The First Strong

Chapter 1518: The monster disappears

In the country, there are also a lot of people who have grown a sigh of relief.

Needless to say, there is no such thing as the wind, no squad, and no one. They are all worried about the stability of the waves, especially in this way, they are hard-pressed with a superpower. This is on the site of others.

The earth monks such as Qiao Yuxian have also successfully returned from the mainland of the island. They also want to make a contribution to the giant beasts that appear.

There are only a lot of concerns, not appearing in China, it is not convenient to go overseas.

Today, the news of Shen Lang was exposed. Although the older generation will not pay attention to it at all times, the family also has young people who are responsible for understanding and immediately report the situation to the past.

For the older generation, they have seen a lot in decades and are more sensitive to this aspect.

For a time, everyone was connected to each other. If Shen Lang really wants to be done, then if they can help, they must be united and rushed to help the boxing!

Just like the day before the collapse of Tiandu, Shen Lang does not need their help, they can also be strong.

Now on the earth, not facing the half-scent, they still have a lot to offer.

Then everyone was watching the progress of the matter. The result was a warning from Shen Lang to the presidential palace and a reprimand in speech.

Later, the younger children also reported on the grievances on the Internet, letting them know that everyone is standing on the side of Shenlang, it is gratifying.

However, Shen Lang is faced with a superpower. Even if it is supported by the whole world, it is only the support of ordinary people, and it is the support on the Internet.

Those politicians, it is estimated that they will send troops to each other!

And they are at home, even if they want to help, it is a bit far from being able to hydrolyze. When they immediately rushed to the airport and flew for more than ten hours, everything was settled.

Some of them also have flying magic weapons, but this is a big leap of the earth!

If you don't take civil aviation, you don't know if you can support it for a long time. On the other hand, the speed is not fast, and the flying magic weapon is also a short-range convenience.

The result is that everyone can only wait and see, waiting for further information on the side of Shen Lang.

Through the webcast, everyone also saw the Shenlang, and Shenlong saw the end without disappearing, disappearing directly from the presidential park!

At that time, all the high-definition high-definition cameras were staring at the waves, and many of them were close-ups. Then he disappeared out of thin air, even if it was ultra-high-definition playback, it did not capture the slightest shadow!

This hand, let the reporters have a good rendering.

I was rushing over here, I want to know who is dare to attack the super landmark building, and now it has all changed.

Western media, especially the homeland, have shifted their focus to the mysterious superhero of Shen Lang.

After all, the news that broke out today is too shocking. In the face of the monster crisis, the government does not fight monsters, but instead attacks the heroes who fight monsters. This is a political position. All of them feel shame.

Usually scandals can be tapped, but now it is a shame in the world, so intentionally or unintentionally, they focus on the superhero of Shen Lang.

The "miracle" exposed by Shen Lang, replayed again and again, and then connected with physicists and the like to explore how to do it.

They are well versed in the way the media spread, and as a result, at least not everyone will marry the country and the president. Ordinary people are always most concerned about gossip, and even if a small part is true, it will not cause big public opinion.

Some media in the East have also seized this rare opportunity to attack. But after all, Shen Lang is an oriental, and it makes everyone feel glorious.

The reporters at the scene were not the commentators who wrote the post after careful consideration. At this time, the impact on the scene was relatively large, and they were also keen to introduce the brilliance of Shen Lang.

The result is that the prestige of Shen Lang is even more high, and the power of faith has also emerged more.

And unlike the beginning, they have a small part that starts to become more pure. Probably there is a part of temporary worship and become a fan. And as more and more spread, and he said killing more than a dozen monsters, more and more fans.

Shen Lang himself actually just hid in the world of Tianshu!

What he needs is to show the miracle that disappears out of thin air. If it is just a flash, even if the speed is fast, there will still be traces under the ultra-high-definition, high-speed camera.

What he needs is what really disappears completely.

In doing so, it was really achieved. When the focus no longer focused on the air, he quickly left the scene with his bodyguard.

The power of the world's billion-level faith is an unexpected harvest that Shen Lang did not think of.

But for the warning retaliation of the superpower, he is already finished, and the problem that needs to be solved is still the problem of the behemoth.

Although more than a dozen heads have been solved, including several beasts, how many are there, it is not clear at all.

Especially now, it has been a day and a night, and there is no information about the dog god!

But in terms of his connection with the dog god, you can be sure that the dog **** is still on the earth.

The dog **** has no information yet, indicating that it has not yet fixed the hurricane beast!

Failure to fix the hurricane beasts means that this disaster has not yet been resolved. These behemoths that have been enchanted have not been brought back in the name of the Emperor.

After finding a quiet place, Shen Lang contacted the wind.

The wind is not excited, saying that the previous exposure made them nervous, worried that they had a big problem, and did not expect that Shen Lang reversed this situation and has now been worshipped around the world.

Shen Lang himself felt very clearly, and did not say much, just asked her about the latest information collected, that is, from the past to the present, the situation of behemoths in the Americas.

Feng Wuji did not forget the work, she immediately reported the information collected.

Because of the crisis of a few days, the information in this area is shared by all countries, and even some of them are relatively simple. The media is also open so that the public can understand that it can be better. Similar to the release of typhoon and earthquake information.

Therefore, she is also collecting the complete, the latest situation, there is no new giant beasts!

Occasionally, there were witness reports, and it was said that the giant monsters had seen the mad rush, and did not stop to attack the human city.

However, for the tracking and the like, only the military and other departments have detailed information, and Feng Jiji is not so powerful.

Shen Lang did not care too much, let her continue to pay attention.

He knows the situation better. In addition to his killing of a batch, there is still the biggest possibility, because the Emperor's behemoth appears, and the hurricane beast god, launched the control of the robbing!

Those monsters may have followed the call and went to a place, is it a dog god, or a hurricane beast?

Shen Lang thinks that he can also sense it...

(End of this chapter)

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