffered the most disasters during the catastrophe. .

Tinder executives have speculated that this is probably the reason why Manzi's scientific and technological civilization has completely regressed and his physical fitness will evolve collectively.

Suddenly, a brown bear finally broke through the metal cage that bound it, and a barbarian who was closer to it was caught by the brown bear under his palm.

But the brown bear smells too sensitive, and the white smoke has a taste that it can't compete with instinct.

At this time, a shout came from the south, and the brown bear was attracted by the sound.

In the end, a brown bear who broke through the metal cage was driven by the white smoke, and ran towards the south, like a chariot with madness.


There are two chapters tonight, but it will be late

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