The First Order

Chapter 92: The picture is poor, the midnight murder

It may be a bit late to go to the neighboring building now.

It’s just that Xu Wei can’t understand what it is. If this small millet really spans two buildings, how far is his strength and speed?

Xu Wei said to other combat team members: "You continue to chase!"

After he said that he turned down and went downstairs, he ran straight to the next building. At this time, Xu Xin’s heart firmly believed that Ren Xiaosu would never squat on the roof, and the boy would surely cross the two buildings!

Just as he had just rushed out of the building where he was located, he looked up and saw that Xiao Xiaosu had flown from the top of his head. The speed of the teenager in the air was astonishing, and the other side stretched his body to the extreme. Then fluttered on the opposite roof! At that moment, Xu Wei felt like he saw a bird!

Xu Wei took a deep breath, and he ran to the next building and said in the communication channel: "The strength of the target Xiao Su needs to be re-evaluated! Repeat! The target strength needs to be re-evaluated!"

This boy is far from being as simple as they think! This is by no means the physical strength that the f-level threat target they usually define can be achieved!

When Xu Wei rushed into the building, he ran wildly along the stairs toward the top of the building. However, at this time, all the people in the broken city suddenly heard a loud noise, and the roar sounded like a circle in the broken city. Spreading into the distance, like a death knell suddenly knocked.

Xu Wei stood in the dark building and looked out. He was in amazement. What is this sound? It seems that it is not far away!


The moment before, that is, the moment when Ren Xiaosu ran across the two buildings, when he was flying in the air, he suddenly saw the broken skyscraper in front of the night sky!

He was originally looking for a broken skyscraper, so he is not too far from the skyscraper.

The next moment he stood on the roof and looked at the fault of the skyscraper, the broken and twisted steel bar made the skyscraper like a devil's tentacle to pierce the sky!

There was a cap on the fault. The girl showed a huge sniper rifle in the moonlight. She saw the girl stepping on the edge of the broken wall and put the big shackle on the piece that she propped up. On one leg!

Captain, aim!

Ren Xiaosu did not know how Yang Xiaoyu’s sniper rifle was changed. He just looked at the direction that Yang Xiaoying was aiming at, just to see the white light of the searchlight under the searchlight!

Ren Xiaosu was in the middle of Yang Xiaoying and Qing Yu, so he could barely see the situation in Qing Dynasty.

It turns out that... Yang Xiaoyu came here not for anything else, not for visiting relatives, nor for secrets in the mountains. Her purpose from the beginning was to kill this white suit youth!

Before the small millet thought deeply, there must be an organization behind Yang Xiaoyu. This organization also has its own intelligence agency, so Yang Xiaoyu knows in advance that the celebration will appear here.

Nowadays, in the hinterland of this mountain, the cap girl finally shows her poor and shows her most powerful killing machine!

Ren Xiaosu’s advanced gun technique suddenly turned around in his mind. He looked at the direction of the white suit youth. There must be many factors to be considered in the long-range sniper target. The distance between Yang Xiaolan and the white suit youth has even reached the point where he must consider the bias. If there is no reference, how do you make a sniper?

At this time, the white suit youth is not far from Luo Xinyu's head, and the long hair hangs from the front with the breeze swaying. When the wind stops at a certain moment, Luo Xinyu's hair also stops. Ren Xiaosu understands that just now!

Luo Xinyu did not know when she had already broken the shackles on her hands. She actually took out a black dagger from the thick long hair and stabbed the bodyguard around Qingyu. The bodyguard did not retreat, his hand was bright. The white light, like a two-handed fan, strangled toward Luo Xinyu.

Liu Bu next to him was scared. He didn't think that Luo Xinyu, who he knew, suddenly changed like a personal one. Where did Luo Xinyu, who was so delicate and delicate, go there? ! This will not be who pretends to be!

The dagger in Luo Xinyu’s hand is like a work of art, and it seems to be full of power in her slender hands.

The surrounding combat troops saw the situation and aimed at Luo Xinyu's position. If the defending bodyguards were defeated, they would immediately shoot and block the route of Luo Xinyu to prevent Luo Xinyu from assassinating the Qing Dynasty!

But Luo Xinyu is not going to kill anyone. She seems to be just trying to give Yang Xiaoyu a moment to fight. Whether it was a celebration or a bodyguard, or a member of the combat forces, they did not expect that the final murder would be on a distant skyscraper.

Luo Xinyu just turned around and turned and retreated. In a short moment, she disappeared into the shadow behind the building and disappeared, as if she had opened a door that could cross the space in that shadow!

That is the ability of Luo Xinyu. I am afraid that even if he was re-elected, Xiao Su did not expect to be in their ranks. He still harbored an extraordinary person, and he was the best acting person.

This change made everyone unstoppable, but at this time, the celebration suddenly turned to look at the skyscrapers, he felt the temples are stinging!

A shot from the bang, Yang Xiaoyan’s gunfire at the muzzle of the gun was like a night fire dragon, suddenly bursting out with a touch of blood!

When the bodyguard Yu Guangzhong saw the gunfire, he immediately gave up chasing Luo Xinyu and returned to Qingyi’s side.

The duty of the bodyguard is to protect, not to kill the enemy, the bodyguard roared: "Sniper!"

The distance between Yang Xiaoyu and Qingyu made the bodyguards get time. Although the bullets are fast, they are only relative. When the distance is stretched, even if the bullet kills the enemy, you need to cross the long air and night!

I saw that the bodyguard himself was in front of Qing’s body with his body, and the two white-handed fans in his hand were right in front of his chest. He could have tried to push the celebrations, but it was ordinary people who wanted to push the celebrations. It was still too slow.

Time is like stillness.

A slap-struck sniper bullet rips the world in the air, and it spins up to force the air to distort and penetrate the night sky!

The light column of the searchlight illuminates the side like Qing, like the stage, and the bullet seems to penetrate the gap of the light column and cross the kilometer to the stage.

With a bang, the bullet carrying a huge rotating force collided with the white fan, and the white fan broke a little bit.

At a certain moment, the bodyguard even felt that he could see what pattern was on the silver bullet of the palm.

Then, the bullets were involved in the muscles and heart, and then penetrated to bring out the radial blood flowers. This bullet that jumped over the kilometer jumped through the ability and body of the extraordinary person. Fall to the ground.

The two white fans were very tough, but they still couldn’t stop the death.

The blood splashed in the air, but in a flash of time, the white suit of the Qing Dynasty was dyed red. The little blood on the white suit was like a plum blossom that had just bloomed in the cold winter.

But until now, Qing Yu is still as calm as ordinary people, as if the bullet was not shot at him.

"It's a pity," Qing Yan sighed. Other people couldn't tell what he said. It was a self-defense bodyguard who was dead, or a white suit of his own.

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