The First Strong

Chapter 1008: Crazy proposal

The rumors of the love of the sea, the whole frontline base has heard it!

It is not that the commanders have no confidentiality, but that Bihai Huan has not been negotiated directly with other generals and directly in the lobby of the command center.

Even because of her suggestion, it was too ridiculous, and everyone thought she was too crazy.

It is the two people who go to the bottom of the Great Rift Valley and fight at close range with the Tianmo Demon. It is the crazy move to send the sheep into the tiger's mouth. However, Miss Bihai has a magical teacher, and everyone is still skeptical.

After all, she said that her teacher is a big man from the legendary fairy island!

Today, she is in danger, she arrived in time in a magical way, and brought everyone back together, which has already made everyone admire.

But the content of the blue sea is pleased...

She and the psionic master are two people, but they are not driving each other, but they are manipulating four hundred mechs!

This number scares everyone!

Take one hundred, one to two hundred!

Not to mention other positions, even the most elite mech fighters who fought together before, were also thundered by this proposal.

They are driving a single mech, and in the following battles, they must always maintain a high concentration of spirits. After returning, they feel a little vain.

For Bihaihuan, they are very admired. As the big lady of the Bihai family, they can also be very skilled in the mech manipulation like them, and there is no shortcoming in combat experience. It can be seen that after countless simulation exercises, it is true. I have worked hard.

And on the one hand, the psionic masters are far better than them. In the case of knowing that there is danger, you can still die with them, no matter which one is, you are convinced.

But now it is too exaggerated to say this.

She is strong, can't manipulate two?

Even if it can, the ten will be in the sky. Can the other psionic masters be able to manipulate three or four hundred?

Of course, theoretically and technically, that can be done. Because even if people are in the mech, they rely on the bionic brain-like contact manipulation, and it is too late to rely on hand speed.

Therefore, it is possible to make several or hundreds of units as one contact, and one person can manipulate all at the same time. There is no problem in the handling and simple flight of the unified trajectory, but it is a dead end to fight like the devils in the field!

This is not just ruining all the mechs, including people. Because the brain can't afford so many threads of operation, the results of one-hearted use will be dead, let alone single-minded.

However, from the point of view of contact, everyone knows that Bihaihuan is not a sensational person, but also able to be so determined, she can only say that she believes her teacher too much.

For Shen Lang, everyone also had previous admiration and became a bit contradictory. I feel that this person is very happy, hundreds of mechs, that is a huge loss, and that is still the second, if the Miss Bihai is harmed?

Of course, the generals all want to persuade her to take back the proposal. They also said that they should be carefully considered and need to have a meeting to discuss, including Fengyuegu is also very anxious.

However, since Bi Haihuan chose to make an open proposal, she did not want to have a closed meeting, but she was determined to carry it out. In the end, she simply said that if she personally suffered death or injury, she was personally responsible and the loss of the mech was borne by the Bihai family!

When it comes to this, the other commanders are hard to say. Even people from other families are secretly hilarious.

After all, everyone is superficial and actually competes with each other.

Bihai's son, Bihai, is chasing the younger generation and is a very capable one. In the past two years, Bihaihuan has suddenly risen strongly. This year, it is no match for the limelight. It is a bit depressed for everyone to envy.

But the major families can always be balanced. Of course, there are many unwritten tacit understandings. Of course, there will be no assassination of other people's children.

Now it is different. Bihaihuan is steadfastly rushing to the front line, really doing things, or out of the limelight. If it hangs, they will be scolded up by the top, and they will apologize. It is a big favor for the family.

Of course, Fengyuegu quickly reported this information to Bihai Chengtian.

Bihai was also shocked and sent her daughter instead of her son. It is because the son is going to be a partner. It is even more important, but it is also clear that the danger is not great. It will not really make Bihai happy.

After the past experience, it is a great achievement, and she will have a great harvest.

It’s already very self-willed to play in person today. I didn’t expect to make such a ridiculous suggestion!

For the father, Bi Haihuan is just a simple sentence: believe the teacher!

Her change and strength, the blue sea is more clear than the outside world, and the identity of Shen Lang is completely inaudible and inaccessible, so I believe it is from Xiandao.

In fact, the two places where Shen Lang appeared, they have been carefully examined, but there is no clue.

Since the daughter is so determined, plus the previous picture, Shen Lang does have the strength to take all the mechs away He also decided to gamble.

At the same time, he solemnly told Bi Haihuan that if there is danger, let Shen Lang save her, the mech loss is not important, the family is responsible for compensation!

I didn't know who it was, but I spread the information out. From the frontline base, I directly gave it to the media. I quickly learned that the entire city can be known!

Originally, the invasion of the demon outside the realm was the focus of countless people in the entire city. Everyone was worried that it would be invaded. Suddenly there is such a shocking news coming out. For a long time unsolved problem, everyone can't help it.

A lot of people attacked Shen Lang and Bi Hai Huan for a time, but the Bihai family control area, of course, is quite a princess, I think Miss Bi Hai will definitely create a miracle!

Shen Lang said that the next day of attack, in fact, is to reserve time to teach Bihaihuan's spiritual control, how can be calmly distracted. As long as you have enough mental strength to drive a mech, you can drive two.

He is not in a hurry to help her improve her strength. Now it is a stable place to live in the early days. It is enough, and it is more suitable than the medium-term situation of rushing promotion. But of course he will inject more spiritual power into her so that she won't be able to bear it.

The changes in the base, including the response of people such as Bihai Chengtian, have all been taken into account. But it is to make everyone feel ridiculous and incredible, it is a great joy, will give them this opportunity!

Other generals may believe that he can save Bihaihuan and will not die, but as long as he sees the failure of Bihaihuan, he is also very happy, and naturally it will promote this.

With this opportunity, you can get rid of the extraterrestrial world. Otherwise, including the blue sea, knowing that Bihai has this determination, she will turn her away.

(End of this chapter)

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