The First Strong

Chapter 1290: Help not help

When he said it, everyone immediately understood.

Judging from the current verification, these rest points are basically one in half a day. This is also very obvious, let the day come in, half a day, go fast, slow, in the dark, there is a foothold.

Yesterday they rushed for a day, and they crossed a rest point. When they arrived here, there was a little more time, but it was not enough to get to the next break, so they stayed there overnight.

If you want to catch three rest points today, it is equal to skipping two, and the speed will be 50% higher than yesterday!

Since entering the mountains, the more you go inside, the higher the rugged, even if they are more than half a cent, they can feel more and more invisible pressure.

And actually, yesterday, after they had the adaptation of the previous day, the speed has reached a fairly fast pace. Halfway through today, the pressure is great.

Ji Sheng thought for a moment, and returned a sentence.

"In terms of speed, the space we can upgrade is not too big. The time that can be won is the time to identify the direction."

Because the road is far away, it is not always necessary to identify the reference object. For example, if a mountain peak is confirmed, it may take a long time to arrive. In a far place, the direction can be confirmed.

But when it comes to specific places, especially if there are some complicated environments, then they need to stop. Based on their own information, several parties check and confirm, and analyze the correct direction and route.

This piece adds up a lot of time, and now Ji Sheng means to squeeze time from it.

"I think this is the case... it's still the first in safety. It can't be wrong for the sake of quickness. Once it's deviated, it's not a break point, maybe the rest of the rest can't be found."

Lu Yang poured a cold water.

"Ji Xiong said that there is reason. Lu brother said that it makes sense. I think so, we are speeding up as much as possible. We can fight for a little more time on the road. In terms of identifying the direction, we can have one more. A little bit of time. If we can reach the third break point today, it means that we have skipped at least one more attack!"

There is also Yu Mingxun, who is a member of the Jiuxian School. He is also a realm of the same status as a few of them. He also has a say at this time.

In fact, everyone understands the truth, but they have different emphasis on the concept. Now, Yu Mingxun’s words are to make the problem more thorough.

The explanation was so clear, and everyone had nothing to say, and they nodded in agreement with him.

Just hurry up and identify the direction a little faster, you can avoid more than one attack, or you can get it. It was fine last night, but what if the rest of the rest is not so strong? Or is the monster behind it more powerful?

"If you don't want to be late, let's go together!"

Now that it has been decided, it will start immediately, and Shangguan Tianyuan will make a simple agreement.

The four of them represent four sectarian families, and they have the most information. When they check the direction, they need to work together.

And above the strength, they are also the strongest, if they are dangerous, they still need to be topped.

So next day's hurry, they will be at the forefront, speed up the road, confirm the direction ahead of time and as soon as possible.

For other people's requirements, it is necessary to keep up, not to fall behind.

This is not a play. If everyone is getting faster and faster, once they fall behind, they will probably not be able to keep up.

The most obvious meaning of this confession is to remind Ji Qiancheng and Lu Feng that they are relatively weak, and they are afraid that they will not keep up.

When he finally left, Ji Sheng gave Shen Lang a look.

He is not convenient to speak out in public, so as not to hurt the self-esteem of other old guys, which means that Shen Lang will be in the final face of the team, once there is any problem behind, there is a powerful one to top it.

As long as they can hold on for a while, then the four of them will be able to react.

Shen Lang also nodded and said that he accepted the task.

Then a group of people immediately rushed to the road, and everyone was a man who dared to rush out for the first time. Of course, they could not waste more time.

The group continued to hurry.

This time, probably because I walked faster, I followed the mysterious woman a little closer, and occasionally I could see the traces of her pauses.

Everyone has a mental thought. Since they are all in one direction, the strength of the mysterious woman should not be low, and she is alone, and she can follow their team.

That way she can be safer, they can have one more person, one will not be a burden, but will be a helper.

After all, to Ji Qiang and Lu Feng, although they are forty or fifty years old, they will not be greedy for women, but if there is a woman who is qualified enough to have a grade, it will still feel quite good.

Of course, no one has shown this idea, but everyone is trying to speed up.

Anyway, it is also necessary to speed up the road. If you catch up with the mysterious girl, then everyone can naturally go together. After all, get along for two nights, you can also have a simple trust with each just go out In less than half an hour, their expectations are fulfilled!

The mysterious woman is in front.

But it is not normal to catch up, but she has trouble!

One-horned giant!

It was the mountain monster that attacked the stone house last night!

It was attacked for an hour last night and it didn't work, and finally it went away. Everyone thought that it would be like a snowman. It was hidden during the day and could only wait until the night to attack again. The one who came across it was the one who came in behind.

I didn't expect this guy to come out during the day, but also know how to think about it. This is on the route that everyone left, leaving a distance in advance and ambushing here!

The first time the mysterious woman left, and rushed in front of everyone, naturally became its prey.

As soon as I saw this picture, I was not close. The Shangguan Tianyuan four people had already reduced the speed, and naturally followed by the speed.

"What to do? Do you want to help?"

"Help, Yaochi is also a righteous person."

"Helping her, we are too late to hurry. Can you count on Yaochi to pay back?"

"This is not helping, it is saving people! A large group of famous people can't look at a woman."

The four of them were quick talkers and they didn't let everyone hear them together.

Lu Yang, who is unwilling to help, thinks that since it is not Zhoushan, it should be the first priority. This mysterious woman is very proud and has a cold attitude towards everyone. Since she is so arrogant, she should bear the consequences.

She is not one of everyone's partners, there is no need to waste time for her.

But after all, only he is the attitude of one person, or only a minority to obey the majority.

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