The First Order

Chapter 975: Heartworm

Ren Xiaosu was standing on the roof in a black poncho. He could see the killer approaching, but he was not panicking.

"Belonging forces?" Ren Xiaosu looked at the sniper who had been interrupted by him: "To be able to place so many people in Los Angeles in advance, it must be something that the consortium can do. Say, which consortium?"

The sniper was lying on the ground and struggling in pain. His teammates asked in his headset. The communication equipment was open, so Ren Xiaosu's voice could be passed through the headset.

Ren Xiaosu crouched beside him and tore off his headset: "You tell me which consortium you belong to, and I will save you a life."

The sniper breathed fiercely because of the pain, and seemed to be hesitant.

"Rest assured, as long as you tell the consortium behind me, I will leave immediately," Ren Xiaosu said, saying that he pinched the sniper's arm where the bone was broken. With only **** to press hard, the broken bone was actually pinched Smash.

However, the next second, the sniper bleed to death just after opening his mouth.

Ren Xiaosu was stunned for a moment. Isn't this a means of tinder, and he will die immediately whenever possible.

Is Tinder going to kill Jiang Xu? Tinder is obviously out of the question now.

No, Ren Xiaosu pulled out the black knife to cut the sniper's chest, but saw that there was a black bug tightly hugging the sniper's heart.

Seeing this scene, Ren Xiaosu suddenly felt sick.

However, when Ren Xiaosu just wanted to pick the bug down with a black knife, the bug turned into a black energy and dissipated.

This is the power of an extraordinary person to control the dead!

For some reason, when Ren Xiaosu discovered that this was not a means of tinder, he was slightly relieved, after all, those people had just fought with the Expeditionary Corps.

Which power is there, and why haven't you heard of such an extraordinary person before?

Yes, how could the extraordinary person used to do such a dirty thing be exposed to the sun.

Ren Xiaosu got up and looked down from the rooftop, and saw that the black-slayered killers were about to reach downstairs. He picked up the sniper rifle on the rooftop and killed the four closest killers in succession, then walked down the stairs calmly Walked on.

The sound of gunfire was still circling in Luocheng. All the people in Luocheng knew that the incident caused by Jiang Xu's death had not ended, or that it was just the beginning.

At least, for Ren Xiaosu, this revenge has just begun.

This time, he did not use Lao Xu, nor did he use any other means to avoid revealing his identity.

Hiding his identity is not because he is being feared for revenge, but that he is afraid of the white mask and scares them away.

Today, he uses the sound of sniper guns to attract everyone's attention, and frankly faces all the siege and fierce danger, he just wants to kill all.

It's too much trouble to find them one by one, let these people go together.

The sky is hazy and dark, just like Ren Xiaosu's mood.

There were no lights in the building, and only a few scattered windows transmitted faint light as they walked down the stairs.

Ren Xiaosu shuttled between this light and shadow. The black raincoat was like a cloak swaying. Light and darkness revolved in his eye sockets. They were cut away from the bridge of the nose as if the inner light and darkness were rapidly intertwined.

The moment he stepped out of the building, a killer was lying in ambush against the wall of the building, preparing to shoot.

The killer in black pulled the trigger at the sight of Ren Xiaosu, but he only felt a flower in front of him. Ren Xiaosu just escaped to avoid the muzzle, and then firmly pressed the killer's cheek against the wall with his palm.

With a click, the skull was cracked on the wall.

Ren Xiaosu didn't go to see the killer again, but decided to turn away and walk toward the Peony Avenue south of Luocheng.

No hidden track, no quick escape, Ren Xiaosu was like a target that suddenly appeared in Luocheng, waiting for the arrow to shoot.

The residents of Luocheng have all dared to go out of their homes. Only Ren Xiaosu walked silently on the street, and the sound of footsteps was hidden in the dense drizzle.

The black killers swooped in from both wings like wolves, and there were faint sounds of gun pulls on both sides of the street.

As soon as they were ready to complete the encirclement, Ren Xiaosu suddenly turned towards an obscure alley, and the black killer in it saw Ren Xiaosu's hand and shot.

But he suddenly found out that the trigger could not be pressed, because the gun body had been tightly held by Ren Xiaosu.

Then, Ren Xiaosu's left hand protruded like a lightning bolt, and the sudden burst of power was transmitted from the arm to the finger, and then the hard forefinger knuckle was the landing point, and it hit the upper left of the killer's abdominal cavity with precision.

The killer's spleen ruptured, the tenacity of the spleen envelope was destroyed in an instant, and a large amount of blood began to fill his internal organs. It was not saved, and he would suffer for a long time before he died completely.

The alley is paved with gray floor tiles. When rain falls on it, it will flow down the gap to the ground. The killer's mouth can't make a sound, and he lays weakly on the ground and gradually loses consciousness.

He could only watch Ren Xiaosu go away slowly, and the black poncho hem disappeared with the footsteps at the next intersection.

The encirclement just completed by hundreds of black killers was so easily torn.

But the killers didn't give up, they didn't even pay attention to Luo Lan anymore, but went all out to hunt down the young man who suddenly appeared in Luocheng.

In their opinion, since Ren Xiaosu did not confront them directly, it shows that the strength of the other party is strong but limited, and it is impossible to confront hundreds of them with their own strength.

So, thinking that the pace of the black killers here has accelerated, the encirclement has been reorganized, and it is like a large net pounced towards Ren Xiaosu.

However, they accelerated the pace, and Ren Xiaosu also accelerated the pace.

As fast as they are, Ren Xiaosu is as fast as each other, as if they are parallel lines, and they can never approach each other.

The distance between the black killers and Ren Xiaosu depends entirely on the mood of Ren Xiaosu.

Ren Xiaosu traveled from north to south, he was going to the National Treasure Garden of Mudan Avenue, and the killers saw Ren Xiaosu all the way to the south, and probably understood Ren Xiaosu's direction.

The killer in black shouted to his companion in the headset: "Sniper # 2, look for the shooting location in the south ahead!"


"Sniper 2?"

At this time, the killers in black suddenly realized that the only sniper they had left was unknown, and it was uncertain.

When Ren Xiaosu walked through the streets of Luocheng, he suddenly remembered whether Jiang Xu would have passed here like he did today, watching Luohe across Luocheng like a jade belt, watching the lush Luopu Park, watching this let People who love and hate the world.

Thinking of this, Ren Xiaosu even wanted to kill.

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