The First Order

Chapter 986: Horrible memory

"What's wrong?" Luo Lan looked down at Ren Xiaosu and thought, as if there was information in his words that made Ren Xiaosu grab any clues.

Ren Xiaosu said, "Are you sure that Qing's nano-robot has only been given to Zhou, Northwest, and me?"

"Of course, these are all escorts arranged by me," Luo Lan said.

At this moment, Ren Xiaosu seems to have figured out a lot of things.

Prior to this, nanofighters suddenly appeared on barrier 61 and launched an attack on Jiang Xu.

At that time, Ren Xiaosu was thinking of either zero-dried or Qing-dried, but now there are two more options.

Luo Lan sent the nano-robots in Luocheng, and now half of them are on themselves, and most of them are on Wang Yuchi. Ren Xiaosu firmly believes that Wang Yuchi and others will definitely not participate in killing Jiang Xu.

For the batch sent to the Northwest, Ren Xiaosu also firmly believed that Northwesterners would not do this kind of thing. The nano-robots sent by Qing's in the past must be under very strict control. If there is a small number of people who have been secretly misappropriated, they will certainly be also misused. Find.

Of course, Ren Xiaosu still has to let Da Huyou confirm that the batch of nano robots is still not there.

So, the rest is Zhou.

Zhou's long-standing grievances with Wang's. At first, many of the Zhou's migrants who had engaged in trade through the trade hid in the mountains to raise silkworms. Later, barrier 61 attracted the migrants, and many of Zhou's factories were shut down.

All Central Plains consortia have the mind to annex each other, and it is normal for them to guard against each other.

Now Wang's eyes are watching to bring Tinder and Kong into his pocket. How could Zhou not panic in this case?

The killing of Jiang Xu this time will inevitably lead to hatred against Wang by the entire barrier alliance. This is what Zhou wants to see.

Qing's gave Zhou's some nano-robots. Zhou didn't dare to use it with important people, but they used the nano-fighters to assassinate Jiang Xu. When the killer was discovered by Wang, Wang would also suspect Qing's head. To deepen the suspicion between Wang and Qing.

Moreover, if the killing of Luo Lan can be done to the Wang family, then if the Qing family can fight with the Wang family and let him hide behind the Zhou family, this is simply the most cost-effective business in the world.

It is good to say that if one thing happens, if you can't find the mastermind and the culprit, then you first doubt the person who will benefit from it.

So when Luo Lan mentioned Zhou, Ren Xiaosu felt as if everything made sense.

Each clue can be explained by a complete logic.

However, the explanation went to explanation, Ren Xiaosu still decided to wait for Wang Yun's analysis first.

Ren Xiaosu looked at Luo Lan: "Since there is a backdoor program for Zhou's nanorobots, can you find out the whereabouts of those nanorobots through the backdoor program?"

Luo Lan shook her head: "We generally do not start the backdoor program to avoid being found, but it can be done. It is just that our military network has been destroyed by artificial intelligence and cannot be tracked."


Three days later, Zhou Yingxue led Wang Yuchi and others to drive to barrier 144.

The day after they left Los Angeles, a secret army suddenly intercepted them in the wilderness, but the ending was also obvious, all were suppressed by Zhou Yingxue.

At that time, Zhou Yingxue also left a group of enemy troops to train Wang Yuchi, hoping that they would adapt to the fast-paced battle as soon as possible.

As a result, weird scenes appeared. The wall climbing tiger circled all the living enemies to Wang Yuchi, and Zhou Yingxue kept cheering outside the circle.

The enemies who came to kill them all felt that how stupid they were to come and kill these people? !!

What a serious battle this is, is simply insulting them.

If it wasn't for Ren Xiaosu's side eagerly waiting for the analysis results of the surveillance video, Zhou Yingxue is estimated to be able to toss for another two days. After all, where can I find such a high level of combat training?

These cute little brothers need such sparring now!

I have to say that Zhou Yingxue treated Wang Yuchi very well. Not only are things similar to the family relationship cultivated when taking care of them before, Zhou Yingxue is still thinking, in case the master has another girl afterwards, these younger brothers can also stand Help yourself talk.

Although Zhou Yingxue felt that there was Yang Xiaohibin, there was no chance that Ren Xiaosu would have another girl, but wasn't this just in case?

When they reached the barrier 144, Wang Yun and Da Huyou waited at the gate of the city early.

Da Huyou confirmed for Ren Xiaosu that the nano robots presented by Qing's were all stored in the fortress 178 without any movement, which made Ren Xiaosu relieved, at least the suspicion that he was a ghost inside was ruled out.

Next, it depends on Wang Yun's performance.

Three days ago Ren Xiaosu informed Da Huyou to prepare the venue to analyze the video for Wang Yun. After they received the black box, they immediately rushed to the barracks near the 144th barrier.

A huge conference room has been vacated there, and the entire wall of the conference room is inlaid with countless screens.

Zhang Xiaoman led people to connect the ports one by one, and all the screens were on for a while, showing different pictures.

Wang Yun stood silently across the screen with his arms, all the images were recorded in his mind at the same time, and then accurately analyzed.

"Let the video play a little faster, three times," Wang Yun said. "Otherwise, it would take a month to finish watching these videos, and the young handsome can't wait that long."

Those screens have serial numbers in the upper right corner. If Wang Yun needs any screen to be paused, he can just say the serial number.

The video began to play, and Wang Yun stood silently, while dozens of northwestern intelligence staff around him were dispatched by Da Huyou to coordinate with Wang Yun.

These dozens of people served him alone.

Prior to this, Wang Yun first watched the video of Ren Xiaosu Luocheng's World War I, and then remembered all the killers who appeared in the video. So in a month in this video, as long as the other party appears, he will be found by Wang Yun. trace.

Suddenly, Wang Yun said: "The screen of a17 was paused. The middle-aged man who appeared on the screen left the screen of a18. After more than ten seconds, he appeared in a black plastic bag in the hand of a17 after a short period of 12 seconds. Someone must be monitoring the dead end to connect with him, cut off the appearance of this person and send it to the young marshal, let him find this person in Los Angeles and then interrogate. Well, let ’s continue, all the surveillance videos around screen a17 are reversed, I Who is going to find him! "

Da Huyou and others looked at this scene in amazement. There are hundreds of screens in front of them. Before they just knew that Wang Yun's memory was amazing, but they did not expect such horror.


There is a chapter in the evening but it will be very late.

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