The First Strong

Chapter 1072: Guilty, scared

The Pope said faintly: "There are all hostage prisoners now, I am in control, including you, and I control. I want you to hand over everything, is there no problem?"

Originally, Shen Lang did not explain any negotiation strategy. Anyway, he had a clear conscience.

Now I heard the Pope threatening to take the canoe and other people, and I couldn’t help but be angry.

"Is Laozi's biggest contribution. What happened to him alone? In addition to me, these hostages also won a thousand fine stones, and less? Which one of you can get it?"

I used to think that Shen Lang was not kind. After listening to this, I feel that it makes sense. A thousand fine stones are indeed a huge harvest.

Feeling less, nothing more than because there are so many people, the average is less in everyone's hands. According to the average, even if you lay down the Imperial Gate, if you fall to the third of the hand, there will not be as much as you think.

"Don't confuse the concept! I said, you have no problem, you have great merits; you are willing to help others to convince us to leave, there is no problem, it is your choice. But you can not put everyone in danger, this is a pit Everyone's life!"

Before the Pope, he was very unwilling and depressed. The two strongest enemies were blocked by him. Shen Lang Ming Ming is using his tricks to take advantage of it, but it has become the biggest credit and has become the representative of everyone!

Now that I have the opportunity to carry out Shen Lang, and still stand on the moral high ground, he is certainly willing to say so.

"Buy in the rich and the rich! Since you have all heard it, you have just known the benefits he said. I also went together. Why do you think that I am colluding with others?"

Shen Lang disdainfully glanced at it: "Where will come here, what kind of situation will you have? Do you have any points in your heart? When we first came, did we feel that we had a holiday trip? You last time No danger?"

The Westerners who asked him to cast a contemptuous look at him did not dare to look at him.

"Since it is spread out, then I will say a few more bad things. Do you want to come to Yuxianmen, is it really for revenge? Or do you want to **** the resources occupied here? You have already played against each other, and I have not intervened. If you have a few cents to win?"

"Going to a dangerous place to hunt for treasure is that I am going to harm you. Is it a direct battle with people, is it Kangzhuang Avenue?"

These words are really a bit ugly. In the course of the battle, everyone was very strenuous, and it was obvious that Yuxianmen was in the upper hand. The same is true of the Pope, and the combination of the master and the elders directly suppressed him.

If there is no shot of Shen Lang, then their defeat is only a matter of time.

"Still, you have lived on the dog when you are old, and the Terran is not afraid. The beast monster will not dare to go?"

Shen Lang scolded a meal, no one exported the argument, because he said that it is reasonable, not a strong word.

Then he put his gaze on the Pope.

"Constantin V, when I just went to the negotiations, I also relied on you to host the overall situation. You turned my people back, deducted my spoils, and sprayed my face? I got a little benefit. Is selfishness; isn’t it shameless to **** it like this?”


As a pope, Constantine V has always been a high-ranking person. He speaks in front of people and is slow and maintains majesty. It’s as exciting as it was just now, that is, it’s necessary to build momentum during large gatherings.

Even if Shen Lang is not respected by him from all walks of life in the West, it is at least superficial. Suddenly, I was so welcome. I didn’t know how to say it. I wanted to spray it back, but I couldn’t pull it down.

"And! Are you a pig brain? They asked me to talk about the conditions privately, and let the process go out to you, and I want to leave us. You really cooperate! You start to squat directly!"

The reprimand of Shen Lang was directly told to the Pope, but all the earth monks on the scene felt hot on his face.

is not that right? This is obviously a divergence! Shen Lang... In addition to asking for a single benefit, it seems that there is no particular excess.

As for the style of what he wants to benefit, do you not understand it long ago? It’s not a sudden change. It’s always the case. The process of coming here is to ask him to give him benefits.

The Western monks felt very embarrassed. It was really a strange wave. Losing myself is still a contempt for reason...

The monks of the East are very happy under the guise. Fortunately, they have always expressed implicitly, and did not directly reveal the contempt for Shen Lang.

"Come on! You don't need to threaten me any more, just come and fight with me! We two fight you to die, and the two super masters, clean us three hundred. The last pot is here!"

Shen Lang swindled the Pope and looked like a duel.

Constantine V is now a little bit ugly.

The words of Shen Lang’s resentment made him speechless.

If it is an impatience, it seems that it really makes sense. He also regrets a bit. If he is not willing to be taken advantage of by Shen Lang, he will not rush to turn over.

Those who are in the canoe and so on are always vigilant.

Only they are basically in the late stage of the gods, that is, Dorothy is In front of the Pope, there is no chance to turn over. Fully prepared, nothing more than delaying for a while, unlike those of the same level, the imperial masters were so fast.

On the other side, Weiqingcheng did not have a schadenfreude. In fact, when they were guilty, he was communicating with Huoshan’s elders.

This pit is of course he intended to dig into the waves, and he took advantage of the familiarity with the spacecraft magic weapon.

But when he dug the pit, he still didn't know so much information. Later, he knew that Shen Lang was actually the one who set off in Tangcheng. So in the back, his attitude changed, and he also forgot to dig a more straight pit in the face.

Looking at the glue on the side, Huoshan’s elders were very satisfied with his plan, but he secretly smiled and said this relationship.

Two friends before Shen Lang, the attitude towards Shen Lang is very respectful, and the two of them are enough to eat a pot of Yuxian.

Now the two people have been recruited to the Tanglin Jianzong in Tangcheng and even in the Han Dynasty. What if there is anything in Shenlang...

The elders of Huoshan are naturally very annoyed. This is the shame that Yuxianmen does not know how many centuries have not been. And it is also related to the injury of so many people, you must discuss a statement.

For Wei Qingcheng, he was very helpless. Now, after all, it has already paid the price of Lingguo Lingshi. Normally, the doormen can be exchanged, and then the two maps can lead them away.

If there is nothing, it will lose money. But if they are guilty and cause Shen Lang to be killed, even if they take the opportunity to kill all these outsiders, they can't change this situation. At that time, Yuxianmen may be buried for Shen Lang!

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