The First Strong

Chapter 1160: Medieval

"What is the situation in the dead city? I don't know very well." Shen Lang asked directly.

Ji Qiancheng did not have many accidents. After all, Shen Lang is too young. It can be such a success. It does not seem to be related to the Qiu Lin Jianzong. It is a genius of talents. It is also normal to not understand the secrets of the Ming Dynasty.

He introduced it when he took the item.

No matter how big the whole territory of the meditation domain is, no one knows it. Because there is time limit for the portal to open, no one can go completely.

In history, there are also some powerful ambitions. If you want to explore the meditation domain, you will decide to enter from a forbidden place, and then in the meditation domain, according to the known laws, look for the next opening in another forbidden land. Entrance and exit.

If it succeeds, it will be only a few years.

A forbidden place is far away from another forbidden place, but as long as there is a direction route, the speed of the strong ones is up to several dozen days.

In a few years, it was completely abundant. Even if I took a lot of detours or made a few mistakes, I still had time.

But the law is, after all, a one-way summed up rule. The meditation domain is not adapted to this law, and there is no answer.

None of the strong people who went in for the purpose of this map in history have come out successfully!

They did not come out from different time and place in different forbidden places, nor did they come back from the starting point decades later.

Of course, no one knows the specific reasons.

However, just like the speculation of "there is no return to the sea" in the world of comprehension, I feel that only when I die, will there be no return.

However, it is also because of the dedication of these pioneers that everyone will accept their fate. After entering, they will come back at the opening time of the closure, otherwise they may not come back.

So for up to seven days, the range that can be explored is not infinite.

In order to explore as much as possible, on the one hand, we accumulate experience, share maps with each other, and accelerate the way with flying magic weapons.

The maps shared by everyone are all personally passed. Some of these resources have been harvested, and some have been discovered, but there are still places that cannot be explored.

For example, the Mutian family discovered the tomb of the suspected war prince. They did not circulate, but silently guarded the secret, waiting for its seal to be released from generation to generation.

Of course, it may not be discovered by the predecessors of the Mutian family, but by other people who discovered it. This information was obtained by means of exchange and acquisition.

Sharing is the sharing of information, but it is not a free share.

However, as time goes by, hundreds of years and thousands of years later, there is still some information that will become public sharing information.

The dead city is like this.

The dead city is a special existence in the meditation domain, not a place, but a kind of place.

It is like a city that once had many people living in, but now it has become a dead city. Of course, in the meditation domain, if there is a city where living people live, it is a strange thing, and the site of the dead city is normal.

The area that can be explored in the area to the Golden Valley is also very large, and there will be several dead cities.

This has become a reference for everyone to confirm the direction, because the dead city is fixed.

But this is the dead city that has existed since ancient times, but it does not mean that it is an empty city!

Because exploring the dead city, it is very dangerous in itself, far better than other areas. So not every time you come in, someone will enter the dead city. It is not that you have entered the dead city, you will have a big gain. It may not be safe to come out.

To put it simply, the wilderness and mountains like the two days of dark roads are safe areas, so there is basically no resource - naturally it has been lighted up by others for thousands of years.

The tomb of the scorpion, which hides behind the forest in the valley of the wind, belongs to the area that has not been developed. Because the scope is too large, the same area can only come in once in a decade, once in a dozen or so. Of course, there are many, many places that are not found.

Then there is the place where the dead city has been confirmed. It is similar to the forbidden land. It is known to be dangerous, but it is also known that there are still many resources.

The treasures that the comprehension wants, of course, will not be gold and silver jewelry, but resources that can enhance strength and contribute to spiritual practice.

In the people who entered the dead city adventure, the purpose is divided into three categories.

The first category is the most common, and I hope to find the magic weapon of the ancients.

There are some precedents. Some of them are small sects. They rely on a capable person to bring back a squadron in the dead city of the meditation area. Then they smash the Quartet and expand rapidly, eventually becoming a strong party.

Of course, in addition to the magic weapon, it also includes the secret technique. When the earth was a hero, after a hundred years of fighting, standing in the Han Dynasty, the establishment of the sects like Qiu Lin Jianzong also required a reasonable explanation of origin.

Climbing the celebrities in ancient times, shaping a ancestral master, and that the ancient ruins in some forbidden areas, or in the meditation, have been passed down by some secret laws, so they quickly emerged from the air.

The second category is fewer people, but it is to go to the blood to exercise themselves.

The territory of the Han Dynasty is extremely large, and the land is sparsely populated. It is not easy for the factions to fight each other. In order to exercise the everyone also wants various methods. For example, in the Tang Dynasty's group, the contest in the competition is to train young people from all walks of life.

There is also a good relationship with the martial art, which will arrange for the disciples to fight each other. Some of the representative embarrassers will be sent to various places to squat. In a dangerous environment, go to the deeper and deeper core area, and fight with more and more powerful beasts.

But what about the half-sex situation? A lot can't be used.

Nor can you go to toss the fierce beast of the forbidden land for exercise, which will inevitably lead to the wrath of the king's beastly beast, lead the herd to crush, and even anger the legendary beast.

The land of the dead city of the meditation is a very good place. Just like the previous smashing, fighting with the physics of the undead, the sinister **** exercise, the fighting ability, the mental impact, etc., there will be no sense of guilty killing.

The third category, the smaller number, is also one that can be said and cannot be said.

In the words of the earth, that is the practice of the evil. Similar to the Baiyuemen, collect the undead in the dead city, use it to extract the power of the spirit to strengthen yourself, or to refine the soul and make ghosts, to create shackles and body outside.

This generally decent person does not bother to do this, but also despise. So there are people like this who are secret and not known. But there is always something.

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