The First Store System

1156 The Sixth Product(10)

Chapter 1156: The Sixth Product(10)

Universe Inea, Supercluster Gring, Galaxy Tua, Planet Yahwah,

"Father, we have found the energy you have been looking for."

In the darkness of the night, a voice broke the silence around the area.

The next moment, light erupted in the room as a pair of sun-like eyes opened. The eyes stared at the man standing in the area with a wide, respectful smile.

"Where is it?" A hoarse voice, as if the owner of the eyes hadn't spoken for years, rang in the area.

"Universe Gregat, Supercluster Uwach, Galaxy Sentiel, Planet Curiel, The Fawkes Kingdom, Thorr City, Seventeenth Street!"

Suddenly, the entire area began to shake at a rapid rate. The ground cracked open, the sky began to be torn apart, and the cause of all of it was the owner of the eyes.

The planet Yahwah was nothing but the shell of the man and no one else lived there, so when he tried to stand up, the planet started to break down.

The son stood there with a triumphant smile since there was a reward waiting for him.

Soon, the man presented himself in his entirety. It was a gigantic man standing at thirty thousand miles.

The next moment, the man started to drop in size, and soon it stopped falling after stabilizing at eleven feet.

It was a handsome man who looked to be in his prime. The man was a specimen that could be called perfect from his appearance, as everything in his body was perfectly proportional, as if he were not a living creature but a statue.

His skin was deep blue, similar to Aakesh's, but his eyes had red sclera and black pupils. The man's hair was half black, half red, matching the same pattern as his eyes. There was a hint of devilish tone in those black pupils that seemed to attract everything toward the man.

The man was naked at first, but soon, elements started to gather around him, and not long after, they formed a deep blue robe around him.

The son had the same features as his father and carried the same devilish appearance, but he was no match for his father.

"How did you find it?" The man asked, sitting on a chair that had formed from the now-destroyed planet Yahwah.

"We used the help of an Enersensia," Mohan responded, and he sat on the chair that appeared for him after his father sat down.

"Did you check the building yourself?" Amar asked, his hands making random strokes across the air.

"No, the Enersensia exploded into a blood cloud, and I immediately came to tell you about the store," Mohan answered, reciprocating with the same random gestures through the air.

The next moment, wherever their hands touched, light waves began to appear, and in no time, a complete rune had taken form.

The one generated by the Mohan was the receiver rune, while the one generated by Amar was the giver.

An excitement like never before spread across Mohan's face as he waited for the two runes to connect.

Amar fell silent after hearing his son's response, but soon after, he tapped on his forehead, and the next moment, a straight line of white snake-like light appeared on the tip of his finger.

Amar then pushed the light onto the giver's rune, and it started glowing intensely. He then let go of his control over the rune.

The next moment, the rune charged toward Mohan. To be precise, the receiver rune was rushing in the air to his left.

The next moment, the giver and receiver runes collided, creating a silent explosion. A wave of rainbowy light erupted as a result, and it charged toward Mohan, engulfing him in it.

Mohan had a mixture of anticipation and excitement written all over his face as he closed his eyes and savored the feeling of the rainbowy light melting into him.

While Mohan was going through the process, Amar's eyes were filled with reminiscence of the past.

Amar belonged to the race Kaaladhin, but he was originally an ordinary Ferret on one of the low-level planets in the Primal Dimension.

While he was a ferret, Amar lived a treacherous life as a slave to a powerful human. He was tortured every day; he wouldn't get enough food to eat and was forced to mate because he was rare and in demand.

He wouldn't even get to see his children, and they would be taken aback. Amar finally succeeded in escaping from the clutches of the evil human, but as he was on his way, he was crushed by a vehicle, killing him.

Amar didn't feel sad about his death; instead, he felt relieved since he was finally free of that treacherous life. But then everything changed as he found himself in a dark place with a shabby hut in front of him.

Amar still remembered the first time he saw that blue-skinned store owner. His first impression of the store owner was how good it would be if he looked like him, and it also played a major role in what products he would buy later in the store.

After entering the hut, he was face to face with a white, furry creature that seemed to be a predator. Amar couldn't help but feel jealous when he saw the bond between the store owner and that furry creature. Amar wondered why he couldn't have that with his owner while he was alive.

But soon after, he was taken aback by the actual truth of the world when he came across items with abilities he had never heard of.

"Which of these products can make me look like you, store owner?" Amar still remembered the first question he had asked after learning about the ten store products taken out by the store owner for him.

"You can't look like me, but if you want my skin color, I have some products." The store owner had responded to his question with a smile, while the white, furry creature had become angry with him for even daring to think of looking like the store owner.

Amar still reminisced about the scene since that question from him made the store owner take out a product that wasn't originally on the list. If not for that question, Amar wouldn't have been here.

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