The First Strong

Chapter 1513: Missile

The generals in the conference room were very shocked when they found out that there was one more person.

In addition to the instinctive swearing, there are also people who want to trigger an alarm and let more soldiers come in.

However, they moved a little, only to find that in addition to being able to talk, the body can not move, including the hands of the fingers can not!

This is not only shocking, but feeling the fear.

This time, the level of the meeting was very high. It was reported to the Secretary of Defense. Of course, it was a senior general. In their capacity, they did not need to bring their own guns.

Moreover, this conference room is the most strict specification of the base command. There is a layer of protection on the outside. It is really necessary to fight. It can be hit here, which is basically equivalent to the collapse of the entire base.

Besides, even if they bring weapons, it is useless now.

"How are you... what do you want?"

One of the generals calmed down first and whispered a question.

I want to ask how to come in, but after I say it, I feel that it is meaningless. Others may not say it, but instead ask the meaning of Shen Lang.

"What do you say?" Shen Lang said, people have gone from the corner of the conference room to the other corner.

After he came in, he was quiet in a corner, so the eloquent generals did not find it, or the superpower who connected it first saw it.

Now everyone is difficult to move around the neck, but their eyes are staring at the deep waves. Suddenly he disappears, and people are on the other side. In addition to making them more difficult to turn their eyes, it is also a matter of heart.

"You have to figure out that this is in our country! We have the most powerful army in the world, with the highest technology weapons and equipment! I know that your superpowers are not afraid of ordinary weapons, but we also have superpowers!"

The general said while adjusting his attitude and stabilizing himself.

"Yes! You are strong and only one person. We can mobilize the superpowers of the country, and even the superpowers of the entire Western world. Can you deal with high-tech, military and all superpowers?"

In addition, some people have joined it, and the tone is even stronger.

"I am looking at the people at the same time to help you solve the monster crisis. I am very clear about your intentions. I warned you that since you insist on ordering, you have to pay the price!"

Shen Lang glanced at them coldly and then released the imprisonment for them.

The officers who had just been fixed could not help but secretly breathe a sigh of relief. Although they felt that it would not be all right, they had already let go of them. It was just that, they had already let them sweat coldly.

"Lord, our goal, but also to solve the monster! Since everyone's purpose is the same, perhaps you can cooperate well to achieve a win-win goal."

"You have given us the corpses of the monsters, and we hand them over to the experts to study. As long as they have an understanding of their bodies, they can find weaknesses and target them!"

After someone spoke, more people followed up. If they couldn’t grasp it, try a good negotiation.

"Do you still have a robot? That thing is only used by you alone. It is limited in operation. In your words, it can't be hydrolyzed. If you give it to us, let us refer to it and equip it to a different one. The troops can work together in all directions and eventually defeat the monsters!"

"We have astronomical research funding that can maximize everything. There are also huge rewards. As long as you hand over these two, we will provide you with a generous reward of billions of wealth. By then, your whole family can pass. On the rich life."

"Lord, this is your time to contribute to the progress of the human world! These two things are in your own hands, it is a huge waste, handed over to us, and we can develop to truly benefit the world. Then you are a historically named person!"

These senior officers are experienced old guys.

It was still shocking and nervous, but then relaxed them, and saw that Shen Lang was a young man, and he immediately stabilized, and then began to persuade me with a word.

Their words have already covered very important aspects. If you like money, there are huge rewards to attract you; if you don't want money, then the history name will attract you; if you don't want money, don't want it, you may think about the great love that benefits mankind.

Threats and warnings, even the most advanced people have already said.

"Who are you with the highest level and the most authority, are you?"

Shen Lang listened to them after a round and looked at a general who was sitting without the chief.

"Yes." The general nodded and admitted.

Just finished, he immediately lost consciousness!

His willpower is stronger, but he is just an ordinary person. Shen Lang easily controls his consciousness.

The reason why they did not kill them directly was not to listen to their nonsense, nor to listen to their conditions, but to identify who is the real power.

In fact, before he read the memory of the officer, there is already a rough. However, the officers at the highest level of the base also have a lot of secrets that others do not know.

For example, what Shen Lang wants now - permission.

Everyone else looked at this scene nervously and didn't dare to speak.

"You want to..." One person tried to ask questions.

Shen Lang waved his hand, and immediately he couldn't speak, and then everyone's consciousness was controlled.

He has already figured out that one of the most powerful missiles in this base is the key of multiple generals, who need to enter the key together and confirm the identity before ordering.

Now they are all controlled by Shen Lang, directly in the conference room, confirm identity, enter the key, and then give orders to the soldiers who control.

A powerful missile started to launch!

Although the operators were very confusing and even frightened, they executed the orders of the generals.

These missiles were shot at several domestic military bases and ... to the capital's presidential palace!

When the missile was issued, the Ministry of Defense immediately connected.

As soon as it was connected, the Minister of Defense shouted loudly.

"What are you doing with these idiots? Why did you launch missiles without any instructions, why did you fire missiles at the base and the capital?"

When the Minister of Defense drank, he was interrupted by a general.

The top person in charge of the base said with a smile: "The Minister reminds me that you should send another one to the Ministry of National Defense!"

"Fuck! Are you crazy?"

The Secretary of Defense felt that it was definitely an error in the execution coordinates, but it was not clear why they fired such powerful missiles. They were all long distances. It took time to fly in the past. As long as the attack instructions were cancelled in time, a large number of missiles were wasted.

But now, you have to come to the Ministry of Defense building!

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