The First Order

Chapter 896: I will give you some time

Under the cover of the 6th Division, the 7th Division, the 5th Division, the 1st Division, and the 4th Division finally got a rare respite respite. After learning that the 6th Division was ambushed, the four p5s already understood them. Already trapped in the expedition.

So what they have to do now is not to mourn the fallen soldiers of the Sixth Division, but to race against time.

Only when they returned to the south of the Great Wall could Tinder be able to continue to deal with the Expeditionary Army.

Among them, the first and fourth divisions were better. When they chased, they gradually fell behind, and now they evacuate the fastest.

The first division commander p5077 commanded the orderly retreat of the troops, while feeling with the deputy.

He stood on the command vehicle and looked outside. At the moment when he saw the exhaustion on the soldiers' faces, p5077 said: "If you listen to p5092 as soon as possible, it is our fault that we can allow individuals to benefit ourselves in the face of the war. Ah. "

"Sir, it's useless to say that now, retreat is the top priority," said the deputy. "Fortunately, our ministry is far from the battlefield. It is expected to reach the Great Wall in two hours, and the fire on the wall will be able to stop The barbarian continued to pursue. "

"Hopefully ..." p5077 said.

However, as soon as the voice fell, the infantry brigade commander on the side suddenly called the command vehicle: "Sir, the flanking is an expeditionary army!"

"What's happening?" P5077 asked frowning. "Why does the barbarian appear here?"

"It should have been ambush here a long time ago, and it suddenly appeared now," said the commander of the Third Infantry Brigade. "Fortunately, they came one step behind. The seventh division behind us was their main target of attack. Can get rid of them as soon as possible, sir, wait for your instructions, will our ministry support the seventh division or continue to retreat? "

p5077 immediately ordered someone to bring the map. He seriously looked at the nearby terrain, but took a breath of air: "This barbarian army is not coming late, but we are retreating faster than they thought! The troops that appeared on this flank were originally If all of us are to be surrounded, don't be entangled. The other party must be one of the main units of the expeditionary army. If they are dragged here, they are all done! "

"Yes," the infantry brigade commander replied.

At this point, p5077's heart was cold. If it wasn't for the sixth division's oath to delay the hall for half an hour, their first division and the seventh division on the west side would inevitably be entangled by the main force of the north of the barbarian, and it would be impossible Evacuate so quickly.

If it's half an hour late, then the sudden main force will suddenly emerge from behind them, and then all of them will be blocked on the way back to the south.

But now it is different. The first division has left the encirclement of the opponent in advance.

p5077 said: "Contact the other main forces immediately and ask for information!"

Soon, the combat staff received responses from the various units: "Like the Fourth Division, which was all behind, we left the encirclement ahead of time, but the 7th Division and the 5th Division were all in the encirclement. The enemy forces were directly enclosing from both wings. If we are half an hour slow, no one of the four divisions will be able to walk. They judge that the enemies responsible for the enclave will have more than 15,000 people on both sides. "

That is, the 7th Division and the 5th Division are facing the main forces of the Expeditionary Regiment with more than 7,000 people.

The expeditionary army of 15,000 is enough to stop the 40,000 tinders that have run out of food. Although they cannot all be killed, it is still no problem to stop them from arriving in the expeditionary army.

Until this moment, the value of the Sixth Division's oath of death was fully realized.

The lieutenant looked at p5077: "Sir, go back to the seventh and fifth divisions?"

p5077 sat in a chair and remained silent for a long time and said, "Retreat and continue to retreat. This time is exchanged for us by the Sixth Division for life. Treasure! Connect me to the 7th Division!"

At this time, the top general p5067 of the 7th Division was looking back at the expeditionary corps appearing behind and flanking. In the chaos, the soldiers rushed to fight, the strengths of the two sides were very different, and the frontline soldiers were killed as soon as they contacted each other.

The phone rang, opposite to the phone: "I'm the first division p5077, my department is just south of you, but we can't go back to support."

P5067, who was surrounded by a siege, smiled: "Let's go, the humans south of the Great Wall, please take care of you."

p5077 said lowly, "Old classmate, do you know what you are going to face?"

"Of course I know," p5067 laughed. "But you can't just let p5031 accept the punishment alone. Obviously, everyone made the wrong decision, then you have to pay for your own decision."

p5077 hesitated: "But ..."

"It's nothing," p5067 said firmly. "The sixth division can block us for half an hour, and our seventh division can block you for half an hour. Your department will continue to retreat. Repeat, your department will continue to retreat."

After that, p5067 hung up the phone. He asked his subordinates to pick up a sabre for himself, and then pressed the red button on the command car: "It is a great honor to live with you all. The sixth division is gone, now we are the first It ’s time for the seventh division to stand up. The sixth division has been fighting for half an hour for us. We are now fighting for the first division and the fourth division for half an hour. "

"Time is a precious thing, right? Everyone says one inch of time and one inch of gold. I don't have that much money to buy time. I can only trade it for my life."

"All of you, today's relentless battle, this is the glory of the survival of the Central Plains human beings.

However, at this moment, someone in the front of the combat team suddenly connected to the command vehicle's communication channel: "Sir, suddenly an outsider entered the battlefield! Repeat, unknown characters entered the battlefield!"

"Who? How many people?" P5067 froze.

The so-called unknown people are, of course, people other than Tinder and the Expeditionary Corps. They may be Wang's people, Zhou's people, or anyone else who can do it, but they should not be here.

"Report to the sir, there are only two people in the other party, the white mask, the legendary white mask," the frontline reported.

P5067 hurriedly got out of the command vehicle. He climbed to the top of the command vehicle and raised his telescope to look at the distant front line.

At this moment, there were two people walking towards the battlefield with their swords in their hands.

Whether it is the Tinder side or the Expeditionary Corps, there are thousands of soldiers, so the two isolated people look a little thin and lonely.

Moreover, many people who have followed the news of the extraordinary know that in fact, the white mask is not a person, but the ability of a certain person, and the ability of a great man in the northwest.

In this way, when thinking that the opponent is only one person, p5067 feels that the opponent's figure entering the battlefield is even more lonely.

In the telescope, p5067 suddenly saw that the other party seemed to say something to the frontline soldier, and he immediately asked: "What is the other party saying."

On the communications channel, a front-line combatant commander said, "He asked us to retreat. He said he would help us get some time."

While talking, there was a sound of sniper rifles in the distance, wide and long.

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