The First Order

Chapter 978: Still for money

The National Treasure Garden Villa area on the Peony Avenue in Luocheng has become a huge battlefield. The rain washed away the outflowing blood into the soil, but there was still a sweet smell in the air.

Ren Xiaosu put all the nano robots he just got into his body, waiting for Zhou Yingxue to harvest the battlefield.

At this time, no one dared to go out, which was convenient for a wall climber to kill.

However, Ren Xiaosu made a special trip to the property's office, where the property staff and security guards have fled, and he came here to take away the host that stored the surveillance video.

After all, the Wall Climbing incident had a great impact on the entire barrier alliance, and Ren Xiaosu didn't want Zhou Yingxue to fall into the mouth of others because of such a small incident.

Anyway, this is her own maid.

Before leaving, he also put a gold bar on the table as compensation for taking away the host.

When he took the host back, Zhou Yingxue determined: "Master, it's all over."

Zhou Yingxue was actually a little puzzled before, why Ren Xiaosu was always reluctant to expose this method of wall climbing, after all, she is already so powerful, why should she be afraid of others?

But then she understood that sometimes people talk like a knife, and the lord protects himself just because he doesn't want to be angry after being accused by others.

Ren Xiaosu took out a black raincoat and put it on his body again: "Okay, things are over here. You go to see Wang Yuchi first, I'll go to Luo Lan."

"Okay," Zhou Yingxue nodded and agreed. Today's battle is considered to be enough of her addiction to fighting. When she thinks of the master as a bait to attract the enemy and then complete the harvest by herself, she feels like a master in the hidden world Accompanying my own master to return to the rivers and lakes is very handsome.

Speaking of them, Zhou Yingxue also missed Wang Yuchi's younger brothers a bit. The eight teenagers who followed Ren Xiaosu's life were still studying at Qinghe University. When the eight people were reviewing, Zhou Yingxue took care of them.

Unconsciously, Zhou Yingxue already treated them as younger brothers.

But Zhou Yingxue was thinking, I haven't seen those younger brothers for a long time. Should I bring some meeting gifts? Would you like to buy a few emeralds or something?

Before leaving, Ren Xiaosu gave Zhou Yingxue a glance: "After you went to the northwest, did you use my banner to make a fortune?"

Zhou Yingxue suddenly panicked: "No ... no!"

"That's good, I'll go back to the northwest together when things here are resolved, and then I'll ask someone to ask what you've done there," Ren Xiaosu said, then turned into the rain curtain.

Zhou Yingxue piqued his lips and said angrily, "Why do you think you are so troublesome when you have made such a great effort? Is there such a master ?! The emperor does not send hungry soldiers yet, what's wrong with me in the northwest ...


At this time, Luo Lan and Zhou Qi were still standing at the crossroad outside the gate of Qinghe University, waiting silently for Ren Xiaosu to return.

The former Ren Xiaosu attracted all the killers in black. When Luo Lan saw the number of the other party, he was really surprised. If Ren Xiaosu didn't come to Luocheng, he was afraid that he would really die here.

However, he turned his thoughts and thought that this was a good thing, just because so many people wanted to enter Luo City silently, it was certainly not an easy task, so the other party would definitely leave clues in Luo City.

The more people lurking on the other side, the happier Luo Lan is, no matter how the other party tries to seal it, but how can there be an airtight wall under the sky?

Luo Qing's Qinghe Group has internal counterparts, which is Luo Lan's preliminary judgment.

But who is so bold and so bold that he dare to kill?

It's not how powerful Luo Lan is, but the person who wants to kill him, hasn't he considered the consequences.

Wait, just like Jiang Xu ’s death, if everyone thought it was Wang ’s death, then his death would likely cause Qing ’s and Wang ’s showdown completely. If he could not find the murderer, then Yi Qing His character is very likely to launch a full-scale war against Wang.

So, who wants to see Qing's war with Wang's, and who wants to see the people of the world and Wang's enemy?

Luo Lan had a few speculations in his mind, but he was not sure yet.

However, at this time, Zhou Qi, who had been leaning against a roof to shelter from the rain, suddenly stood up straight and looked at the end of a road, where a man in black was walking slowly.

Zhou Qi looked back in the other direction. Similarly, the people in black on the empty street seemed to stand out.

At one time, people in black approached slowly at the four directions of the crossroads as if they had already surrounded Luo Lan.

At this time, the people of Luocheng had been scared into their homes by the sound of gunfire, and only a few brave enough dared to look outside through the window.

So, the people who will appear here now are here to kill.

Luo Lan grinned: "I said how Ren Xiaosu ran all the way with Ren Xiaosu as soon as he appeared. Even I didn't care about it. Co-authoring was to get some cannon fodder to drive Ren Xiaosu away from this place, and then send a killer to deal with me. There is a game in the game, and such an opponent is a bit interesting. "

Zhou Qi stood silently in front of Luo Lan: "Don't mutter, wait for a while and don't leave me Wednesday meters."

Luo Lan watched Zhou Qi's backing music: "You are dead and want money, how can there still be such a fight? I didn't bring money out this time."

Zhou Qi rolled his eyes: "Your brother paid for it yesterday."

"Well," Luo Lan scorned, "I thought you had changed your temperament, and co-authored for money."

In the rain, Luo Lan and Zhou Qi almost quarreled.

It was only when the four killers entered within a 100-meter radius that Zhou Qi's expression suddenly became serious. This was a lore that the other party had prepared for Luo Lan carefully. The people must be strong.

Suddenly, the drizzle in the sky suddenly became a little different. When the raindrops fell, they were stretched by invisible forces and gradually changed from a drop to a narrow silver needle.

When the drizzle fell on the ground again, it made a tinkling sound, as if hundreds of thousands of needles really fell from the sky.

Rainy days are Zhou Qi's home court.

Luo Lan praised: "Zhou Qi, your ability is strong again!"

Zhou Qi didn't speak, he was ready to shoot.

However, before waiting for the killing of both sides, Zhou Qi took a moment. He suddenly saw Ren Xiaosu's figure on the long street in the south.

A man in black was walking slowly, and Ren Xiaosu was not far behind him.

The black raincoat silhouette on the teenager is as if slowly emerging from the gray dense rain curtain waterfall, mysterious and calm.

This time, everyone didn't expect that Ren Xiaosu could solve all the killers so quickly.

It was as if a magician had performed a big living person, and then hundreds of people really disappeared and never appeared again.


Make up, good night everyone

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