The First Strong

Chapter 1713: Wheel of heaven

Shen Lang listened to the old man's story about the four artifacts, and also observed the wheel of the heavens in Capricorn.

If you don't talk about the origin of the artifact, what he first thought of would be related to the celestial machine.

The Tianji Zongyang who came together at the beginning of the real life, although the strength is only true, but there are some mysterious places.

For example, they have been sinking from the tens of meters of space in the chaotic space to the ground, and it is completely unsuccessful.

But after landing, Fuyang real people can still point out a road, or a direction, and finally prove that the direction is right.

Fuyang real people did not elaborate, but for the sake of the former reluctance, but the strength is not good, directly destroyed by the space impact.

However, he revealed that this is the information that their predecessors explored in the past.

How did you do it?

It is not known.

When the predecessors of the Tianji Zongzi arrived in this world, it was because the strength was not helped by people, or did they stand up like the cold autumn and Lin Biao?

It is easy to be killed if the strength is not good, but if you have the ability to predict, you should be able to avoid the evil to a certain extent.

Such people should be able to live well in any world.

Just like many legendary figures in the history of China, in the end, after being famous, they will stay away from the political affairs and disappear into the rivers and lakes. There will be no endings such as persecution by the emperors.

That may be a manifestation of political wisdom, an analysis of the situation of the human being and the situation.

But predict, in addition to the perception of the sixth sense of the whim, does it also include analysis of various situations?

So at the beginning of the wheel of the heavenly plane, Shen Lang did not associate with the door of the Three Realms, but was associated with the Tianji Zong.

But now the four artifacts that the old man said, it will certainly not be brought up by the celestial centuries hundreds of years ago.

Then again, even if the celestial sect has the ability to predict, there is no ability and material to create such artifacts.

From the current point of view, the surface of this wheel is unpretentious, and there is no change in Capricorn.

There was no such thing as a contact, and there was a strange situation.

Shen Lang even has a suggestive feeling, want to see if there is a special, or familiar feeling, but also in vain.

Simply put, it's like watching an antique craft and not feeling anything special.

"I watched it and felt that it didn't have anything to do with me. It seems that I am not the owner of it!"

When Shen Lang said, he put the wheel of the heavenly plane down.


The old man was very calm before, but now that no one cares about it, Shen Lang is the only one who wants to see if he can sell it.

"Why, do you want to drop blood?" Shen Lang laughed.

The old man shook his head. "Oh... if you drop blood, it must be purchased, it becomes your personal belongings, or we are embarrassed."


That is for sure. As an artifact, you can let him play it directly. It is already very good to talk.

"And... blood is not useful."

The words behind the old man made Shen Lang silent for a while.

No matter what you use, let's say a hammer!

"How can it be used?"

The question of Shen Lang was asked, but the old man did not answer.

Without answering, I also expressed the answer, that is, I can't tell him if I don't sell.

"Shenlang Xiaoyou, if you are interested in buying it, this artifact can be sold at a 20% discount, which is also the lowest price."

When Shen Lang was ready to let go, the ancestors of this martial art came back from other booths and said that they could give Shen Lang a discount.

Although the 20% discount is less than the 50% discount that others have, the base price base is there.

20% off the 10,000 yuan Lingshi, but saved 2,000 yuan Lingshi, which is four times the one thousand yuan Lingshi 50% off.

"Eight thousand..."

Shen Lang hesitated.

Originally, he was not interested. Just because he came over, he would like to know more.

But knowing that this is the magic weapon with the name of the Three Realms, his interest is much stronger.

The gates of the Three Realms have been verified, and the wheel of this opportunity should not be bad.

And to lower the price to 8,000 yuan Lingshi, the attraction to him is also much larger.

The ancestor had a direct voice.

"But there is one sentence that I have to explain to you privately. How can we get along with this wheel of the heavens, how can we fully own it? In fact, we don't know."

Shen Lang looked at him directly with a silent voice.

You don't know, the instructions haven't been used yet, so let's say an egg!

For this eight thousand, buy an unknown number, which is a big pit.

"You have to know that even if it is more functional, it is an artifact. If we can master it, we will not be able to sell it, so we are a bit of a family."

Shen Lang nodded helplessly.

This also makes sense. Perhaps it is because after I got it, I found that I didn’t know how to use it. I couldn’t give full play to its advantages.

That is simply a display, but also to prevent others from remembering theft.

It is not bad to sell this way.

"Predecessors are so honest, are they not afraid of affecting transactions? If people listen, they will feel that it is impossible to buy an unknown number at a big price."

The ancestor bluntly said: "That said, but I can't lie to you. It's not that I lied once, and everyone will still face it later."

Sincere, it is also a marketing method.

Sometimes, customers are more willing to believe in their quality because of the authenticity of the seller.

However, Shen Lang still shook his head.

Eight thousand yuan Lingshi is one-third of what he now has. It is a bit reluctant to buy an artifact that is still uncertain.

The ancestor nodded seems to understand what he meant, and this may have reached their reserve price, no matter what way they get it, they will not sell it if they are low.

Therefore, he did not continue to cut prices to attract Shen Lang.

Shen Lang turned to look at other items on the stone table, probably because of the price of the wheel of this opportunity to raise the limit, and then look at other, I think the price is very beautiful.

However, he still kept the wallet and did not buy it.

To stimulate people's consumption, the merchants on the earth are all omnipotent. Which festival has become a promotion day, and many shopping festivals have been created.

In order to let you save money, various discounts, various shopping vouchers, as well as pre-sale cash back and so on.

Basically, people will be impulsive in shopping, often not because they are cheap, but because they feel cheap.

A pair of shoes, a hundred, or dozens of pieces, is cheap, but not necessarily for consumers to buy.

A pair of shoes sell 999 daily, the promotion price of 499, although it is still much more expensive than dozens of pieces, but will make consumers earn the illusion of 500, often directly buy the latter.

The transaction here is still very simple and original, not enough to stimulate the consumption impulse of Shen Lang.

Until he saw something!


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