The First Strong

Chapter 1176: The solution and the solution?

Shen Lang is actually talking about it, not trying to scare them.

I don't know what era was built. The host is definitely no longer there. It is the big array itself. Whether or not he formed a will, he is not sure.

Under the tension, everyone dared not say anything more. They all looked at the waves and waited for him to open the door together.

Shen Lang was also prepared. When the door was pushed in, it was felt that the following may not be able to push the door.

As far as this pressure is concerned, it is actually more difficult to open in it, because it is impossible to use the vitality, and it is purely dependent on the strength of the body. For example, if they find it here, even if they find it, it will not be able to open the door.

However, Shen Lang himself has no problem, he can do it with his strength, and then, if you can't do it, then use the dead water whip to destroy it!

When Shen Lang pulled hard, it was unexpectedly light, and the door was instantly opened. Fortunately, he is very good at controlling the power and has not let himself be embarrassed.

Although there is a very strange inside that has a light source that does not know where to come from, but the moment the door is opened, everyone seems to see the excitement of light in the dark!

However, before Shen Lang did not step out, everyone did not dare to go out first, and still waiting for him.

Shen Lang nodded to everyone, and then the first step went out.

Although it seems to have arrived at the entrance, the door is the exit, but this place is very strange, any possibility is still there, he also made a defense when he stepped out.

In the footsteps have not come out, the eyes can already see the situation outside, the Holy A can also detect a larger range. Shen Langxin has been slightly sinking!

Because outside is not what he came in!

But this is already the case, and it is only one step away.

Shen Lang did not stagnate, and resolutely stepped out.

Everyone else quickly followed, and he followed him out.

"This...sit seems not the place we came in?" Someone whispered a question.

I have been in the maze for a long time, so that the judgments they see on their eyes are not so certain. I am afraid that what I see is still an illusion. At this time, only Shen Lang can be authoritative.

"Yes! It looks like this is not where we come in, but it's not certain that it's really another place, or what we're seeing now is the illusion."

If you are in the dark, let everyone be relieved and worried.

Rest assured that it is not their personal problem, but everyone sees the same, Shen Lang is also determined; fear is that I am afraid of falling from a maze to another maze!

However, there is a backbone of Shen Lang, everyone is still more excited than before, or full of hope.

While talking, Shen Lang has completed a complete observation of the outer space.

To put it simply, the place where they are now is like opening a door from the house and going to the garden and yard.

But when I first came here, Shen Lang was carefully searching around and it was a garden and yard that could be confirmed without walls.

He also does not need to look back, the Holy A has already reflected the situation behind him. After they came out, the door closed. Presented in front of them, as if they were in.

In other words, from the surface, this is not the back door, nor is it the other place, that is, the main entrance!

"What do we do now?" Qiao Xiaoxian whispered a question.

He asked for a voice on behalf of everyone, but did not dare to disturb the thinking of Shen Lang.

"go out!"

Shen Lang just just came out a few steps, others are just following out, the last one, because the heart is being watched by the spirits, and dare not wait too much, for fear of falling behind. So it was hurrying out, and the result was that I forgot to stand at the door.

Now there is no retreat in the back - even if you can push the door, everyone does not want to go back, these days and nights are a nightmare to them.

Qiao Yuxian is the leader of their squad, has always played the role of command, everyone also listened to his arrangements.

Now that Shen Lang is moving forward, he immediately signals everyone to open sideways, forming two rows followed by the back of Shen Lang, forming a guard against the left and right. Liu Yuchang and Nanliuchuan are behind the last temple.

This garden yard looks like the garden of the general community is almost large, from the door to the faint visible front wall.

But no one will feel that it is so simple to walk over. The flowers and trees inside are probably the props of the array. After entering, maybe it is a new maze!

It used to be in the corridors that extend in all directions, and now it is possible to detour in the jungle.

After all, now they are in the same house, and their mental strength and vitality have been banned.

As they walked forward, they did not take a few steps, and there was a fog around them. It was looming and there was a tendency to gradually increase!

Everyone immediately closed their breath and stepped up their alert, followed by the waves.

Before the sun came in, it was very clear. Don't say that the grass and trees here are the mountains and trees in the square. They are all merged into one, and even this piece of land is used.

So for this garden, he is too lazy to spend time to crack, directly use the dead water whip ~ ~ ruin them one by one!

When the fog began to appear, it did not wait for it to become more intense. Walking in front of the sinking waves, immediately swaying the dead water whip, the place where the whip passes, destroying and melting everything!

The walls and doors that were previously integrated with the entire building and the entire array were destroyed, not to mention the flowers and trees that looked weak on the surface.

It can be said that with each step of the Shenlang, a large number of flowers and trees fall, which is different from the integrity of the wall. Once the bottom is blown, it will fall without support.

Everyone walked out about a dozen meters together, and the building behind it has become faintly visible, and the fog is even more intense.

Whether Shen Lang will go wrong in the direction of going forward, it will continue to destroy these plants.

After walking more than ten meters, the fog suddenly dispersed and the surrounding became clear.

What appeared in front of them was a passageway with trees on both sides, about twenty or thirty meters in length, and at the end, but an open door. From the perspective of Shen Lang, you can see the outside of the door, just before you come in and out.

"This time is... really export?"

"Shen Lang master seems to have cracked the battle!"

Shen Lang continued to move forward and said faintly: "No cracking, it is like a reconciliation of this formation, let us leave."


Everyone is a little bit surprised. Is it because of the destruction of the swells of the waves that the law is awkward? Doesn't that mean that this big array is really spiritual and intelligent?

"Will it be a trap?" Still someone worried about it.

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