The First Order

Chapter 967: Farewell and Black Medicine

The man on the grassland said goodbye to the man from the Northwest of the Sixth Combat Brigade, hugged each other, and then invited each other to visit each other's place in the future. They were all enthusiastic.

Ren Xiaosu and Yan Liuyuan both knew that there would be one day. At least as long as the two of them are still alive, the Northwest and the grasslands will never get swordsmen.

Yan Liuyuan does not intend to participate in subsequent battles. Now that the overall situation is set, the Expeditionary Army will undoubtedly be defeated. As the new king on the grassland, there is no need to take the risk of his subjects' lives. The most they should do now is to return to the grassland. Recuperate.

He told Ren Xiaosu that he would defend the North in the future. In a sense, from today, the prairie will replace the 176 barrier and become the first line of defense for the Central Plains in the north.

If the Expeditionary Army wants to go south again, it must first pass through the barrier of grasslands.

On the parting, Sister Xiaoyu's eyes were red and pulled Yang Xiaohibin: "Xiao Su's child had suffered a lot before, but now it's hard for him to suffer. Sister asked you to be good to him. Feelings are two people's affairs, and I as an outsider also I have no qualifications to say more, I just hope that you are good, and when you have children, I can go to the northwest to help you bring children ... "

Suddenly, Yang Xiaorong's complexion turned red, and she was not so shy in front of Ren Xiaosu, but she didn't know why she always felt a little bit uncomfortable when facing Xiao Yu, the parent.

As for children, isn't it too early ...

Yang Xiaoguang curiously said, "Sister Xiaoyu, do you have to go back to the grassland with Liuyuan? I know you must be unaccustomed to living there, after all, it is very different from the customs in the south."

Sister Xiaoyu looked back at Yan Liuyuan, but smiled gently at Yang Xiaorong: "You are in the northwest, you have Wang Fugui, Jiang Wu, and Mr. Zhang. So many friends are together, but Liu Yuan is on the grassland. It ’s just me, so I have to accompany him, rest assured, I heard Liu Yuan said that in the past, Northwest China was actually not a hassle. It would take ten days to get there by horseback. It ’s very convenient for me to see you. ”

Sister Xiaoyu continued: "Moreover, Xiaosu has become the young commander of the Northwest. It will be a matter of time before the grassland and the Northwest trade with each other. I can go to see you with the caravan."

"Well, you must come, Xiaoyu," Yang Xiaorong said seriously.

"Well, I'll go meet them now," said Xiao Yu reluctantly. "Xiao Su hasn't liked other girls before, I promise you, so sometimes he may not know what girls like, Whatever you like to hear, if he makes a mistake, see me again later and tell me, I will help you train him. "

"Okay," Yang Xiaogen laughed.


After Yan Liuyuan decided to return to the grassland, he began to discuss some serious matters with Ren Xiaosu. Ren Xiaosu called for Zhang Xiaoman and Da Huyou, p5092, Wang Yun and others.

But listening to Yan Liuyuan said, "There are a lot of things on the grassland that need a lot of waste, such as weapons, such as vegetables, tea, and cloth. After I go back here, I will send Hasan to form a caravan as soon as possible. You guys exchange, don't know if it's okay? "

At this time, Da Huyou still needs to answer these questions. Da Huyou thought about it and said, "There is no problem with these, we will also form a caravan to the grassland."

"Then, the knowledge fault on the grassland side is more serious, so I hope I can send some children to the 178 fortress to go to school," Yan Liuyuan said.

"No problem," Da Huyou agreed.

At this time, Yan Liuyuan looked at Ren Xiaosu again: "Brother, I want to send some prairie people to military schools in the northwest, can I?"

Ren Xiaosu suddenly felt a smile in his heart, and had to say that Yan Liuyuan was still as clever and clever as ever. The matter of entering a military school is quite sensitive. Therefore, Yan Liuyuan did not talk to Da Huyou but directly Said to Ren Xiaosu as a younger brother.

Ren Xiaosu smiled at Da Huyou and said, "Can I decide this thing?"

Da Huyou hurriedly said, "Are you handsome, of course you can."

Ren Xiaosu said to Yan Liuyuan, "Okay, I promise you."

In the end, Yan Liuyuan returned to the north with the prairie, but before he left, the Wolf King suddenly came to Ren Xiaosu's side, dangling and refused to leave.

Ren Xiaosu was puzzled. Although he hadn't seen the Wolf King for a long time, he was still an old friend, but the question is, what does it mean that the other party depends on not leaving?

Everyone looked at the Wolf King, and the Wolf King looked at Ren Xiaosu.

After a long time, Ren Xiaosu suddenly took out a bottle of black medicine: "Do you want this?"

The Wolf King nodded immediately!

Ren Xiaosu was shocked. Why do you need this stuff all the time? !! However, he changed the wolf king more than ten bottles at a time, and the wolf king left with satisfaction ...

p5092 looked at Ren Xiaosu and asked, "Young Master, where next?"

"Be good and good," Ren Xiaosu laughed. "Smash all the ammunition in our hands, and then go back to Daxing Northwest."

p5092 hesitated and said: "Although I also want to continue to assist the Wang family to hunt down the expeditionary legion, we are not suitable for entering the battlefield again now, because our mobility is not as strong as the expeditionary legion and it is easy to capsize in the gutter."

"Who says our mobility is not as good as they are?" Ren Xiaosu said, p5092 and they heard the sound of the steam train driving out of nothing.

p5092 stunned: "Master, do you want all soldiers to get in the car?"

Previous Xiaosu also mentioned this before they arrived in Zuoyun Mountain, but what they needed to do at that time was to drag the expeditionary army, so p5092 rejected this proposal.

"Yes," Ren Xiaosu explained, "Although the sixteen cars have more than a thousand seats in total, it is absolutely fine for all the Sixth Combat Brigade to board the car. If we stand, we will not fight the Expeditionary Force. Just chase them with a steam train, let's go after we run out of ammunition! "

With that said, Ren Xiaosu asked everyone to get in the car, and then all the guns were mounted on the windows, which looked terrible.

For a moment, p5092 suddenly felt that the infantry brigade actually meant a little armored brigade ...

On the train, the soldiers of the Sixth Combat Brigade were excited one by one. Everyone did not expect that the young commander still had this method.

Just as the train started, Ren Xiaosu saw a troop again in the distance, headed by Luo Lan and Zhou Qi.

Ren Xiaosu stopped the train in front of them, and Luo Lan shouted, "Are you going back to the battlefield?"

Ren Xiaosu replied: "Yes, thank you this time, I have recorded the friendship of Qing's, what are your plans for the next?"

Luo Lan smiled hehe: "I won't go back to this muddy water with you. Wang may now especially want to catch me. On my side, I will let the nano soldiers return directly to the southwest, and I will go south. Once, it happened that Wang could not get away and hurried south. "

"Go south?" Ren Xiaosu was curious.

"Yes, go to Luocheng first, then go to Zhou," Luo Lan said, "that ... there is a more important thing, do you still have that black medicine, I have a soldier injured ... …You know!"

Ren Xiaosu couldn't help crying. He looked at the nano soldiers, who was injured, and he needed to say black medicine.

The wolf king, Luo Lan, why do you come here to ask for black medicine one by one before leaving? ?


There is a chapter later, but it will be very late, it is recommended to read tomorrow morning

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