The First Strong

Chapter 1757: Next 1 city

Under the manipulation of the elk, the comet ginkgo leaves continued to attack. Before the stars, the drizzle of the silk thread showed a huge change.

This time it is still countless light, but it is not a little bit, but the size of a ginkgo leaf.

In this way, it is not drizzling, but it seems to be like a big snow drifting in the sky, or not like the snow in the mountains.

Previously his attack did not work because the attack had three people and the three were very powerful.

But now there is only one target for the attack, and it will be much more concentrated.

Although the red mask ancestors were fighting against others, but because the attack power is scattered, it is easier to protect.

Now it's not just concentrated on him alone, and just like a little bit of ginkgo leaves, the light that has been presented is too big to know how many times, and its explosive power will increase in multiples.

This allows the red mask ancestor to fight against the spirit of twelve points. In addition to his own defense, he added two layers of defensive hoods outside his body to fight for two layers of cushioning even if there is an explosion.

So he became very passive, and all the "ginkgo biloba" gathered around his defensive hood, making it difficult for him to move away.

And even if he didn't collide against these "ginkgo leaves," he began to actively hit his defensive hood after gathering around him.

The result is that it surrounds his body and begins to continually explode!

The effect of the explosion is indeed much more powerful than before. It is not increasing countless times, but these powers are all exerted on one person, which is also a headache.

These explosions, from the strength and extent of the shock wave, are naturally comparable to the power of the nuclear bomb before the sinking wave.

However, since it is the magic weapon of Ginkgo Valley, and it is the elk deer to show up to attack the ancestors, naturally it can hurt the great gods.

He understands this very well, and the red mask ancestors understand this.

So their pair is directly deadlocked.

A full-force attack, a full defense.

But in this way, the pressure is on the ancestors of the red mask!

Because even if two people maintain balance, in fact, he is still in the disadvantage, because he is defensive, if he does not defend, he may not have to wait for a counterattack, he was hit by the other side.

Only if he is well guarded can he defend and fight back.

On the other side, there is a super beast **** roaring beside it!

Not to mention Shen Lang, who is holding a partner’s tower, waiting to be seen.

With the masters of the same level, any minor influence will be directly reflected.

Not to mention psychological stress, it directly reflects on the action.

But at this time, the situation of the red mask ancestors is not the focus of the audience, the focus is on the cyan mask ancestors!

The cyan mask ancestor was originally restrained by the sable, but because of the sacred beast that had just collapsed the entire mountain, he quickly rushed to bite and forced him to flee.

Originally, this is normal. After all, it is the strongman of the Great God level. Even if the dog **** and the purple ancestor are both sniper, he still has the opportunity to escape. It is completely normal.

But no one thought of it, in the side of the Tota onlookers, the waves suddenly turned to the face of the blue mask ancestors!

The cyan mask ancestors have just escaped a catastrophe, although not to be shocked, but the attention is still in the dog **** and the purple scorpion, guarding them to continue to pursue.

As a result, Shen Lang suddenly appeared, as if he had predicted that he would be here, and that the tower was ready, and he was attracted to him!

Shen Lang has just dealt with the ancestors of the black mask. It can also be said that the enemy of the tactics of the warfare tactics is deep and ambushing, but now this hand is scaring everyone.

Because the speed of this cyan mask ancestor is very fast, it just fled, and this is no trajectory to follow, it is a temporary rush to escape, it is his own, but also a random choice.

Even if you can guess in advance, it can only be the opposite direction to Shen Lang, but the scope is still great, and the farther and farther the range is.

However, it is too unusual for Shen Lang to be accurate and correct at the same time.

Including his past speed, it is too fast, and even everyone thinks it is incredible.

These are of course within the plan of Shen Lang!

After he had just accepted the black mask of the ancestors, the deliberately high-profile Tota was waiting.

It is to give the remaining two enemies psychological pressure, let them think that he is looking for opportunities, and the tower will absorb them at any time.

But actually Shen Lang just looks like it!

His real approach is to quickly integrate with the surrounding environment under the superficial performance!

Originally under such a state of war, he should not do this, and it is also very dangerous. But now that the enemy has been pinned down, and he is full of scruples about him, no one is attacking him. You can rest assured to do so.

After completing the integration, his safety is on a step.

Now he and everything in the vicinity are like one, no matter which side is slightly fluctuating, he can know at the same time.

Similarly, he can move as he pleases.

Even if someone hits him in a direction he didn't see, he can be aware of it for the first time, and when he attacks the other side, he can move to another and the environment Heaven and man are united, let his movement, is not flying, and there is almost no time gap.

When the cyan mask ancestor was almost bitten by the dog **** and then quickly fled, Shen Lang had already arrived, and it was almost in sync with him.

The already prepared Tiantian Tower is rude to the aging ancestors of the blue mask, and began to absorb strongly.

The normal state can resist and escape the great deity of the realm. At this moment, because the mind is placed on the back two sides of the defense, I did not expect to have a big pit waiting around.

When he defends and wants to escape, it is already late!

The tower has its shortcomings, but its power is also not to be underestimated. If it has been forcibly locked, unless there is a strong force to intervene, such as this side from the side of the attack, or pure defense and movement, it is difficult to resist.

The result is the scorpion ancestor and the emperor's beast that are attacking, and the stale red mask ancestor and elk ancestor, all looking at the ancestors of the blue mask, just like the black mask ancestors, directly The tower is absorbed!

In this way, the two sables and the elk are both a glimpse of the heart and a spirit.

The red mask ancestor, who had already been psychologically stressed, was directly panicked!


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