The First Strong

Chapter 1520: Antarctic ice sheet

Just a moment ago, the Internet is fermenting, bringing more and more fans to Shen Lang.

Even if these fans are temporary, they won't be in a matter of minutes or tens of minutes, and they can stay for a while.

It was because he was able to single out a superpower and directly killed the Capitol and the Ministry of Defense building. He also smashed the presidential palace.

Everyone was originally discussing on the Internet, and there are no more people and things than this.

Unexpectedly, he is coming out again now. This time not only warned the president, but even all the politicians in the world warned together, which is equivalent to challenging the countries of the world!

In this way, the fans who have already been fans have been more determined to support the Shen Lang. Many of them are watching the bustle, and the road is turning pink.

More importantly, the previous target was a superpower. Since there are many who do not understand them, of course, they also support them.

Now for all the politicians of the world, that meaning is different!

In addition to bullish, it is even more important that this is treated equally. That further explains that Shen Lang is for the people of the world, not for personal interests, not for a certain country.

In this way, let alone the support of other countries, it is the nationals of this superpower, except for some extreme patriotism, others are also supporting Shen Lang.

Not to mention the people and the people of the region who have suffered and are likely to suffer from the behemoths.

For a time, the power of faith in Shen Lang was even more rolling.

Shen Lang originally wanted to publicly express this information, so that governments should not mix in, so as to avoid making more complicated and more ordinary soldiers.

The other is for the power of faith. Now on the way to flying, I feel the surge of faith, and he is also gratified and satisfied.

Known as the Seventh Continent on Earth, the Antarctic is the last continent to be discovered and the only one to settle.

But in terms of the area of ​​optics, the Antarctic is the fifth in all continents and the highest continent. The average elevation is over 2,000 meters, and the entire continent is covered by a huge ice sheet.

The Antarctic continent is the only two continents on the earth surrounded by the ocean. It is surrounded by the Pacific Ocean, the Atlantic Ocean, and the Indian Ocean. It forms a huge hydrosphere around the Earth and is completely closed. It is far away from other continents and completely isolated from the civilized world. The continent.

The Antarctic continent is the most difficult to reach continent, the closest continent is South America, between them is the 970 km wide Drake Strait.

Not only is it far from other continents, but it is also surrounded by ice shelves and ice floes that are several kilometers or even hundreds of kilometers. In winter, the area of ​​ice floes can reach 19 million square kilometers; even in the summer of Antarctica, the area is 260. Ten thousand square kilometers.

Thousands of huge icebergs are floating in the ocean around the Antarctic continent, causing great difficulties and dangers for maritime navigation.

These information about the Antarctic is of course not recorded when Shen Lang went to school, but was read through the Holy Grail during the flight.

He has already collected information about the Earth's Internet through the Holy Grail. These are public information.

He does not need to analyze the specific differences between Antarctica, the Antarctic continent, and the South Pole. It is basically certain that these giant beasts should have passed through the South America and passed through the huge Drake Strait of nearly a thousand kilometers!

This may be dangerous and difficult for ordinary beasts. But when you reach the king's level, you won't be able to do it.

Just as they can travel from the Pacific Ocean to the American coastline from the Pacific Ocean, now they have come to the Antarctic continent.

For this piece of ice and snow with less information and no permanent population, Shen Lang is not sure why they chose it.

The Hurricane Beast God has arranged for other beasts to lead the behemoths to invade the densely populated cities of the earth. Why come to this barren land?

Is it because of the dog god?

The dog **** forced the hurricane beast to the South Pole, and then they brought together other monsters together?

This possibility, Shen Lang feels unlikely.

Although the dog **** is very friendly now, it is only because he has been with him for so long, with it "seeing the world" and "eat", there is no love for the earth and human beings.

It is willing to intervene, but also because of the agreement with Shen Lang, look at the face of Shen Lang. But it will not take into account that it does not harm other human beings.

That is really true that the dog **** has forced the hurricane beast to come here, and it should be another reason.

Could it be that this billion-year-old frozen continent has a reiki resources that were not known to the predecessors?

With doubts, Shen Lang came to the Antarctic continent.

After landing on the ice, he felt it again. After a long distance, he could position it more clearly and then flew over at the Sonic Sur.

When the Shen Lang rushed over, the behemoths and beasts were still on the road quickly.

Although they have been ahead of Shenlang for at least one night, they are not as good at speed, and they have to cross the sea, so they have just gone to the call point.

Shen Lang chased in the air, even faster than they arrived at the place where the dog **** is!

On the top of the ice sheet, the sinking waves descended from the air, and the picture that you saw in the eye made him stunned!

I guess they will come here, maybe there is a huge resource for comprehension in Antarctica. When the behemoths can't find resources in the human city, the hurricane beast may have found it here.

The situation that can be seen now is not the same thing.

On top of this piece of ice, there are two giant beasts at the moment, and three more humans!

What is directly reflected is that three people and two beasts have formed a confrontational state. Both sides have not acted rashly, so they are squatting.

One of the behemoths is naturally the dog **** of the Emperor's behemoth, and the other one, according to the memory of the beast gods, can recognize the sacred wave, which is second only to the dog god's hurricane beast They will appear here, and the waves are not unexpected. This is followed by positioning. What is strange is how the three humans are going?

The hurricane beast **** should be comparable to the peak of the peak and the half sacred. With the understanding of Shen Lang in the past two years, there are very few celestial celestial beings on the earth. In addition to the pope, there may be a very small number of ancestors who can’t hide. It is.

And Daxian is probably not there anymore. It’s even more impossible for him to help him break through this time.

That means that there can be no human monks, you can directly confront the beast!

This is also an important reason why the beast gods lead the behemoths and can be rampant in the Americas.

The Emperor and the Great Beast are comparable to the Great God, and there is no need to say more.

But now, there are three human beings who can balance each other with them. That is to say, the strength of the three of them has reached the level of a great god, a peak and a half!

How is there such a strong person on earth?

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