The First Strong

Chapter 1153: War 綦沣

Rao is a calm and calm one, and when I hear this, it is also a fire!

This is actually in front of them, after discussing with Ji Qiancheng to kill them, how to divide all their items!

Will they be six dead people?

Even if you and Ji Qiang join forces, they are still four to six, still at a disadvantage.

"The big words are not awkward!" Huangfu colded his face.

When Mu Tianhai came to this moment, it was also seen, and it was impossible to be good with Shen Lang.

The mausoleum, he led the Shenlang cooperation, with Shen Lang to go, and when the last stone scorpion appeared abnormal, he pushed the Shen wave to the top, and then ran with his own people.

These are added together, and it is obviously impossible for Shen Lang to believe that this is a misunderstanding. I will definitely think that I was deliberately setting up a bureau. I wanted to murder him for revenge for Mu Tianzheng, for the humiliation of the valley in the past!

Originally everyone is an enemy, it is for the sake of the interests of temporary cooperation. Now the new hatred is added together, want to resolve, it is better to take the opportunity to kill him!

Three people from the Mutian family alone can't get rid of Shen Lang. Now there is cooperation with the Huangfu family, but it may not be impossible.

Therefore, at this time, Mutianhaihai intentionally made a sigh and deliberately guided everyone.

"Shen Lang, I didn't expect you to hate us so much! I took you to the tomb of the war on the same day. I wanted to help each other. But we don't know enough about the mausoleum, plus you are the first to win the treasure, unless the agency, we face The danger cannot be saved, it is a last resort..."

Deliberately paving the way, and then the front turned, "Since you have come out safely, you must have got the treasure of the tomb of the war. Young people, should learn to be content, but also want to plot a little bit of harvest in the dead city?"

When he was talking, he caught everyone's attention. When we finally finished, everyone had their eyes shining, and then watching the waves filled with complex looks like envy and jealousy.

"Two thousand years ago, the martial arts that disappeared in the meditation of the meditation?" Huangfu could not help but confirm.

"Not bad! In the past, I beat all over the country, and I was a few incompetent. I was called a war. I was later alleged to be defeated because of loneliness, so I went to the meditation area and wanted to find an opponent in the ancient ruins of the meditation. Then I will not There is no news in the news."

"A few hundred years ago, we had a predecessor who came to the meditation area to explore the mausoleum. Now there is no direct evidence, but from the age of construction, it is not an ancient vestige, but for more than a thousand years. History, combined with analysis, is very likely to be the tomb of the war priest!"

"The guardian of our generations, the last time I decided to dissipate the seal. This time I went to the expedition, because I was worried that the strength was not enough, I invited Shen Lang to go with me. When I was in danger, I took two sons first. Escaped. I thought that Shen Lang’s lord..."

"Now I see that the living of Shen Lang’s health is alive, and the treasures left by the tombs of the War Memorial have already been harvested. Thank you!"

Of course, Shen Lang knew from his opening that he was playing an idea. He wanted to convince everyone that he also had a heavy treasure. In this case, Huangfu would be more desperate, and even Ji Qiancheng might have other ideas.

But he didn't know the information about the tomb, so he didn't interrupt it, waiting for Mu Tianhai to finish his words.

Now I understand the fact that it is not an ancient tomb. The undead may only be two thousand years old. From the point of entry of the law enforcement agencies, as well as the door, the passage, the stone plaque, etc., it is more likely to be around two thousand years.

In the mausoleum, I did not get any treasures, only one iron stick magic weapon, which is also in line with the style of the "war".

And the scorpion king of the Deadwater River is a bit of a scruple for him, perhaps through the iron bars, and the shackles of the year are connected!

Listening to the self-destruction of Mu Tianhai, the eyes of Huangfu have changed a little. The current situation, Mu Tianhai is because it has been grabbed by others, not willing to make a wedding dress for others, only exposed.

This kind of unwillingness is more authentic and credible! Combined with their two recent conversations, it is not like a temporary compilation.

For Huangfu, this is another big fat sheep!

Originally, they didn't have much to gain. They took the Ji Qian by them and swallowed them. Now there is still a door that has received the treasure of the war cemetery. It is really lucky.

Ji Qiancheng has nothing to say at this moment, and it is the right thing to be able to keep the peace of his three people!

In his heart, he actually didn't believe that Shen Lang got the treasure. If he really got the treasure, just like them, it would be a shame to avoid other people, and wait for the low-key time to go out.

How can you take the initiative to appear in front of a group of people who are exposed to robbers?

He suspected that Shen Lang was sinned inside, but there was nothing to gain, and he would come out to help them with the hatred of Mu Tianhai. If you don't have this hate, you will be safe first and may not come out.

So at this time, he is decisive!

"Little friends! Whether you are going to the tomb of the war, whether you have anything or not, it is yours. Older brothers, we must fight with you in the end! These shameless people who are jealous of others, we Resolutely resist!"

Of course, this is a deliberate statement, but under the influence of the other two sides, Shen Lang is still very satisfied.

Shen Lang said with a smile: "Ji predecessors, then let's say so, do them!"

During the speech, he has already taken a polite shot!

It has just been a state of arrogance, but because of the admiration of the sky, let everyone temporarily shift their attention. But no matter who they are, they dare not relax.

Now Shen Lang said that he shot his hand and immediately let everyone prepare for the enemy!

But no one thought of his attack target...

According to the strength of Shen Lang's performance, coupled with his resentment, he felt that his goal would be to admire the sea, and secondly he might attack the other two people in the Haitian family. The third place would be Huangfu.

So Ji is also ready to deal with Huangfu.

No one thought that the target of the Shen Lang attack was actually the other two weaker ones of the Huangfu family!

This is how it will be the best goal. Now it suddenly becomes the first. These two are going to be with the Mutian Songyun. They are both smashing the Ji family. The mutation makes them unable to react. Huangfu was too late to rescue, and he could only watch Shen Lang reach the two of them.

Fortunately, these two are also the strength of the peak of the gods, plus always keep the alert, immediately exercise the body, while the weapons in hand, put on strength, crazy to greet Shen Lang!

The shadows flashed!

(End of this chapter)

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