The First Strong

Chapter 1138: No word monument

On the cultivation of the mind, Shen Lang will not be afraid, and will never lose to Mu Tianhai.

However, they are prepared for the admiration of the sea, even if the magic weapon can not be used, it may also use some sedative drugs.

Now Shen Lang is to rely on his own heart to face.

When he just opened his eyes, he saw that he was still in the forest, and the picture that appeared in front of him was the king of the dragon who was coming from afar. In the vicinity, it was a troll that burned the fire demon, and went straight to him!

The whole picture is very realistic, and even the burning flame is felt, and it is falling from the height. In addition to the fire demon in front of you, there is a large group of extraterrestrial demons around the world step by step!

Shen Lang looked at it but secretly sneered.

This confuse Lin is a confusing mind. For him, he is also aiming at the fall of the river. Others, whether they are kings or dragons, have recently encountered powerful enemies.

It's like a nightmare, something special that can make you afraid. If you are in a dream, everything includes feelings that are realistic.

The most difficult thing is that some people subconsciously know that they are dreaming, want to wake themselves up, but the body can not control, still be scared by the dream scene.

Shen Lang is now being sunk into such a state of dreams, but he is very calm and sober.

Whether it is a flame troll or other huge extraterrestrial demon, he was killed by him!

The king is also a defeated man, so he is not afraid at all!

If you are in a dream, you will not be hurt if you don’t scare yourself.

Therefore, he directly ignored the giant hand that was about to be photographed at the top of his head, and let the burning flame push down on his body. Still keep calm, step by step.

The sacred record of his walking trajectory is a way to determine the route. He adjusts it through a close-up zoom, with a slight offset, and keeps going straight regardless of what he sees and what obstacles he has.

This is a record based on his physical movement. It is naturally objective and has nothing to do with what he sees.

In fact, it is not easy to keep this straight.

Just the flame troll saw that he didn't care at all. When he was near his head, he deviated and fell to the side, letting the ground scorched, as if he had lost his hand, and then chased him with other trolls.

In front of him, in this forest, there are some roads that look flat, and some boulders block the road.

Under the swaying of the waves, various situations have changed. Some have guided him to make a small turn, and there are cliffs, snake caves, and herds in front.

Everything is nothing more than trying to intimidate him and let him make a wrong judgment. Then follow the arrangement of this confused forest, so that he can not be separated.

But the wave is ignoring everything, the front is the stone wall, he just stepped forward!

In front of the cliff, he is not afraid of falling, still striding over!

Other dangers, he also ignored and went straight, even if they attacked the front, there was no reaction.

It is like someone, or artificial intelligence control. It seems that the Shenlang is not afraid of danger. When you change it, you will change the way to present a dangerous picture. It is no longer a straight road, but a guide to change and turn; straight A road is the real straight road.

Confused forest is probably a way to judge that Shen Lang is deliberately taking a dangerous road, so I changed a way. As a result, Shen Lang is of course the one that goes straight straight!

Shen Lang just did not fear all kinds of dangerous pictures. He did not deliberately choose a dangerous road, but he had a clear road!

The result is that this confuse Lin has no problem, all kinds of psychological intimidation and fear are used, Shen Lang is unmoved, and various environmental guidance can not trap him.

This forest—or the magic array—is limited in scope. When Shen Lang walks out of its scope, it naturally dissipates.

Stepping out of the forest, I have already reached the other side of the wave, looking back at the back, this confused forest and the other side seeing it, naturally there is no huge forest feeling in it.

Shen Lang looked around and did not see the three people in the world.

The front has reached the end of the valley, and in front of him is the tomb of a mausoleum.

This mausoleum is directly built on the mountain, and the tomb door is tall and several floors.

There is a monument in front, and when you go over and look at it, it is "no word monument", and there is no trace left on it.

Shen Lang stretched out his hand and touched it. There is nothing strange about this word-free monument, but he did not expect it. After all, this is outside the mausoleum. If there is anything, it has already been taken by people who have been there.

Then he walked over to the tomb and wanted to see how it opened.

Mu Tianhai certainly has more information, but he is not willing to share it with him. However, according to what was said before, the last time their family came, this is still sealed, when the seal is weak, it is expected to dissipate within a few decades.

Now the inspection of Shen Lang did not find signs of seals, that is, it should have been invalidated because of the age.

The tomb door can't be opened directly, it looks like a complete boulder, integrated with the mountain. If you didn't know that it was a mausoleum, you wouldn't even think it was a tomb.

Shen Lang checked for a while and soon found the law.

The organ of the mausoleum should be on the wordless monument!

However, he allowed him to search for temptations from top to bottom, and he could not touch the organs and could not open the tomb door.

This process He must also be careful to avoid ruining the stone with too much force.

After a fruitless, Shen Lang suddenly thought of a possibility.

Regardless of who set up the mausoleum, they should all want to protect it from being destroyed by later people.

And if there is something left in the tomb, left to future generations, it should also be given to those who respect the tomb.

Whether it is violent destruction or calculation by various agencies, it is not up to you to respect it.

I really want to respect the people in the tomb. When I come here, I should first take the gimmick!

With this idea, Shen Lang immediately retreated a little distance, and sure enough, the word-free monument is facing the tomb. In this case, if his descendants came here, it would be natural to bow first.

Of course, Shen Lang does not need to worship the real hoe, but analyzes the distance. In the approximate place, use the foot to tap the temptation.

The result is still nothing!

There is no word monument or no word monument, there is no change at all, and there is no organ button. The tombstone is also as usual, with no signs of opening.

He estimated that they should not have come out yet, they have three people, it is impossible to be as much faster than him.

Is that waiting for them here?

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