The First Strong

Chapter 1088: Too strange

After discovering that the body of this king's beast is a dragon, the degree of attention of Shen Lang has also greatly improved, like he has just come up with a flying sword.

But still underestimate the strength of this dragon!

Relying on its powerful strength, plus the metamorphosis of the body talent, even the claws can directly hold the willow sword!

Of course, Shen Lang also understands that not every part of it is so powerful, the claw is probably the hardest part of it.

But now these are meaningless. The other party will not give him the time to analyze. The two claws are combined and it is ready to shred him directly!

And for the king-level dragon, it can be completely distracted, while killing the waves, while the other tail is more than enough to cope with another local strong.

Compared with Shen Lang, the situation of the local strongman is much better, because he does not directly face the threat.

Although the body is smashed into the air, the long cable is his own magic weapon, and he can withdraw it at any time, so that he can take advantage of the time when he is holding the waves and throw himself away.

Shen Lang is no one to care for that person at the moment, and he is also absolutely vigilant.

Liu Yejian has been bent for a moment, but it has not been broken. Shen Lang is a hand shake, directly let the Liu Yejian shift a few inches, and the fine sword immediately breaks out from the claw seam, facing the abdominal disease of the dragon. Shoot and go!

At the same time, Shen Lang has already run the "Da Shou Mi Long Xiang Shen Gong", directly facing the other claw in front of him, kicked out with a kick!

After the remote control of Liu Yejian flew out, his palm also went forward and directly attached to the paw that continued to be photographed. A force of lightning immediately hit out...

When it was said that it was late, everything was done in an instant.

Originally, the Dragon King of the Dragon has felt the strength of the two people in Shenlang. It has just been very disdainful. It seems that the Shenlang can be crushed at any time, and then slowly play another one.

I didn't expect it to feel a tough taste between the moments.

That foot is nothing, although it kicked its claws, but it is impossible to hurt it.

But a human being whose claws can be pinched can actually have such power, or let it be taken aback.

The willow sword that flew out, did not penetrate into the abdomen of its abdomen, but the abdomen was weak, and it had already hurt it.

The inexplicable lightning strike that came close to the claws made it even more trembling.


This human is too strange!

Compared to the strangeness of the sinking waves, the other human being that its tail is dealing with is "normal".

Although the long cable is not small, the scale of its tail is enough to protect itself. Therefore, the smart tail can directly make the other party play, and for a short time, the person has no new killer for the time being.

This time is their positive confrontation, time is counted in seconds, but the king has further confirmed its feelings, and regards Shen Lang as the main enemy.

It is not afraid of a powerful enemy. In this vast area, it is the king. It is the command of the beasts who dare not to follow, which makes its days very boring.

Although there are other kings in the Golden Valley area, it is very boring and time-consuming to learn from this level. It is all water and water.

So I really met a powerful human being, and it is very interesting to have fun.

But a strange enemy, that is different.

Who knows if he has any other strange places?

If you accidentally said it, then the ship was overturned in the gutter.

For the sake of face and for the sake of stability, the king has made a decision, that is, to send the secondary enemy first, and to deal with the main enemy!

Before it avoided the Shen Lang, choose to shoot the local strong, it is unclear the truth of Shen Lang, directly bullying and fearing hard.

But now that everyone has done it directly, of course, it is necessary to kill the strong one first. As for the weak one, you can continue to pursue the return, and the herd is on the way back, you can manipulate them to contain, do not have to run away.

After the decision, its tail quickly slammed the other strong local strongman to the distance, and the tail quickly searched for it, directly letting the fixed cable tied to it lose its target.

Suddenly, I seized the local strongman who was looking for opportunities in the long line, and quickly went out to the distance!

When Shen Lang was attacked by the main force, he also felt a little hesitant. Do you want to run first?

But there is no extra time on the scene, even if it is hesitant, it must continue the battle. Only because of hesitation, he has just grasped the long cable and was dragged on, without more constructive attacks.

At this moment, others quickly fly forward, and as the body is alienated, the heart is also loose.

This is really not his intention to escape, this is completely smashed out!

And everyone is not a friend, even this kid has broken his good deeds, and morally does not need to stay and help.

In fact, he hesitated and hesitated, and Shen Lang would not care.

Whether the enemy is a human or a beast, Shen Lang will not rely on others, he must rely on himself.

Only you are the most reliable and the most controllable!

After the serial attack, the body of Shen Lang has been quickly flipped in the air, not waiting for the dragon to react, has been surprised at the speed, from below to the back of it!

At the moment when the local strongman was taken out, Shen Lang had successfully landed on the back of Xiaolong.


Xiaolong gave a scream, and this man actually ran to its back!

This makes it feel a great offense, because there are some beastly beasts, which are tamed by the strong humans, raised and become mounts, which is a great shame for them!

Shen Lang’s move, in its view, is to tame it and want to use it as a mount!

So before it was an understatement of contempt, now it is really angry.

During the time, its body began to rise and fall, and turned left and right, as if it were a roller coaster. The height of about 100 meters was enough for it to be displayed. And its tail, more sensitive to the back to sweep, it is necessary to sweep the sinking waves.

But its fast speed jumps up and down and flips, but the sinking waves seem to be firmly on its back, and it won't fall.

On the contrary, the more it moves, the pressure of the waves seems to be getting bigger and bigger!

This is amazing!

With its realm of strength, it is not necessary to use the eyes to understand the situation. So after sensing the condition of the back, I was shocked!

Is this still that person?

The human being on its back is not only getting bigger and bigger, but also getting bigger and bigger. At first it was like a rat riding on the back of the elephant, but now it is like a lion in the back of the elephant.

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