The First Strong

Chapter 1173: Break the door

Toss for a while, Shen Lang did not find a earth monk, but he was trapped inside the maze!

This made him a bit shameful.

Because the sacred armor can record the trajectory that has passed, it can magnify the exact contrast, so even if it is restricted, he does not care. After all, this has been tested in chaotic space, and it is very good in the meditation domain and in the Golden Valley.

So now let him feel a little overturned in the gutter.

However, Shen Lang was not discouraged, and his mood and momentum were not affected. After all, he has not explored it carefully, even if it was in the pastoral garden of Yuxianmen, or the space below the pyramid of the sea world, it will take some time to study.

According to the analysis of Shen Lang, he decided that he had returned to the hall!

The hall and the labyrinth intersection are actually a place.

After coming in from the gate, I saw the hall, the left and right, the stairs, etc., which are all intentionally seen by the owner. The crossroads that are now well-connected are also intended to be seen.

Simply put, one is blind, or both are blind!

Just walking to the left, he carefully identified whether there were any marks on the wall. If they were trapped in the maze, they would inevitably confirm whether the route had passed by marking them.

When he looked at it, he did not see the mark. But he himself has left a more eye-opening. When entering the left channel, he used the willow sword to engrave a trace.

Now I found that I came back along the track of the Holy Grail and I have disappeared from the hall. He carefully checked it at this "crossroads".

Sure enough, on one of the walls, there was a trace!

This proves his conjecture. The masters here use the way of the magic array to let the incoming people see the picture, which is different from the actual one. Perhaps it is at this crossroads when they come in, just seeing an illusion.

It is also possible that the crossroads that are now seen are also the display of the magic array, and the walls he engraved, even if they are oriented in the direction of the entrance, are not the left side.

He didn't know it because it was a little different from the fantasies outside the gate. It was a small array of methods attached to it, but now it is entering the core area of ​​the entire array.

Therefore, even if he has a certain direction now, he can't completely understand the situation in the entire labyrinth.

The magical array and the maze, in the view of Shen Lang, are nothing, as long as the law is found, it can be solved.

What makes him a little worried is that this line of sight is turning!

Just like the nick, the direction is different now. Is it the direction he is in now, which is different from what he saw outside?

Because of the relationship between the blockade and the prohibition, the Holy Grail will be greatly restricted. The direction may not be absolute, it may be circulating.

If it is fixed, even if he does not break the law, he only needs to use stupid and other stupid methods, and the carpet search can still find them one by one.

But if you turn, you are in trouble.

For example, he is in a district, and Qiao Yuxian is in the 9th district. As long as he walks from the first district to the nine districts, he can find it; but if he changes, when he walks to the third district, the nine districts may become four districts. In the fourth district, it may become a district...

They are all old guys, even if they are not proficient in the formation, they will always find them through stupid methods. And even if the ten people are divided into two or three roads, they will have several times more chances, plus four days, it should be found together.

No matter what, Shen Lang must speed up, he can't spend time here.

When he left, he continued to portray the sword directly on the wall!

In this case, as long as you see the scratches, you will know that it is the road you have traveled. It will not always be rotated in one place, and you will not have to wait until the intersection to identify again.

But after two intersections, Shen Lang thought of a wrong place.

When I came in, in the "hall", I saw a window light source above, so the light inside was not dim. Now it is in the channel that extends in all directions, surrounded by walls, can not see the light source, but it does not feel dim!

Shen Lang slowed down a little, then dropped the target on the door next to the room.

The walls on either side of these passages, some of the walls have no doors, and some have a door that looks like there is a room next to it. Others are coming for treasure hunt. They should not just open the door, but open different doors.

For the time being, I did not find the law of the formation. Shen Lang decided to start from the room first.

Before stopping a door, I saw that the door was not locked, but I tried to push and pull, but I couldn’t move it!

Shen Lang began to increase his strength, although the power was banned here, so that the mana could not be displayed. But the power of the ontology is not affected.

But soon he was surprised again, because his strength is getting bigger and bigger, the door is still not moving! As if this is not a door, but a wall, no, a wall may be pushed away, as if it were a solid mountain wall.

This also makes Shen Lang a bit skeptical. Is it that these doors are just a fake door, in fact, there is no room behind?

Or is it that the "gate" he sees now is just a illusion, actually a wall?

Since I can't find a clue for the time being Shen Lang decided to come hard!

The stagnant water whip appears in his hands...

He portrayed the dead water whip on the "door" and portrayed a big box.

The soldering iron cuts the foam, and the door immediately opens a door in the middle.

What surprised Shen Lang is that this special thing is just a door!

After melting, the middle piece fell down. He could see it directly. It was really a room. This is a door. And he just used the power to push a house, but he couldn’t push it away...

Obviously, these doors are also integrated with the whole big array. If you don't look for the shackles and want to push them away, it seems to want to pull the rails out by hand.

The effect of just stagnant water whip is equivalent to cutting the rails that are connected together and cutting them straight, so they can be pulled apart.

Shen Lang stepped from the hole in the hole, but it was a bit disappointing. There was nothing in the room, it was an empty room!

This situation makes Shen Lang a bit impetuous.

I have to admit that this is a masterpiece of the battle, and it should have been a great effort for a long time.

At present, if you want to break this method, Shen Lang feels that it takes a lot of time.

But now the most important thing is to quickly find them. In four days, various situations may have occurred. If you wait until he breaks, I don’t know what will happen.

Thinking of this, Shen Lang immediately withdrew to the corridor channel.

He put away Liu Yejian, too lazy to trace the traces again, and the stagnant water trembled, he decided to come to a violent burst!

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