The First Strong

Chapter 1156: Shen Langwei

Although Huangfu was resentful, he did not lose his mind. He was also very jealous of the weapons used by Shen Lang.

But now the Shen Lang attacked the sky and the sea, it is his chance, as long as he can hit the Shen Lang from behind, then no matter what his weapons.

And just as he watched the tip of the gun hitting the sinking wave, a black shadow came over and rolled over his rifle!

Huangpu did not control it. He still managed to smash the past with a strong force. If he was to deal with ordinary people, it would be enough to defeat the army!

His rifle, of course, is also a magic weapon. He believes that even if he is encountered by the strange magic weapon, he will not be cut off. As long as you stick to a few more seconds, you can kill the waves.

But the reality still gave him a head-on blow!

The shadow like a whip, after the rifle was rolled up, quickly melted it and lost the gun!

At this moment, the gun head flew out and continued to shoot in front. The emperor, together with himself, holds a half-handle and keeps his forward posture.

Sudden interruptions also made his strengths a bit of a barrier, but for his control, there is still no such thing as shackles.

However, the situation in front of us, let the courageous forward together, have to quickly withdraw and retreat!

This magical whip can blow his weapon if he touches it. If he whipped him, it would be the same as the two families!

At this moment, he has come to realize that the ending of the two men was not only because of the sneak attack of Shen Lang, but also because their strength is not enough, but the weapons used by Shen Lang are too strange.

Shen Lang certainly won't let him run, and the sideways have already avoided the gun head that continues to rush, and the dead water whip chasing the past, and the body directly to the emperor has rolled over!

At the same moment, there are two things that are born at the same time.

One thing Ji Qian took three people, almost killed the two people at the same time!

The other one is to see that Shen Lang is going to be killed. He is about to leave the Mutian Sea, and he is directly bombarded and flies out!

Everything is a big event, but everyone is not afraid to distract themselves, or to take care of themselves.

Huangfu had no time to manage the three people of the Mutian family. He himself was retreating quickly, and he used a gun to pick up the black whip that was attacked.

As a result, the result of picking up is that the long rod that touched the whip is directly blown. After picking twice, he has left half of it in his hand!

"Kids! You are doing evil with the magic weapon left by the war princes! People in the world can't allow you!"

The emperor rushed back as soon as he retired.

In an emergency, he wants to control the field too late, and once he stops, he will be hit immediately. Therefore, he can only continue to retreat, and at the same time, he will shoot out with one palm and one palm. Even if he can't hurt the Shenlang, he can delay the Shenlang.

And even if he didn't have time to pay attention to it, he also saw the end of Mu Tianhai, which should have been hit by Shen Lang. It is estimated that death is impossible, but how much will be injured.

Next to it, there are Ji Qian’s tigers!

Such changes in the situation have made them, who have prevailed in the six to four, become evenly matched, and now they are clearly at a disadvantage.

Continue to fight, it is likely to drag him to death!

Therefore, his retreat is actually a step by step in the layout, looking for an opportunity that can be quickly and far-reaching.

"is it?"

Shen Lang sneered, this dead water whip is obtained from the king of the king, it is unlikely to be embarrassing. If the tomb is awkward, then the iron rod with the same gold rod is more likely to be awkward!

So in the sneer, in the other hand of Shen Lang, there was already an iron bar, and it was directly waved to the emperor.

The imperial concubine held a small half of the gun in his hand. It didn't make a big difference at this time. He went straight to the iron bar and it was a temptation.


This thing is not as strange as the black whip, but just a metal stick. The moment of collision is to shoot his half of the gun.

Since it is not so weird, he is relieved. When the iron rods were waved again, while holding the Huangfu, who was going backwards and retreating, he reached out and grabbed the past.

His idea is very simple. Since this iron stick will not corrode everything, his strength can be fully grasped. It doesn't have to be taken over. He can grab the iron stick to pick the black whip, so the loss is the weapon of Shen Lang!

As a normal rule, his strategy is not a problem. The strength of the two people is similar. Even if the strength of Shen Lang is greater, it will strike his hand at most, and there will be no major damage.

But when his open palm is about to grab the iron bar, the iron bar has grown bigger and longer!

It has become longer, the impact is not too big; when it gets bigger, the effect is completely different!

I dared to catch it because the palm of my hand grasped the past and hollowed the iron bar. But now it has grown a lot, and when it comes to his palm, it is like a pillar. The open palm has been unable to grasp the iron rod, and even the force points from the fit palm to the curved finger...

It has long been through the sinking of giant rhinoceros beasts, swallowing scorpions, and iron armor red dragons. In terms of pure power, it is not just about the same, but far better than the same level and leapfrog fighting!

The lack of an estimate of the change in the iron bar suddenly turned into an iron column, coupled with the lack of prejudgment of the strength of the swell wave, directly let the great power, hit the fingers of the emperor!

Although his reaction was fast enough, he quickly opened the gripping position into a palm, and pulled his hand back as soon as possible, but the degree of Shen Lang was not slow, and the iron rod was already as big as a pillar, even if he smoked Opening a little, it doesn't help.

For a time, the five fingers had broken bones and the palms were broken from the wrists!

Ten fingers and even the heart, even if it is a semi-immortal, the pain of that is inevitable, but of course it can be temporarily sealed.

From the two families were killed ~ ~ to their own long guns, and then to the palm of the hand broken, the phalanx broken, so that the emperor's anger increased even more.

But reason also told him that this young man is not good!

Where there is life, there is hope. This is in the meditation domain. If it is killed, it will be dried up. The family does not even know who they are in their hands. Only by retaining your life, you will have the opportunity to avenge yourself in the long run.

So after the injury, he did not desperately, but instead no longer looking for any opportunity, and turned away and flew away!

At this time, he hopes that the life and death of the unfortunate Mu Tianhai, can attract the attention of Shen Lang, delaying him for a little time.

He retired very decisively, but did not know that Shen Lang had been locked by the sacred armor, and slammed the five guns and tracked away!

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