The First Order

Chapter 973: lonely

Just let Ren Xiaosu continue to say, "The first time I went to hope for the media, I was supposed to advertise, but the other party saved most of my advertising costs because of a sentence. When I was in the southwest, I saw The world is too small, so I thought it was dark and boundless. It wasn't until I had seen Jiang Xu, the Cavaliers, and the Master of the Trinity Society that I knew that the world was actually brighter. "

"At that time, I asked him, if you are so persistent in pursuing the truth, if others don't care."

"As a result, he said, that's their business."

"I had to break the rules randomly when I played chess, but he was not angry."

"I told him that Qing's nano-robot could cure his leg, but he refused in order to ensure the credibility of his truth."

"It is such a clean person who died in a dirty swirl of power, Jiang Xu died."

Yes, Jiang Xu was a clean person in Ren Xiaosu's heart, and his smile was very clean and free of impurities.

The other person's life is just to do one thing well.

But this world can't even tolerate such a person, so those who can't tolerate him should die.

Ren Xiaosu held up the note in his hand, and just when he shook his farewell with officer Wang, the last officer in the line shoved the note into his hand.

Ren Xiaosu was informed that Jiang Xu had been assassinated at 2 o'clock in the afternoon yesterday.

In addition, Luo Lan will continue his journey to Los Angeles, but may be assassinated. Therefore, Ren Xiaosu needs to take a trip to Los Angeles.

This trip to Los Angeles, Ren Xiaosu must go, he has to see Jiang Xu off, but also kills many people.

He explained to p5092: "You and Da Huyou take everyone back to the northwest."

"Let's go with you," Da Huyou also came to the front of the car. "I also have a relationship with Jiang Xu. Such people should not die like this."

Yang Xiaorong looked at Ren Xiaosu: "I'm with you."

In the end Ren Xiaosu shook his head: "No, you can't go."

Now that the Sixth Combat Brigade has just fought, all the ammunition has been fought. There is really no bullet left.

Da Huyou was pale, apparently at the end of the crossbow.

Yang Xiaoquan's entire shoulder was swollen, her right arm could not be lifted at all, and anyone who had never really played an anti-equipment sniper rifle could not imagine how terrible the recoil was.

Although Ji Ziang still has more power, he looks forward to reuniting with his wife and children every day.

At this time, Ren Xiaosu didn't need to take these people to Los Angeles. He said to Da Huyou and others, "Everyone, I foresee that there will be a battle in Los Angeles this time, so don't go to make trouble for me. burden."

Everyone laughed bitterly, I'm afraid that the young people in the world would think that this group of extraordinary people is a burden.

Ren Xiaosu's statement was too direct, but it was not direct. I'm afraid I have to entangle with you for a long time. I simply made the statement a bit uncomfortable and broke everyone's thoughts.

p5092 thought for a while and said, "The situation of the Sixth Combat Brigade is indeed not suitable for moving to Los Angeles, so I agree with the young commander's decision. He goes alone and we return to the northwest."

Knowing that Ren Xiaosu would not agree with her, Yang Xiaohibi hugged Ren Xiaosu and said, "Be careful, I'll wait for you in the northwest."

"Well," Ren Xiaosu nodded seriously.

In the end, everyone in the Sixth Combat Brigade got out of the car, and Ren Xiaosu controlled the steam train to drive to the south.

The black smoke rising from the front of the car was like the angry emotion of Ren Xiaosu.

In the car, Ren Xiaosu pulled out the satellite phone and dialed out.

The phone rang twice and was picked up: "I'm Wang Shengzhi."

Ren Xiaosu stood in the head of the car and opened the door to see the mountain: "Did Jiang Xu send someone to kill you?"

The opposite phone was quiet for a long time: "Do you think it's me too?"

"How I don't think it matters, what's important is the truth," Ren Xiaosu said firmly.

"Not Wang," Wang Shengzhi said.

Ren Xiaosu hung up the phone directly.

No matter who he is, he will surely take out the murderer behind the scenes. If he cannot find him, he will kill all the suspects.

Ren Xiaosu looked forward silently, thinking in her heart what happened to the world?

The gold belt for murder and arson, the bridge repairing roads without corpses, this world should not be like this, it should not be like being a human.

Once, no matter how chaotic the world was, Ren Xiaosu always felt that he could stay out of the way, and those consortia would kill them and let them go.

Ren Xiaosu felt that it didn't matter who died casually, but Jiang Xu could not die.

Such a clean person is just carrying his ideals, how can he be killed by dirty means.

This feeling is like another lamp in the dark has gone out.

Dark clouds curled up in the sky, and a small gray sky floated with a fine rain.

Ren Xiaosu turned over the head of the steam train in silence, and he sat silently on the head to face the wind and rain.

In the open and vast wilderness, the boy was sitting alone on the front of the car, and the black steam train slid far away.

Looks extremely lonely.


In the rain, the Sixth Combat Brigade, which was heading northwest, quickly set up a camp, and then everyone hid in the tent, watching the growing rain, and Dahuyou said with emotion: "I don't know if it rained in the northwest. There will be rain in spring before harvest can be harvested. After the floods last year after the drought, many places in northwestern China have suffered from yellow and yellow grains. "

p5092 looked towards Da Huyou: "Aren't you fortune telling, why not count as rain?"

"Ahem," Da Huyou said, "The craftsmanship has become rusty in these years. I can only see who is suitable for Daxing Northwest."

p5092 looked outside in the tent. The rain fell on the sloped top of the canvas tent, and then fell along the folds of the tent. He suddenly said: "The young man must be sad, very angry, the first time I saw him The expression is like the undercurrent surging under the deep sea. "

Da Huyou said with emotion: "Anyway, I know Commander Zhang must be sad, he and Jiang Xu have been friends for decades."

"You figure it out, will the young marshal be safe in Luocheng this time," Zhang Xiaoman said.

Da Huyou out of Shinto: "The southeast is fierce, and many people will die."

At this time Zhang Xiaoman turned his head to look around, and then said strangely, "Well, what about Little Hibiscus? Did you see Little Hibiscus?"

"She just said she was out of the team after a trip," Wang Yun said, "just 31 minutes ago."

Everyone froze. When they were in the car, Yang Xiaoquan said he wanted to see him in the northwest. Everyone thought that he would go to the northwest with them.

As a result, Yang Xiaoquan was still reluctant to let Xiao Su face the danger alone.

She knew Ren Xiaosu was not willing to let her go, so she pretended to return to the northwest with the Sixth Combat Brigade, and then quietly left the team.

Once Yang Xiaorong lost Ren Xiaosu once, then she told herself that she would never do it again.


There is still at night, but it will be later

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